Submission to God

"I can't move myself, baba."

Mourning on an achy and intensive feeling in whole body. Burning, throbbing, muscle cramping and swelling in every inch of body. It worsened day be day. Elsa couldn't even move a finger to carry anything in hand.

Her mother couldn't handle her overpowering emotions by shedding tears.

"I have no idea what's wrong with my daughter-my young daughter." mother exclaimed with a great sorrow.

"I'll be OK mother." said Elsa.

"All the reports are normal, doctors can't even understand what sort of pain does she have?", said baba.

She knew all the answers of those all questions when she put a challenge in front of God and told Him that she would keep on worshiping Him no matter what. If He makes her weak by taking her exam of giving up. She promised that she wouldn't give up.

Probably it was her test and she was waiting for her fruitful results.

Almost ten doctors checked her condition but were unable to diagnose anything.

She remembered when she decided to ask God to bless her with Ryan. She madly went through multiple times of worshiping God. She gave her every minute begging Him to bless her with him. She used to wake up at midnight and used to remember God on prayer mat until sunrise.

The morning, the noon, the evening, the night and even mid nights went on and on with that trial.

Finally when her body gave up. Her body was unable to stand, sit and sleep. She suffered a terrible pain. It almost took a couple of months to recover.

She got a message from him and he texted:

"Miss, will you teach my niece and nephews?"

"Their tuition teacher has left so we are looking for another good teacher."

"I heard you teach so well."

"If you allow, I will send my sister to your home."

Elsa looked at the sky and asked God:

"If you allow me, let me submit myself to you for making everything possible. It just waits to happen and You my Al-Mighty One! You only say to happen and it happens." Prostrating and paying my gratitude.

"Stop her to worship secretly in room by closing door!", said baba.

"I have met a saint today and he told me that my daughter is all the time busy remembering God by secret worships."

"Let me know your answer now. Would you choose this world or the world which you live in?" inquired baba unhappily.

"Baba what happened?"

"You better know what happened. You need to choose a way as I can arrange things for you. Decide at this time. If you want to continue your worldly matters then you can't continue your solely submission to God. You can't balance both worlds."

Elsa assured baba that she would select the world with them, but assured God to forgive her as well but she would try to submit her time for Him as well.

She pleads to God an apology:

"I have no idea how to make a supplication neither I know the proper way nor I have etiquette to make a good selection of words to ask You what I want, but You are the best Al-knowing and You can read everyone's intentions so I plead to You to forgive me and bless me with the best."

She closed her chapter with Ryan and waited for God's answer.

"Hello sir, yes you may send them at sharp 5:00 and pick them at 7:00 pm.'

"Alright miss, thanks a lot."

She asked multiple questions from herself why bothering asking God to bless her with Ryan. He is just a human being. He must had made a lot of mistakes. He is a human of course. Why giving him such an special place.

"Why don't you ask God to be yours?"

Elsa thought she should ask Him to be hers and He would make this entire world to be hers by filling their hearts with her love and dignity.