Sleeping with Mother

Qin Jingchi took a shower with cold water outside, pushed open the door, and went in. He saw the mother and son hiding under the quilt and playing around. He unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth, walked over, and pulled the quilt away, only to see Tuantuan lying on his ass bare. He was smiling happily in his mother's arms.

He and Jiang Wanwan looked at each other. Jiang Wanwan was only wearing obscene clothes, and while playing with Tuantuan, her smooth and round shoulders were revealed. Qin Jingchi suppressed the fire in his eyes, looked away unnaturally, and stretched out towards Tuantuan. He shot and said,

"Tuan Tuan, come to daddy's arms, go to sleep."

Tuan Tuan heard that his daddy was going to take him to sleep in a cot, and looked at Jiang Wanwan anxiously and aggrieved, Jiang Wanwan patted his head, Gave him a reassuring smile.

Then he said to Qin Jingchi: "In the future, you and Tuantuan should both sleep on the big bed. That bed is too small, not to mention that Tuantuan can't stand it, and even you, I'm afraid you can't stretch your legs straight."

Qin Jingchi looked at her clear face. Eyes, he nodded, "Okay."

"Then...then come up quickly!" Jiang Wanwan blushed when she saw that his upper body was naked, revealing his beautiful abdominal muscles. He hurriedly lowered his head, pretending to be talking to Tuantuan.

Qin Jingchi was still stunned, not realizing that she was uncomfortable. Just mechanically climbed onto the bed and lay on the outside.

Tuantuan lay between the two of them, looking left and right, very happy.

He moved his little hands, touched Qin Jingchi's hair, touched the still wet hair, and said to Qin Jingchi in a soft voice: "Dad, your hair is still wet. Sit up quickly, and I will wipe it for you. !"

Qin Jingchi looked at Tuantuan's cute and cute appearance, his heart was soft, and he couldn't help hugging him and kissing him, "Then Tuan Tuan, help daddy wipe it." After speaking, he handed a piece of cloth beside the bed to his son.

Just as Tuan Tuan was about to take it, Jiang Wanwan took it from there, "I'll wipe it for your father! Just lie down in the quilt, okay?"

"What should I do if I catch a cold with a bare butt?!"

After listening to his mother's words, Tuantuan realized that his mother had just wrapped a bellyband for him. Thinking of this, he covered his little butt with his backhand, hid under the covers shyly, and said, "Then. ..that mother help daddy clean it!"

Jiang Wanwan and Qin Jingchi laughed out loud when they thought of the embarrassed and cute little appearance of their baby just now, listening to the muffled soft voice coming from the quilt.

Hearing their laughter, Tuantuan became even more ashamed. He formed himself into a small ball and said angrily, "Daddy! Mother!" The

two looked at the small ball that was arched in the quilt, only to think that he was cuter. !

The two laughed for a while before Jiang Wanwan pulled the quilt away, showing Tuantuan his head, and kissed his round little nose, "Tuan Tuan! Lie down well, Mommy will wipe your dad's hair, don't laugh It's you."

Tuantuan looked at the two of them and instantly forgot how embarrassed he was just now, he just felt that today was really good, father and mother slept with him, and ate the best meal in the world Fan, the most important thing is that my mother kissed him and hugged him, and said that she will like him very much in the future!

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily, his body moved, and his head rubbed against his father's leg.

As soon as Qin Jingchi lowered his head, he saw the big clear eyes filled with laughter. He stretched out his hand and gently pinched his son's tender face, and then pinched his small ears. cute.

Tuan Tuan grabbed his father's hand, squeezed his fingers to compare with himself, and then widened his eyes, "Dad, your hands are so big! Will Tuan Tuan's hands become that big in the future?"

Qin Jingchi nodded. , "Yes!"

Tuantuan scratched his head tangled, looked at his father's big hands, and thought bitterly, big hands are not cute at all.

After a while, I laughed again, but when I grow up, I can go out and make money like my father, and my father doesn't have to be so lucky!

Last winter, Dad went out to make money. When he came back, he had a lot of wounds on his hands. He felt very distressed and wanted to grow up quickly!!

"Dad, when Tuantuan grows up, he must make a lot of money. Then you and your mother won't have to be so fortunate!"

Jiang Wanwan's hair was almost wiped off. Hearing this, she put down the handkerchief in her hand. Son grabbed Tuantuan's little hand and said, "In the future, you don't need to make money with Tuan Tuan. Mother and father make more money. Later, they will send us to school and become the champion in the future! Okay?"

Tuantuan exclaimed in surprise: "Mother, can I go to school?"

Jiang Wanwan smiled and nodded, "Of course! But we have to be bigger before we can go!"

Qin Jingchi glanced at Jiang Wanwan and nodded in agreement.

Looking at his father and mother, Tuantuan was so happy that he tossed and turned on the bed excitedly.

Jiang Wanwan was afraid that he would catch a cold, so she hurriedly hugged him and put him under the quilt, "Okay, stop playing, hurry up and sleep!"

Then Tuantuan closed his eyes obediently.

After Tuan Tuan fell asleep, Jiang Wanwan said to Qin Jingchi, "Have you eaten the potatoes we ate today before?"

Qin Jingchi shook his head, thinking that she couldn't read the light when the lights were out, and said again, " No!"

"Potatoes are very resistant to hunger. If every household grows them, the yield will be very high."

Qin Jingchi began to take this thing seriously, he thought it was just delicious, although it looked very delicious. Big, but didn't think about planting.

Seeing that Qin Jingchi didn't say anything, Jiang Wanwan continued: "However, even if we want to plant it, it will have to be next spring."

"When I went up the mountain today, I saw potatoes growing on a small piece of land, so I dug it back. I think there should be a lot more on the mountain!"

"If you are all right tomorrow, we will go up the mountain to look for it, and by the way, see if there is anything else to eat."

"Well, good."

After a while, Qin Jingchi tried again. Said, "I don't seem to be the same as before."

After listening to his words, Jiang Wanwan's heart sank, and she had to find an excuse, "I have caught a cold for the past few days, and I have been groggy and had some strange dreams, in which our family lives together. Very good, I looked at it, and it seemed like it was very good!"

"...I will live a good life with you in the future, you believe me!"

As for the edible things she found, she did not explain.

Qin Jingchi used to go out a lot and didn't know the original owner very well. Even if the original owner knew what to eat and what not to eat, he would not tell him. Qin Jingchi should have understood this.

After a while, Qin Jingchi slowly replied, "Okay!"

Jiang Wanwan raised the corner of her mouth after listening to his answer.

He carefully tucked the quilt into the quilt, and said to Qin Jingchi, "Then go to sleep, we'll be busy tomorrow! ".