
There are those who don't usually drink, and if you see this wine without money, you have to pour a bowl and taste it.

Seeing the red wine poured out, everyone gasped in shock again. "Darling, this wine has such a beautiful color. How much does it cost?"

Everyone unanimously felt that Qin Jingchi had made a lot of money recently. Not only did he build such a beautiful big house, but he even cooked meat for them, and now he was willing to even give up such precious wine!

But everyone was not surprised for too long. Then, after pouring out bowls of wine, they would be poured out by the quick-handed person.

In the end, the completion banquet took almost an hour, and the men who drank were all dizzy and supported by their daughter-in-law and went home.

The little dolls in the yard were almost taken away by their parents; only Tuantuan, Goudaner, Erwa, and Qin Junfeng were left.

Qin Junfeng ate delicious food and QQ Dangdan jelly, and was completely fascinated by Jiang Wanwan's craftsmanship. When his father wanted to take him back, he didn't want to leave, saying he wanted to play for a while.

Jiang Wanwan also had a good impression of this handsome young man; "Brother Qin Jin, you should let him stay and play with Tuantuan and the others for a while; it's still early, and our two families are close." Let Jingchi take him back. "

Qin Jin agreed when he saw that the host had spoken.

The Daniel couple, Qin Dezheng and Qin Jingchi, have a very good relationship, so they haven't left yet and plan to stay and help clean up.

When Qin Junfeng saw Jiang Wanwan and Qin Jingchi tidying up the yard and were sitting at the table drinking tea, he hurriedly walked over, "Aunt Wanwan, Uncle Jingchi!"

Jiang Wanwan asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?" Junfeng? "

"Aunt Wanwan, how do you make fish?" Why is your fish fragrant and not fishy at all? "

Jiang Wanwan and Qin Jingchi looked at each other and smiled to help him answer, "Because Auntie has added a lot of spices, and everyone thinks the fishy smell is because they only boil it with water when making it. The method is very simple, but it's not easy." The way to get rid of it. "

Qin Junfeng nodded thoughtfully, as if he understood.

Qin Jingchi didn't expect this little guy to come and ask this kind of question. In fact, he was also studying at the Changhua Academy in the county, and he lived at his aunt's house on weekdays, so even though he was only one year older than Goudan'er, he didn't have time to talk to him. They play together.

Jiang Wanwan thinks that this child is quite nice, handsome and polite. When he was sitting with Tuan Tuan and the others just now, he would serve food to his younger brothers and sisters. At this time, the three little guys outside the door looked at Qin Junfeng and asked, "Brother Junfeng?"

Thanks! Do you want to play with us? "

Every time I saw Tuantuan, I would hug him and occasionally play with Goudaner and Erwa. Later, after his father sent him to study in the country, they rarely saw each other.

Qin Junfeng listened to Tuantuan's voice and hurried to the door, "Okay!"

The three little guys outside the door giggled when they saw his answer, and Tuantuan took his hand and said, "Brother Junfeng, you let's go play with us in the pony-cart. Daddy made it for us, so it's fun!"

Qin Junfeng was led into the yard. There was a small corner of the yard where Jiang Wanwan had set up a table and stool, so this place was It became a place for a few little guys to play, and there were three small carriages on the table, with different styles.

Qin Junfeng looked at the pony carriage with bright eyes. Although he had read a book for a year or two and his temperament had become calmer, he was still a child at an age when he liked these little toys.

When it was getting dark, Qin's father, Qin's mother, Qin Jingyan, and the others went back very early today, and Qin Junfeng also reluctantly planned to go home.

Jiang Wanwan gave him this look, patted his head, and asked, "Junfeng is a student at Changhua Academy; does he eat there?"

Seeing him nodding, Jiang Wanwan continued: "Auntie sets up a stall in the county to sell delicious food. The elder brothers of your academy will all go to eat, and the elder brother Qin Yue from the village chief's family will also go, and Junfeng's noon You can follow brother Qin Yue to find Auntie, and Auntie can give you extra food. "

Qin Junfeng nodded happily, with bright eyes, "Okay! Thank you, auntie! "

Goudaner and Erwa were given by their parents earlier. After taking it home, Tuantuan saw that Qin Junfeng was leaving, and he was still a little reluctant. "Brother, are you coming tomorrow?"

Qin Junfeng patted his head like a little adult and said, "Brother is going to study in the academy tomorrow, so I can't come and talk to you." "Tuantuan is playing, but I can find you when my brother is on vacation."


Watching his father and brother Junfeng slowly walk away, Tuantuan sighed and took Jiang Wanwan's hand through the door.

Tuan Tuan sat on the stool boringly playing with his mother's hair, while Jiang Wanwan lowered her head to wash his little feet. "Mother, father sent Brother Junfeng home. Why didn't he come back?"

"Your father and the others have just left, and they probably arrived at your brother Junfeng's house just now," Jiang Wan Wan said helplessly.


I know that this little guy is too boring. After all, there were many people in the house all day today, and all of them were gone all of a sudden. Isn't it boring?

When Qin Jingchi came back, he looked at his rosy pouting mouth and gave Jiang Wanwan a suspicious look.

Jiang Wanwan smiled and shook her head, "Tuan Tuan is bored seeing that all his friends are gone."

Qin Jingchi reluctantly took the little guy into his arms, patted his little buttocks, and moved to the crevice of his neck. He puffed his breath.

"Hahaha... Daddy..." "Daddy, don't blow your breath, Tuantuan is so itchy!"

Qin Jingchi stopped when he saw that he finally laughed happily.

After a while, Tuantuan stopped laughing, climbed between Qin Jingchi and Jiang Wanwan, slipped into the warm bed, and narrowed his eyes comfortably.

Jiang Wanwan straightened the little guy's messy hair and moved closer to prevent the wind from getting into the quilt.

"Jingchi, are you almost done with your case?"

"Well, you'll be done in the next two days."

Jiang Wanwan nodded, "When your case is finished, you'll have to wait. We've made new furniture for our new house."

Their new house has three floors, and it's a big project to make furniture. Originally, Jiang Wanwan wanted to buy it directly, but Qin Jingchi felt that the quality they made was better.

Jiang Wanwan later thought that she could design the furniture she liked, and it would be convenient to set up a new home, so she agreed. Otherwise, Qin Jingchi had just finished the case and should have had a good rest.