Beef Jerky

Qin Jingchi smiled and said, "Although the rough model of this case has come out, the most time-consuming task is to carve the flowers. The bird of paradise you mentioned in the drawings looks beautiful and will take more time."

Jiang After hearing that, Wanwan kissed him and said, "The husband is working hard!"

Qin Jingchi took her into his arms, "You're the one; you must work hard every day."

Suddenly remembering the business, Jiang Wanwan spoke up. He said: "Ah! By the way, today, the magistrate will bring his wife and daughter to our house for dinner."

Qin Jingchi said in surprise: "Why suddenly..."

"Today, the magistrate seems to be taking a break and bringing his daughter to buy a meal." Tudou, I just invited them."

Qin Jingchi nodded, "Then let me help you!"

"Okay!" The two walked out of the woodworking room, and Qin's father and Qin's mother also came back.

Jiang Wanwan looked at them and said, "Father and mother, the county magistrate wants to come to our house for dinner today. Jingchi and I are going to cook. We have to work hard to get the potatoes."

Qin's father and Qin's mother heard that the county magistrate wanted to Come; he said nervously: "When will your lord come?"

Jiang Wanwan said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, you saw it last time. The magistrate is very good and not severe. "

You can do what you did last time, have a meal."

Qin's father and Qin's mother listened to her words and calmed down slowly, "Okay, then your father and I will make potatoes."

"Ah, By the way, Li Gui has already sent the fish; your father weighed it; it is 60 jin. Will it be a bit too much?"

Jiang Wanwan shook her head, "No, 60 jin is not necessarily the same. Enough, today's fifty catties of fish balls are not enough to sell."

Father Qin said anxiously, "Then should we stop catching some ourselves?"

"No, you can let Li Sange catch another twenty pounds tomorrow. If you sell too much, everyone will soon get tired of it." The

Two nodded.

Jiang Wanwan and Qin Jingchi entered the kitchen, and when she saw the beef strips on the windowsill, she remembered that the beef jerky had not been grilled.

Fortunately, the cooktop that Father Qin built outside is enormous, and there is still a lot of space inside the cooktop. If the top of the cooktop is blocked, it is used as a simple oven.

Jiang Wanwan put all the beef strips into the tray. The tray and the crock pot are made of the same material, so they won't burn out. Then, he blocked the mouth of the stove, and the tray was placed inside the furnace. When the charcoal has not been extinguished after the meal, let the beef slowly roast in it.

In the kitchen, Jiang Wanwan grabbed the chicken from the chicken coop and asked Qin Jingchi to kill it.

She steamed the rice and took out the fat intestines, pig trotters, and butt tips.

The buttocks have a lot of lean meat, with only a tiny layer of fat, which is perfect for braised pork. Clean the heart, cut it into suitable cubes, and set aside for later use.

Put the pig's trotters on the stove and burn them to remove the pig's hair and, simultaneously, remove the fishy smell of the pig's trotters.

Please take out the trotters, use a knife to scrape off the carbon black on the surface of the trotters, clean the trotters, chop them into small pieces, and set aside for later use.

The fat intestines are rubbed vigorously and repeatedly with flour and salt to clean them.

After cutting the onion, ginger, garlic, and pepper, Qin Jingchi brought in the killed and cleaned chicken.

Qin Jingchi brought the chopping board and said, "Let me cut it; what do you want to cut it into?"

Jiang Wanwan said, "It's probably about the size of your thumb."

Qin Jingchi nodded. Start moving.

Before the rice on the stove was ready, Jiang Wanwan went out to see how the beef was roasting.

The charcoal fire outside was not very large, so the beef was roasted for a while longer. Jiang Wanwan estimated that it should have been burned almost during this time. She took out the tray and took a piece of beef jerky to taste. It was spicy and fragrant. Very chewy.

She nodded with satisfaction, and it was a success!

He brought the tray into the kitchen; Qin Jingchi was still chopping chicken; Jiang Wanwan took one and fed it to him, "Try the beef jerky I made."

Qin Jingchi smelled it and knew it must be delicious, so he took the jerky. I put it in my mouth and chewed it. It was full of spicy and delightful aroma, and it was very chewy. The more I chewed, the more fragrant it became!

Qin Jingchi's eyes lit up, "It's delicious! It's very chewy!"

Jiang Wanwan smiled playfully, "Of course, beef jerky is like this; it's a snack I specially made; it can be eaten when it's cold; usually, It's delicious to chew without anything."

Qin Jingchi finished chewing the stick in his mouth and said, "Give me another stick." After speaking, he opened his mouth wide.

Jiang Wanwan smiled and gave him another bite.

Jiang Wanwan put some beef jerky in a bowl and put the rest first, and said, "I'll give the bowl to the little guys to taste."

Qin Jingchi chewed the beef jerky and replied, "Go ahead. ."

Jiang Wanwan put the bowl on the dining table in the small hall and greeted a few little guys, "Don't play around; come in and eat beef jerky!"

Qin Jingyan heard there was something to eat and hurriedly put a few small ones away. The guy brought it in.

Tuan Tuan sniffed next to the bowl, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said happily, "Mother! It's fragrant! What is it?"

Jiang Wanwan scratched the tip of his nose and said with a smile, "This is beef jerky; you all have a taste."

Several people took a piece of beef jerky and ate it. At first, the taste was spicy and fragrant. It was already very fragrant, but slowly it became more and more aromatic. Everyone's cheeks were agitated, and they could eat it. It was very fragrant. Qin Jingyan was mixed among the little guys, and it wasn't abrupt. Inexplicably, it was a little cuter as a young man.

"Tuan Tuan, bring the beef jerky to your grandparents, too. Mother and your father continue to cook."

Tuan Tuan replied obediently, "Okay, let's go."

The little guy took out the bowl and divided it. Some were given to Qin's father and Qin's mother, who quickly ran back with a bowl, put the bowl on the table, and asked his uncle to put him on a chair and continue to eat.

Jiang Wanwan ignored them and went straight back to the kitchen.

When he returned, Qin Jingchi's chicken was chopped by himself, and he took the beef jerky and chewed it.

Jiang Wanwan gave him a funny look, it seemed that this person liked it very much, and she couldn't help thinking that she could buy some pork and make pork jerky in the future.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Wanwan ignored him, walked to the stove, lifted the lid of the pot, and the aroma of brown rice filled the room instantly. Jiang Wanwan took a deep breath and scooped out the steamed rice. Just wash the pot to start cooking.

First, put the cleaned pig trotters into the pot, add onion and ginger slices, add some rice wine bought a few days ago, cover the pot and blanch the water, take out the pig trotters after blanching, pour oil in the pot, put in Stir-fry ginger, garlic, chili, sesame pepper, and spices until fragrant. Pour in the trotters and stir-fry a few times. Pour in boiling water, add soy sauce and rock sugar, cover the pot and start simmering on high heat.