A Pure Connection

When crispy, windy, soothing and fresh air begin whistling like an angel tootling a beautiful flute; the hummingbirds twit their morning melody and when the God-gifted nature welcome the morning similarly Elsa's heart started leaping with strange emotions when she found him on the door of her office. He was standing right there with other staff members wearing gray suit with black tie.

"Why couldn't I find his green eyes but they turned into gray." Elsa exclaimed with excitement.

She was overwhelmed to see that for a moment. She crossed her way to staircase nearly close to him where he stood and he looked at her not because he liked that face full of strange questions but he looked generally. His eyes reflected by his dress color or he looked magician. She couldn't take interest in her work but she burst into tears about what was going on. She decided to take a start and thought to talk to him.

"Sir, May I have my register, please? It must be in your cupboard." inquired Elsa.

"Yes miss, I am trying to find it for you."

He was sitting operating computer finalizing an office data, he minimized his screen and she found a Divine picture on his computer screen. She was quiet surprised that he looked young handsome man, often in this age boys start liking all the worldly stuff which entertain them other than religious pictures.

"Here it is miss."

"What sir?"

"Miss, your register."

"Yeah sure sir."

She turned back to her work. She was puzzled why did he seem to be different than all the men. Her boss gave targets to achieve to almost all staff members, but she remembered that time whenever one needed anything to bring from management cabin, she asked them to take that duty not because she was interested in their work but because she wanted to see sir Ryan over and over again.

She saw him offering prayers almost most of time taking break from his work and he gave the deserving time to God that God deserved and she questioned herself, "why don't I take time from my busy schedule?"

" Why do I always have bundles of complains?"

"Why do I not show my gratitude to God?"

"Why all the time asking Him to open the door for me when I already know the way to door?"

This man had made her a complete question box. She asked herself if she deserved that man in her life.

"The one whom God Loves so much, am I capable enough to be among the favorite servants of God like him?" She questioned herself.

She felt so inferior having herself so dejected.

She started having double feelings for sir Ryan one with complexity towards his religious personality other with loving him unconditionally.

It was solely a pure connection which was based on spirituality.

"How can one be connected to someone by the name of God?"

"Do I love him or I want to follow his actions?"

"Do I want to be in his life to be the part of his soothing life which was missing in me or I want to be connected to God by his help?"

She asked God:

" Please help me out. I don't understand what to do but You know better and allow me to submit myself to You."

She waited for miracles but yet there was a long time to turn the dreams true because God is with those who are patient. For having this patience, she needed to wait for His answer.