The space is still there

Qin Jingchi calmed down slowly, looked at Jiang Wanwan, and said, "You've been cold for so many days, and it's finally getting better. Just lie down, and I'll go get something to eat."

Qin Jingchi covered her with the quilt before opening the door. When he went out, he saw Qin Qi'an sitting on the small stool outside, and his eyes were bright when he saw himself walking out.

Qin Jingchi's heart is soft, and looking at his cute appearance, makes people want to hold all the good things in front of him, pamper him, and love him.

He walked over and touched Qin Qi'an's head, picked him up, kissed him, and said, "Qian, did you miss Daddy?"

Tuantuan felt Daddy's beard piercing his face, squinting his eyes. He laughed, "Hahahaha, think! I miss Daddy!"

After playing enough, he thought of something and suddenly said to Qin Jingchi, "Dad, my mother gave me a nickname today, called Tuantuan; I like it!"

Qin Jingchi slightly. He was stunned for a moment, then returned to his senses and said, "Tuan Tuan is adorable. Will daddy be called Qi An Tuantuan after that, okay?"

Tuantuan nodded happily, "Yeah!"

After a while, Tuantuan approached Qin Jingchi's ear and said softly: "Dad, my mother said she would be nice to me in the future. Is it true? She will hug me and kiss me like Goudan's mother in the future and let me lie down beside her to sleep?"

Qin Jingchi looked at Tuantuan carefully but couldn't help but look happy, and his heart was sour, "Yes, my mother loves you very much and loves you as much as my father! In the future, my father and mother will take good care of us, Tuantuan!"

Listening to his father, Answering in the affirmative, he said softly, "Well, Tuan Tuan will also love Daddy and Mother very much!"

Jiang Wanwan listened to the joyful laughter of Dumplings outside and couldn't help laughing along.

Jiang Wanwan was thinking about her future life; she suddenly thought of something, patted her head, and almost forgot about the big event; she still doesn't know if her space is still there?

She hurriedly checked, entered the space and looked at all kinds of seeds and grains, and was relieved.

Before the world's end, she opened a small restaurant, and the business was not bad. Later, when the apocalypse came, she was lucky enough to awaken her space ability. There were no people in their base who had awakened space ability, so she became the only one who stored food and also cooked part-time.

However, this also has advantages and disadvantages. The good thing is that I don't have to go hungry. The bad thing is that every time I go out to find supplies, I have to follow it.

The last time, they went to a village, like a grain storage station, where they found a lot of grain and seeds.

However, before he could be happy, he was surrounded by waves of zombies, and finally, he was overwhelmed by zombies, and then he came here. Thinking of this, Jiang Wanwan sighed heavily.

Jiang Wanwan layout of her mind for a while, when she heard a slight sound, she turned her head and saw Tuantuan's head sticking out of the door, looking at her carefully when she saw that she was looking at him; he shrank his little head back suddenly, and then stretched it back out involuntarily.

Jiang Wanwan looked at his cute and loving appearance and loved him very much, "Tuan Tuan, come to my mother soon!"

Tuantuan heard her calling him, walked in shyly, closed the door, and swayed towards Jiang Wan Wan Wan, walking over, "Mother...Mother~"

Jiang Wanwan took his soft little hand, but it was cold. Seeing that he was wearing only a rough blouse full of patches, she felt deeply distressed. "Tuan Tuan, take off your shoes soon, come to the bed, and mother will cover you."

Tuantuan took off his shoes in a daze, and Jiang Wanwan carried him onto the bed and put him in the bed.

Jiang Wanwan tightened the quilt and wrapped the two of them tightly, lying in her mother's warm and fragrant arms, smiling contentedly and happily, did her mother like him?

Tuantuan cheered quietly in his heart; he must be more diligent in the future and find more wild vegetables for mother and father to eat!

Jiang Wanwan hugged his tiny body in her arms, feeling extremely distressed.

Remembering that he came in by himself, he asked, "Where's your father?"

Tuantuan replied obediently, "Daddy is cooking; he let Tuantuan play by himself."

Tuantuan touched Jiang Wanwan's belly, "Mother, Are you hungry?"

Jiang Wanwan shook her head, "No, mother just asks casually, is our baby boy hungry?"

Every time he hears his mother calling him Tuantuan and baby, he is So happy!

"No! Tuantuan is not hungry!"

Jiang Wanwan looked at him suspiciously; how could the child suddenly become happy. Then he smiled helplessly; the child seemed to have changed a lot.

The mother and son were whispering on the bed. After a while, Qin Jingchi opened the door and came in. He brought a pot of wild vegetable soup and a large pot of rough batter and put them on the table. They looked at the mother and son on the bed suspiciously. Did she say Are you serious if you want to be nice to Tuantuan?

He sighed inwardly; that's all; let's see what she's going to do first.

"You two, get up and eat; it's freezing; the food should be cold in a while."

Jiang Wanwan sat up, put on her shoes, picked up Tuantuan from the bed, and gave him the boots.

Then led Tuan Tuan to the table and sat down.

Jiang Wanwan glanced at the dishes on the table and widened her eyes in shock. Even in the most challenging winter in the end times, she has never eaten such a meal. Jiang Wanwan looked around. There was minimal furniture, but it was neat. It was estimated that Qin Jingchi had made it.

The whole house is still leaking air everywhere; such an environment is challenging for even adults, let alone with a small group.

This family is impoverished enough; I have to think about how I can make some money? It is autumn now; otherwise, what will Tuantuan do when it comes to winter?

Jiang Wanwan said, "These meals are not nutritious at all, so I have to buy some meat or something for him to eat."

Qin Jingchi glanced at her, "The family's money is with you, but every time I give you money, you buy this and that, and there should be nothing left..."

Jiang Wanwan: "..."

"Yes... I'm sorry, I... I'll find a way." No wonder the material on her clothes was good, but the men and the little dumplings were in tatters.

Jiang Wanwan looked at the wild vegetables and batter in the bowl and couldn't eat it; she only took a few symbolic bites.

Looking at Tuantuan and Qin Jingchi, both of them ate deliciously; Jiang Wanwan seemed very sad.

Looking at her putting down her chopsticks, Tuantuan said to her suspiciously: "Mother, are you not eating? Today's wild vegetables and batter are delicious. Dad found a lot and came back. It's enough for us to eat several meals. Eat a little."

After speaking, the little hand trembled slightly, scooping the sticky paste with a wooden spoon and putting it into Jiang Wanwan's bowl.

Jiang Wanwan looked at his well-behaved and sensible appearance; her heart was sour and soft.

"Tuan Tuan! Eat more, Tuan Tuan. Mother has no appetite right now. In the evening, she will prepare something delicious for you."

In addition to food, there are a lot of seasonings, vegetables, and the like in her space, which will not spoil if you keep it all the time. I will go to the mountain to see it later and think of a way to bring some back.

This little dumpling is thin and small, and it needs to be repaired well.

After the three of them finished their meal, Qin Jingchi was about to go out. Someone asked him to make a cabinet, and he would only come back at night.

Before leaving, he hesitated for a while, then walked to Jiang Wanwan and instructed: "I'll go to work first; you watch Tuan Tuan, don't let him run around, but he's perfect, so he probably won't go out. "

Jiang Wanwan nodded; it would be better if the man left, it would be more convenient to go to the mountain by himself.