Chapter 18

There's always a wall between me and other people. And in this world, I'm all alone in this world. After all—I'm not even from this world, to begin with. I, Yumiko Hotaru, am a witch that has come from a different world. And in that world I came from, I lost my life at a young age. The god of that world felt bad for me and allowed me to be reincarnated into a different world. And as a bonus, I even got to keep my magic. You could say that I lucked out, but as I was thrown into this situation, I was utterly bewildered. After all, I wasn't supposed to be living in this world. I don't exist in this world, which made me suffer from a young age. I always felt like I was all alone in this world.

—And then, one summer day…It was summer break, and yet I have no friends to play with, just going on a walk by myself. Suddenly, a strong breeze passed me, pulling off the ribbon I used to tie my hair together. When I ran after it, I spotted two people.

"Hey, take a look at this, Ayaka! Something's flying there."

"Wah, you're right! It's a ribbon! And such a beautiful one!"

There was a boy and a girl, probably the same age as me.

"Hey, let's try chasing after it, Aki-Kun!"

"Oi! Keep running and you'll trip!"

…They seem very close. Their smiles almost looked dazzling to me. To me, who's always alone, I couldn't tear my eyes away from them. It was such a wonderful sight, I found myself entranced. I want to watch them more. I want to enjoy their smiles. With that desire filling me, I hid my presence using magic, controlling the ribbon. I made it so that it wouldn't fall to the ground, allowing me to watch the two more.

"This is so cool, Aki-Kun! It doesn't fall at all!"

"How long do we have to chase after it, anyway? Didn't we come here to look for a witch?"

A witch…That word made my heart skip a beat. Are they…looking for me? Maybe they'd be friends with me if I stopped hiding. That thought crossed my mind once, but then I remembered that this world had no magic in it, and revealing myself brought plenty of harm with it. So for that reason, I suppressed my desire to approach them.

However, I chose to keep controlling the ribbon with magic, guiding them to a place that should allow me to see even more of their smiles. It was a sunflower field that acted like a huge area of radiating yellow and gold colors. It's one of my favorite places, too. Arriving there, the two reacted exactly as I expected…No, even more so, they smiled like the bright sun. It was such a wonderful sight, I could stare at them for hours. At that time, I could only watch over them. I couldn't even call out to them. But…

If we…if we ever got to meet again, then…I'd love to be friends with them. That was the thought that crossed my mind—

And then, the day of our reunion happened. They happened to attend the same school I enrolled at. That being said, I didn't realize it at first. We were in different classes, and my memories of their faces were awfully hazy. Explicitly so, because I only saw them once years and years ago. The reason I realized it is when the entire school was suddenly filled with white smoke. The person who caused this was a so-called Kusama-kun from a neighboring class.

"This was necessary to summon the strongest spirit! And if I have that, I could even rule the whole world!"

Captured by the teacher, Kusama-kun was lectured in the hallway. And yet, he showed no repentance. Instead, his eyes were still sparkling. Seeing that his lecture was futile, the teacher sighed and asked Kusama-kun.

"What problem do you have with the world, huh? Or are you just enjoying causing a ruckus like this?"

"What?! I just like occult stuff! And this ritual was necessary…I didn't mean to trouble anybody else…"

As this conversation unfolded…

"Sensei, it's fine to scold him as much as you like, but he's just an idiot, not a bad person…A bit too much of an idiot, but that's beside the point."

…a single boy joined them.

"Akiuu! Are you taking my side?! As expected of my best friend!"

"Shut up, you moron! Also, do something about this smoke already! All of it, I swear!"

Even though he called him a moron, he showed no intention of genuinely insulting Kusama-kun. I knew he was saying it as a joke. Seeing this frank friendship made me feel jealous…and I realized how wonderful of a person he is. But, he also seemed so…familiar. And right as I felt that way, I could hear a girl's voice.

"Aki-Kun, let me help, too!"

"Oh, Ayaka!"

My heart jumped with joy. I see…That boy…was the same as back then. The boy I secretly admired turned out to be the boy I had seen in the past. My heart raced at this destined meeting, and my chest turned hot. But…what are the chances? Is this what they call a cheat? Is this a hidden skill I obtained when I was reincarnated? Oh no, I really want to talk to him. But, he might think of me as weird when I just randomly approach him.

After thinking about it, I couldn't muster up the courage. But shortly after that, I wanted to try out a certain sweets store near the school, where I happened to spot them again. I realized that this was as best of a chance I would ever get and approached them…But to be honest, I was incredibly nervous on the inside. Worried they'd be weirded out because I suddenly talked to them…or that I knew their names. And yet, the two of them showed no bothered reaction whatsoever and talked to me like it was nothing. It didn't last for long…but I was incredibly happy.

However, that didn't last long. Seeing their exchange and getting all flustered over an indirect kiss, I was so fulfilled, but I also couldn't bring myself to get between them, so I chose to watch them from afar. Or…so I thought.

"What are you doing here?"

Time passed, and I was now a third-year student. I was on the rooftop, eating lunch while sitting on a plastic chair when he…Yamada -kun saw me.

"…I was just eating lunch. What brings you up here? I thought the rooftop was supposed to be off-limits?"

"The magic necklace Kazama bought online got stolen by a crow. I borrowed the key from the teachers to go up here and look for it…What about you? Should you really be eating lunch in a place that was off-limits?"

