The Beginning

"My plan is all set, we just need to initiate it, and do it in the most unexpected time, *laughs" Mrs Linan said, while being watched by her people, tomorrow is the day where Mrs Linan will try to kill Yona, this is also the day where the principal is absent at the school, she thinks her plan will be successful, but will these actually do her good, does being so much more powerful make any good to anyone, is this actually the correct thing to do? Everyone is desperate for money, even they're already rich, because people will always think that money can solve everything

This day, as I enter he school, I can feel that there is something wrong, its not the usual like before, there are lot more students than usual, they also added another security guard at the gate "Yona are you okay?" Ayana said "Uh Yeah I am, Im just overthinking things" As I bring her to her classroom, I feel something intense, maybe Im just worrying too much about her "Goodbye" Ayana said "Okay Goodbye" … "Hey Are you really okay? What happened" … "Nothing Im just worrying about your safety" … "Oh, Dont Worry Ill be fine" … "Okay Just make sure of that Ill go now" I finnaly go to my classroom and everyone seems to be behave, they are going to attack now, Kachl Is Absent what the hell happened to him, I thought he's going to help me

"Okay lets start our science class" Our teacher said, As the teacher write on the board, some of the students took something on their bag, I cant see what it is "Mrs Yona, could you please come here and answer the question in the blackboard" Our Teacher said, I suddenly feel intense pressure, this is also the first time I became so nervous, I slowly walks towards the blackboard and grab a chalk to answer the question, "Teacher is this correct?" I said "Yes you may now sit down" ..... … … … … … … … … … … … "Oh wait" Teacher said, "What is it" I just stand in front of the class and he said "Now Class!" The students suddenly stand up and points a gun towards me, I almost panicked knowing if I move an inch, this students will start to shoot me, "Im so sorry Mr Yona, but we just been told to do this" The teacher said while smirking at me, the students looks scared, and I don't think they want to do such thing, "Do you think this will do any good to you?" I said, "Yes I might be featured on the news later, and the bounty money" … "And you think Mrs Linan will give you some money? She's going to take all of it, and left nothing for you" The teacher startled, "A-and can you explain why I should believe you?" … "Because every student here doesn't want to do this" I said, The teacher suddenly laughed "Do you thi-" I took the opportunity, I slammed his head on to the blackboard as fast as I can, the students we're shocked, The teacher will be unconscious for a while, "Hey What are you All Doing!!" One of the students said and commands others to fire, I dodge all the bullets until, "ARGHH!" One of them accidentally shoots one student "Hey Alber!" A student said, "He-He's DEAD??" … "Hey ALBER!" Tssk I dont have time to check him, I need to leave the school immediately and find the principal, I run as fast as I can.

As I enter the principal's office, I saw nothing, Goddamit the principal isn't here, well all I need to do is leave the school, the other classrooms are empty, there I can see the gate now, wait....... Ayana, I need to leave with her or she might get in danger, I go to her classroom but there is no one around, this is bad Mrs Linan might make her as a hostage, I need to find her as soon as possible

I looked at every classroom but she is nowhere to find, "Ayana!" … "Ayana are you there?" … "Where are you!?" I shouted her name but I can't see any signs of her, there is also no one chasing me, !!!!!!!!! I heard a strange sound, its a crying noise, its from the 4th floor of the building, at the very top, I immediately run to go upstairs hoping its Ayana crying, and she's actually it.



Next to her is Mrs Linan, she's holding a gun, but it doesn't seem that she's going to shoot her, Im actually the only target here

"Mr Yona"

"Mrs Linan, can you please give Ayana to me, she's not involve here, Im your only target right??, She's got nothing to do with this!"

"Ahahaha, I have one assignment for her, its so simple, are you deaf? Ayana?"

No way I hope she wont hurt her

"Uhm Im so sorry Mrs Linan I-I cant do it to him" Ayana said

"So your bond probably strengthen huh?" Mrs Linan said

"Please dont involve her on this" I said

"Yeah don't worry everyone will be safe, Ayana, Kachl And Other Students"

She probably took Kachl too

"But Ayana has to do one thing"

"What is it?"

Mrs Linan gives Ayana the gun

"Shoot Him".