Tuan Tuan's Friend's Birthday

After making the strange-smelling peanuts, Jiang Wanwan steamed some pumpkin and sweet potatoes. After steaming, they were crushed separately. They were made into pumpkin pies and sweet potato pies in the same way as pumpkin pie. They were also very sweet when they came out of the pot.

In the woodworking room, Qin Jingchi was sculpting on the desk when suddenly a small dumpling hung on his leg. The small dumpling was chattering and wanted to climb up his leg.

Qin Jingchi didn't care, and continued to carve until the last tail feathers were carved. Then he put down the tool in his hand and took the little man into his arms. "What's the matter?" Why are you looking for a daddy?

, asked nervously: "Daddy, is the pony car we want to give to brother Goudan ready?"

Qin Jingchi smiled helplessly. After pestering him for a long time, although he fixed it yesterday, he couldn't help but want to tease him, so he lied to him that it was not yet fixed, and just after noon, he couldn't wait to come over and ask again.

Qin Jingchi pinched his little face, "Okay, how many times have I asked this?"

Tuan Tuan smiled with satisfaction and said quickly, "Then let's take a look at Tuan Tuan. Is it as good-looking as the one from Tuan Tuan?"

Qin Jingchi took the carriage out of the wooden box and handed it to him.

Tuantuan observed carefully, "Wow! It's as beautiful and majestic as Tuantuan's! "

The carriage he made was almost the same as the one he made for Tuantuan, except that the type of horses pulling the carriage in front was different, and the shape of the carriage was also different. It's not the same. The most special thing is that the words "Happy Birthday" are engraved on the top of the carriage. Other places are similar.

"Dad, what is this?" The little guy asked, pointing to the words on the top of the carriage.

Qin Jingchi pointed to the words and read them to him one by one, explaining to him, "Here are a few words, that is, 'Happy Birthday'."

Tuantuan nodded, "Wow! Brother Goudan will definitely like it more!

"The carriage looked at it and jumped off Qin Jingchi's legs," "Daddy, I'm going to show it to my mother!"

Seeing him jumping out of the door, Qin Jingchi picked up the carving tool and continued the movement just now.

"Mother, mother!" Daddy has prepared the carriage for brother Goudan'er. It's as good-looking as Tuantuan's! "

Jiang Wanwan saw him jumping up and down when he was happy, and said quickly, "Slow down." Let's go. What should I do if I fall? " The

The little guy then slowed down and walked, walked in front of her, and handed the carriage to Jiang Wanwan, "Mom, look!"

Jiang Wanwan took the small carriage. Looking at the carriage, the carvings were also very detailed. Seeing the vigorous small characters engraved on the top of the carriage, Jiang Wanwan was stunned for a moment. Yes, Qin Jingchi went to school for a few years, and during this time she did not see him write anything, but I completely ignored this memory.

Seeing that she was just holding the pony car but didn't speak, Tuantuan thought she liked pony cars too. "Mother, do you like pony cars too?" Mother can play with balls, but this is for Goudan'er.Gifts, we can't play. "

Jiang Wanwan put the pony cart in his hand and said, "Mother doesn't play, I just thought of other things."

Mother's snacks are ready. Hurry up. Come on and try it. Hearing that there were snacks, the little guy's eyes lit up instantly. He pulled Jiang Wanwan.

sleeve and anxiously asked, "What is it?"

I took some for him. The jelly would have to solidify for a while, so I didn't give it to him, "Hurry up!"

He had eaten pumpkin pie, so he was more interested in the strange-smelling peanuts, so he put a peanut in his mouth. After chewing, my eyes glowed, "Mother, what is this? It's delicious! It's crunchy! "

"It's the peanuts my grandparents gave us that day."

"Ah?"Tuantuan's eyes widened in surprise. He ate two peanuts and didn't eat them. They were tasteless, but the ones his mother made were delicious!

The mother and son ate a small bowl of peanuts together, and Qin Jingchi came in, "Brother Daniel, let us go earlier; sister-in-law is about to cook."

Jiang Wanwan nodded, while Tuantuan put The small bowl containing peanuts was handed to Qin Jingchi, "Dad, eat peanuts; my mother made them. They're delicious and crunchy!"

Qin Jingchi touched his head and grabbed a handful of peanuts from the small bowl. After eating one by one, Jiang Wanwan saw that he was eating deliciously and asked, "How is it?"

"It's delicious, very delicious!"

Jiang Wanwan smiled, "I'll do more in the future. You have nothing to do." Can you also grab a handful and chew it when you want? "

Qin Jingchi would not agree. He nodded quickly, and Xiao Tuantuan followed his father and nodded solemnly.

"Are you almost ready? Let's go. "

Jiang Wanwan shook her head, "Wait."

After speaking, she stood up and walked over to bring in the jelly on the edge of the windowsill, and uncovered the gauze, which contained the original The orange juice and grape juice have condensed into a transparent jelly, which is crystal clear, and the orange petals and green grapes can be clearly seen in the jelly, which is very beautiful.

Qin Jingchi and Tuantuan originally just came up to take a look, but when they saw the jelly inside, both of them widened their eyes in surprise.

Jiang Wanwan was full of laughter, as expected of a father and son, with the same small expressions.

"What exactly is this?"Can I eat it? "

"Mother, it's so beautiful! Is it a small toy? But why is it in a small bowl? But there are still oranges and grapes in it. "

Tuantuan scratched his head, a little confused.

Jiang Wanwan took the small bamboo baskets that Qin's father had woven a few days ago. The small bamboo baskets were specially made into two layers, just enough to hold jelly. After putting a bowl of jelly into it, there were still several bowls left.

She set aside a bowl of orange jelly and a bowl of grape jelly for the father and son, put the rest back on the kitchen cabinet, handed the spoon to Tuan Tuan, and said, "Of course it's edible; it's called jelly. Let's try it now." But let's just eat these. I'm going to eat at someone's house in a while, and when I'm full, I won't be able to eat the food made by someone else. It will be very rude. "

Jiang Wanwan quickly took the spoon and gave Tuantuan a big spoon first. After scooping another tablespoon for Qin Jingchi, the little guy hurriedly put a mouthful into his mouth.

The jelly's mouth is ice-cold, the QQ is bouncy, and you can eat the sweet pulp inside. Tuantuan likes it very much, "Ah!! Mother, this fruit is so delicious!! "

Jiang Wanwan watched him eat it. If he is happy, he is too lazy to correct him. This is jelly, not Guoguo.

Even Qin Jingchi, who doesn't like sweets very much, ate several mouthfuls in a row, saying, "If this jelly is more iced, it will definitely taste better."

"In winter, I will make more ice and eat it, but I will not eat it." Bad. " The

The three of them ate two bowls of jelly, before Jiang Wanwan packed the strange-smelling peanuts, pumpkin pie, and sweet potato pie, and walked to Goudan'er's house with Qin Jingchi.

Along the way, Tuantuan held the pony carriage in his hand preciously, and when he got to the door of Goudan'er's house, he also hid the pony carriage behind him.