Formula K1 Teams/Drivers

Formula K1 Teams

Szu Racing

Combined 12x Champions of the World

Driver: Stellan Envito

5x Champion 4 in a row


Tally Motorsport

Combined 3x Champion

Driver: Raquel Farina

1x Champion


Team Gropa

Combined 0x Champion

Driver: Jenson Gropa-Alez

0x Champion


Onyx-Baste Engineering

Combined 1x Champion

Driver: Racer 12 (Name Not Known)

0x Champion


FFRC United Racing Team

Combined 5x Champion

Driver: Vernon Mond

0x Champion


Newest Team:

MoMoBami Racing

Combined 0x Champion

Driver: YN LN

0x Champion


Rules And Regulations

1 Driver/Car Per Team

Cars Must Follow All Formula K1 Regulations to be allowed to race and score points

Tires: A Single Pitstop is required every race not doing so results in disqualification and a fine

Intentionally Hitting a fellow driver will result in a race ban depending on severity

Must Come into the pitts and stop all cars when a red flag is waved

Yellow Flags mean slow down

Black Flag means disqualification also means no points

Race Points goes at follows

1st Place = 20

2nd Place = 10

3rd Place = 8

4th Place = 5

5th Place = 1

6th Place = 0

Last Season 17 Races were on the Calendar


Last Seasons Standings

1st Place = Stellan Envito = 263 Points

10 Wins 5 Second Places 1 3rd Place

2nd Place = Raquel Farina = 240

7 Wins 10 2nd Places

3rd Place = Racer 12 = 137

2 2nd Places 14 3rd Places

4th Place = Jenson Gropa-Alez = 75 Points

15 4th Places 2 Disqualifications

5th Place = Vernon Mond = 20 Points

1 4th Place 15 5th Places 1 Disqualification
