Kira see Morita having bad day for her life

Meanwhile, Kira went to the Sakura dorm and Seki dragged her arm and she said to her was.

Seki: Kira please don't get mad at Morita

Kira: I won't ever get mad with her and why?

Once Morita came to see Kira was there and she bring all of Kira's clothes and she see that it was all black in colour but she didn't get mad at all but she just tap on her both her shoulders and she was saying to her was.

Kira: please Morita see me outside my car and Seki doesn't follow us

Seki: why can't follow you guys outside

Kobayashi: because you just can't go and I want you to follow me to go shopping together with Akane

Seki: wait…wait…Akane is here?

Suddenly, Akane was here and she was whispering in Morita's ear saying that she was something she won't regret in her life.

Akane: Morita please take care of Kira for me, please

Morita: Akane?

Akane: later and good to see you again Kira

Kira: sure of course

When they are going to go to a shopping mall together with the former member Moriya Akane and with Kobayashi and Seki who is very confused at the looks on Kira's face.

Once they were leaving them alone and Kira was grab on Morita's hand and they are going inside the car just to prepare for them to have a great time together with the new harem sex Morita.

Morita: Kira what are we doing here inside the car alone together?

Kira: oh Hikaru you will see and what am I talking about?

Morita: what?

Out of a sudden, Morita's hand accidentally was touching Kira's futa cock in her pant while Kira was kissing her on Morita's lips she help Morita to rub my futa cock hard until Kira had cum inside her pant and with her boxer too as well.

Kira: oh fuck Hikaru please do it more and hard sex with me

Morita: Kira did you moan while I was touching you something at your pant

Out of the blue, Kira open her pant with her boxer and while Morita was looking down at her pant and she can see that Kira had a futanari on her pant.

Morita: Kira please I don't want to get pregnant with you

Kira: I won't get you pregnant but I will you impregnated with my sperm

They were having sex together inside the car when other members are seeing them doing something inside while the car was shaking from inside the car.

Kira: Hikaru please can I move inside of you

Morita: Kira…Kira…I love you-

Suddenly, Morita haven't finished her words and Kira had a second kiss on Morita's lips while she had cum inside her pussy until she had more than satisfied with having sex together with Kira and her life is turning into a happy life with Kira.

Kira: I'm sorry Hikaru it looks like I did too much cum inside of you

Morita: it's okay but I'm happy you did do something before I go back to my room and lock myself inside

Kira: so Hikaru you want to do one more tomorrow at the dressing room toilet together

Morita: I love it too but what about the member?

Kira: don't worry about them but just focus on me

Morita: oh Kira

Sudden Kira was taking out her futa cock and she was changed into the new pant that Morita had messed with Kira's clothes and she was wearing them and Morita was liking that she loved the pant that I did mess with the colour clothes but Kira was done change her normal clothes and she went out from the car and follow by Morita had her behind of her back.

Tamura: eh? Morita? and Kira too?

Morita: well Kira we will see you tomorrow at the dressing room

Kira: okay later Hikaru

Right before Kira was going back from the Sakura dorm and she want to go somewhere else inside the hotel room or something but she was bumped into someone else and it was from another member and a different idol group member.

Kira: oops sorry but are you okay?

Later when she was seeing that Kira had a huge pretty face on her went she was dragging her hand and others can see that only Kira's side of her body and another half is covered by the walls.

Morita: well I'm better to get to sleep now

Tamura: wait…I want to do what are you doing inside the car alone together?

Yamasaki: yea I want to know as well

Right before they were going back inside the Sakura dorm and just Kira was with someone who want to fuck her inside the street in the back alley.

Kira: wait…what are you with my pant?

Miyata: I want to see your futa cock that badly

Kira: wait…Miyata if you to see my futa cock but at least we go to the hotel room

Miyata: no I do not want to go to the hotel room but I want to stay here with you and do that here

Suddenly, Miyata was open Kira pant down with her boxer while Miyata was sucking her sexy futa cock against her mouth while Kira had moan her sound and suddenly, Kira had cum inside her sticky white sperm in Miyata's mouth.

Miyata: Kira looks like your futa cock liking to be sucking that hard until you had cum that much inside my mouth

Kira: Miyata please can I put inside your pussy while I was carrying you around my hips

Miyata: please be gentle to me while you do your sex on me

Kira: sure I love to

When Kira was putting her futa cock and she was carrying Miyata around her hips against each other body and Kira was starting to move inside of her wet fucking pussy until Kira had cum her semen inside of her.

Kira: Miyata…Miyata…I'm about to cum!!

Miyata: yes please cum inside of me and make me impregnated with your sperm

Finally, Kira had cum inside of her pussy and Kira take out her futa cock and she was wearing back her pant but her boxer had a cum over the boxer but she was having a great time together with the Hinatazaka46 Miyata and she is a very liking girl so much until they had enough of the be hentai around the girl.

Kira: well Miyata I will see you again but tomorrow I have plans with my member

Miyata: sure okay but can I visit you tomorrow while you had done together with your plans

Kira: sure l would love too

Kira was kissed on Miyata's lips while other of the Hinatazaka46 have to see that Miyata has a secret boyfriend for us but they can't see his face and he was covered by his black mask under his hoodie jacket.