"I used my father's connections to get the key. By the way, are you talking about the crow over there?" I pointed at a crow sitting on the rooftop fence, chewing on a brightly sparkling necklace.

"Oh! Thanks a bunch for pointing me there. I knew you'd fly up here…But, I'm worried it'll just fly away when I get closer."


Without saying a word, I caused a strong breeze with magic, to which the crow was forced to let go of the necklace, carrying it over toward Yamada -kun, who caught it with his hands.

"What a convenient gust of wind that was. There you go."

"R-Right…? Thanks."

Yamada -kun seemed slightly bewildered. Maybe he was a bit dubious, but there's no way he'd assume I could use magic. And even though he should have nothing else to do up on the rooftop, he continued to stand still, just looking at me.

"…Do you like being alone, Yumiko?"

"…It's not my preference or anything."

Rather, I have to be alone. Because I'm an irregularity in this world. And yet, Yamada -kun surpassed my assumptions yet again.

"Right…Err, we're gonna eat lunch after this, so if you're okay with it, wanna join us?"

It's almost like he had seen right through my facade, spying directly on my loneliness. And he was still awkward while doing so, scratching his cheek.

"Also, it's not just boys. My childhood friend Shinomiya Ayaka's gonna be there, too. She's really kind and a good person, and she even…"

From then on, Yamada -kun began listing everything good about this Shinomiya-san. Not to mention without being aware of it, I presume. I didn't expect him to keep talking about a single girl while having another one right in front of him. He most likely doesn't realize it yet, but he definitely loves his childhood friend. When this realization struck me, I struggled to not start grinning.

I had decided to not get between them, but the charming idea of eating lunch with others was too alluring to me…Eating with friends was something I had always admired. In the heat of the moment, I accepted his invitation, when Yamada -kun called Shinomiya-san and Kusama-kun up to the rooftop, and then we ate lunch together.

"…What is that dish you're eating there, Yamada -kun? It looks delicious?"

"Ah, want a bite? They sell these in the shopping district, actually. The Anpans there are just divine."

He split one of those Anpans in half, placing it on my lunch. I stared at it for a moment, while Yamada -kun and Kusama-kun were talking.

"It's rare to see you with a lunch box, Aki!"

"Yeah, Mom got some Anpans for the food she made for the butcher."

I gulped and carried the piece of Anpan into my mouth.


The potato became undone inside my mouth, as a distinct taste pleased my tastebuds. I could tell I was getting addicted to it. But even more than that…Eating lunch with others like this surely assisted in making the food even tastier.

"Haha, look at Yumiko gulping it down at record speed!"

"Seems like she's taken a liking to the Anpans!"

From that day onward, Yamada -kun would regularly come to seek me out when I was alone. Thanks to that, I managed to find a circle of friends. I was incredibly happy. They were the first friends I had since I was reborn into this world. I loved them all very much. And I even attended the same university as them. We got along then, too, and I just wished for this happy time to continue.

—However, it all came crashing down when Shinomiya-san was involved in a traffic accident. At first, I couldn't believe it. But, when I came to visit her in her hospital room, I had to accept it. She was bedridden, not waking up no matter what. I wished to save her. That desire started to fill my chest. And the first thing that came to my mind…was my ability to use magic. However, using the life of another human being was mostly forbidden territory. In fact, if magic could decide between letting a person live or letting them die, it would throw off the balance of the natural world, which could cause massive problems.

That is why this magic to save a person's life had strict conditions. It required compensation and involved complicated steps to fulfill. If not for that, it wouldn't activate. All things have a procedure with rules attached to them. And the condition that needed to be fulfilled was—

"Only those who wish to be saved… Those who struggle and never give up can be saved. And for that, they need to express their determination and will."

It's not convenient magic that allows the saving of just anybody. And I can't just save people as I see fit. In order for me to rescue these two in their time of need, I bestow them with a strict trial, overcome it, and obtain the determination to not give up…But, can I really destroy the laws of this world just to save a single person I grew attached to? Maybe modern medicine will advance so that she can be saved without me intervening.

And even assuming I were to rely on my power…If they can't overcome the trial, they can't be saved. In that event, this trial would simply become a living hell. And for that reason, I hesitated. I thought about it day after day, worried about crossing the line. In the end, I chose against taking the risk and opted to watch how things unfolded. However…when I saw Yamada -kun put that ring on Shinomiya-san's finger, I reached my limit. I wanted to save them. I wanted them to be saved. And that's why I sent her back to the past.

…At that time, she simply wished for Yamada -kun to be happy, as she had given up on her own life. However, in order for the magic to activate, the person to be saved can't give up, either. No matter how the people close to her wish for it, she has to show her own determination, or it will all be for naught. That's why…I wanted her to reconsider her thought process. Think about her desire to give up her own life just to make Yamada -kun happy.

However, she chose to push me and Yamada -kun together. So since that didn't work, I wanted to confirm his feelings. How he felt about saving her. And, he immediately chose to save her no matter what. With that, the trial I bestowed upon them…the loops began to circulate. Will they stay strong despite the despair and terror that befall them? Will he be able to withstand the invitation I will give him…filled with sweet poison?

—It was a test to see if he was a human worthy…of creating a miracle.