Help with making clothes

Qin's father and Qin's mother looked at the dishes on the table again, and felt dizzy. Are these all in the water? ! How is this possible! !

Mother Qin reacted for a long time, and then she watched Jiang Wanwan's eyes light up, darling! Her daughter-in-law is beautiful, even if she can make money, she can even make pig water that no one wants to buy is better than fat pork!

Originally, she thought that the whole table was full of meat and vegetables, and it would cost a lot of money, but she thought it was all worthless meat.

After the family had a full meal, Mother Qin took Jiang Wanwan's hand and asked, "Wanwan, how did you go into the water? There's no smell at all. You can teach your godmother when you turn back, mother. I'll make it for your father and Ayan to eat when I go back."

Then he happily continued: "This pig is so cheap to make, and it's delicious to make. In the future, when you teach your mother, I won't buy pork, just Buy the water and eat it back!"

Jiang Wanwan couldn't help laughing and laughing, and persuaded: "Mother, this boiled water is delicious, but eating pork is good for your health, so just buy some to eat occasionally."

"Or buy some spare ribs . You can also stew whatever you want. Although pork ribs are cheaper than pork, they are actually more fragrant than pure pork!"

Qin's mother nodded thoughtfully, "Okay, mother listen to you!"

Qin Jingyan was too full. Slumped on the chair, he said with emotion, "If I could eat my sister-in-law's cooking every day, I would be so happy like a fairy!"

Jiang Wanwan smiled and said, "You all have to come and help in the future, of course. You can eat it every day. Besides, we will build a big house in the future, and the whole family will live together. Are you afraid that you will not be able to eat delicious food?"

Qin Jingyan thought about his future life, hehe laughed, "sister-in-law, You are so kind!"

Qin Jingchi glanced at him defensively after hearing the words, Qin Jingyan was still thinking of a better life, but accidentally caught a glimpse of his brother's eyes, the corner of his mouth twitched, speechless! He just felt that he could eat all kinds of delicious food made by her sister-in-law! What is his brother thinking?

Jiang Wanwan looked at the light outside the house and said to Qin's mother, "Mother, I bought two pieces of cloth and some cotton a few days ago, and wanted to make two clothes for Jingchi and Tuantuan, but I couldn't do it well. Come and help me!"

Qin's mother responded quickly: "Okay! If you are busy, let me do it!"

Looking at the cloth Jiang Wanwan took out, Qin's mother's eyes lit up, "You buy The colors of the two pieces of cloth are good, and Jingchi and Tuantuan will definitely look good in them!"

Jiang Wanwan rubbed the cloth, "Yes, I also think it should look good, it feels very suitable for him!"

Qin's mother felt itchy while holding the cloth , "Why don't I just take it back and make it. Depending on the length of the fabric, we should be able to make two suits for Tuantuan and Achi each."

"When I make them, I make them a single shirt, which can be worn in summer. , a winter shirt with a little more cotton!"

Jiang Wanwan was so happy that she shouldn't have said, "Okay! It's just that you all have to come over tomorrow, will you have no time to do it?"

Mother Qin patted her hand. "Don't worry, my hands and feet are very fast. Even if I do it for an hour a day, it will be done in a few days!"

Jiang Wanwan nodded, "Well, thank you for being a hard worker!"

Mother Qin looked at the now well-behaved gentleman Daughter-in-law, with mixed feelings in her heart, took her hand and said, "Wanwan, mother knows that you are well-behaved and sensible now, and you will have a good life in the future, don't quarrel, if Achi bullies you, you will Tell me, I'll help you clean him up, and he still listens to what I say!"

Jiang Wanwan said in her heart, "Okay, when he bullies me, I'll go and complain to my mother!" The

mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were talking happily, Qin The father shouted, "Old lady, let's go back, come over early tomorrow! " "Hey

! Come!"

"Wanwan, that mother will go first."

Jiang Wanwan followed her to the door and instructed Qin Jingyan Said: "Ayan, there are potholes on the road, you should help your parents and be careful."

Qin Jingyan replied: "Okay, I see, sister-in-law, don't worry."

Qin's father put Tuantuan down from his arms, "My grandson, grandpa and grandma are going back first!"

Then he told Qin Jingchi and Jiang Wanwan He said, "Okay, let's go in, it's cold outside, so let's hurry back!"

"Okay! Slow down on the road!"

When the backs of the three disappeared at the end of the path, Tuantuan pulled his father and mother. Kissing him in, "Mom and dad, hurry up!! Tuantuan is so cold!! Hands are ice-cold!"

Qin Jingchi picked him up and put him in his arms, kissing him with a smile, "Okay, go in and put Tuantuan in the quilt and give it to us. Warm the bed!" The

little dumpling was kissed on the neck by his father's cold lips, and suddenly screamed and shrank his head, "Ah! Dad is bad!!

" With a smile on his face, "Okay! Jingchi, don't make fun of Tuantuan!"

The laughter of a family of three spread far away...

and Li Gui's family next to him was happily eating the dishes they sent over.

Li Gui put the fat intestines with several chopsticks into his mouth, and said with emotion: "Jingchi's wife doesn't know how to make it, but this meat is so delicious! It's very chewy, and I don't know what kind of meat it is made of. Yes!"

Mr. Li was eating the stir-fried pork liver and nodded, "What kind of meat did he send? We don't seem to have eaten it before, and we don't know if it is more expensive than pork!

" He continued: "You said, can we give them a piece of pork next time? It's not good to eat such delicious food!"

"Okay, Jingchi doesn't care about these people. I'll ask him what kind of meat this is when I get a chance, and we'll buy some and make it next time!"

Mrs Li nodded, "Okay!"

While eating, she wiped Xiaobao's face next to her. This little guy especially likes sweet and sour pork ribs. His parents only ate a piece of it. Seeing that he liked it so much, he was reluctant to eat it. I wanted to give him his next meal, and I poured half a bowl of rice into it and let him mix it with the rest.

Seeing that his son was eating happily, Mrs. Li said, "I have time to go to Jingchi's daughter-in-law to learn how to cook. After learning, I will cook it for my son!"

Li Gui said hesitantly, "They will be willing to teach you. Is it? Such delicious dishes, in case she wants to make them and sell them in the future."

Li Shi then reacted angrily, "Yes! People are kind enough to send us meat, and if we go to school, it's really shameless! "

I'll go buy some myself and try to make it myself! This meat looks like pork ribs. It tastes sweet, and it probably has sugar added to it.

" What about adding sugar?? If we haven't eaten this meat before, just listening to adding sugar to the meat, we might think how unpleasant it will be! I'm only born with melon seeds in my head, so I can come up with such a method!"

Li Gui nodded in agreement. "No way!"

"By the way, I'm going to the county fair tomorrow. I'll go buy some spare ribs and come back! Anyway, the pork ribs are much cheaper!"

Li shi agreed and nodded: "Okay!"