"An awful laugh, horrible faces, half humans half witches, they looked heavy, dreadful, satanic and ugly. All cackled and moved towards Elsa."
Elsa: "Who are you all? Why are you coming towards me? I feel disgusted looking at them specially their looks, Ew! Their faces are bleeding they aren't humans, all looked witches. They have a loud cackle."
"I beg you not to come closer to me."
"Go away."
The place Elsa was standing was so dark, broken, and she saw burnt flowers, ugly garden, and a floor where she was standing had a door behind her, suddenly the door opened- screeching! Elsa looked behind and she found a very beautiful, fertile land full of fragrant flowers and greenery all around, there was a very pretty girl calling her out. "Elsa! Elsa! Elsa! Come inside."
"Hurry up Elsa!"
"Come here."
She felt fresh and soothing wind from that door. Elsa hurriedly went inside the room and the door got locked itself.
Elsa woke up, sweating and scared she got to know it was a dream. She thanked God that he rescued her life and she believed in Him that He would indeed give her a Peaceful place.
The dream she saw a day before when her engagement broke up with Matthew.
Certainly a trauma of one and half year was a great suffering for Elsa being in the name of Monster Matthew.
It was a clear sign that God wanted Elsa to be on a peaceful place. Elsa's dreams always turned out to be true specially such dreams when there was a mishap or a misadventure. The good thing was, the God always opened a safe door for her.
It was a clear sign for Elsa that she was soon going to get free from an abusive person and God is going to soothe her heart with all her past wishes.
God examines those whom He loves a lot. He made Elsa the strongest lady ever. She came out with God's strength. God is going to bless her with peace of mind and soul.
Ryan's father came at Elsa's home after hearing that her engagement broke up. He wanted to see Elsa.
It was an evening time when the door knocked.
No one was home except Elsa's mother and Elsa at that time, Elsa was praying on her prayer mat, the door repeatedly knocked, so she went and opened the door, it was baba, Ryan's father, Elsa saw him first time. Baba was so peaceful by looks, meticulous personality, very tall, knowledgeable man, very loving and caring, he was eighty four. He was so delighted to see Elsa at door, he kissed her forehead and told her to let them be in.
She was honored and felt soothing love of baba and was heavenly happy to see such an elegant man ever in her life. Indeed Ryan was a pure soul after all he was his father, more pious than Ryan.
"Who is there, Elsa?" Asked mother.
"Someone mother." Said Elsa.
"Someone?" Mother asked and came herself. She asked them to sit and wait for Elsa's father.
As baba and Ryan used to come Elsa's home for marriage proposal, but as Elsa was already engaged, so they often rejected their proposal, but this time they have no reason of sending Ryan and Ryan's baba with empty hands.
Elsa's father came and they talked about Elsa's matter.
Ryan's baba was already willing for the sake of his son's love, he used to request Elsa's parents by calling Elsa a part of his family.
Ryan's baba too prayed a lot for Elsa to be Ryan's wife because Ryan's health was not well, he turned to be very weak. He looked feeble. Elsa's father had no excuse that time to say No to Ryan's father.
"Elsa is ours, she was ours and she will be ours", declared delightfully Ryan's baba.
Elsa thought about her dream-a terrifying dream and she thought about that peaceful door.
She questioned God:
"Is that really going to be true? Are you sending me to a peaceful place?"
Elsa at least was in peace and satisfied and waited for the new twists and turns of her life ahead.
Ryan's baba was aged but he had a young heart, he used to listen love songs, Ryan's baba was known as the most honourable person of the society. He was named Mr. George Chaucer and his wife was Georgina Chaucer. They had the same name combination. They used to be a great couple of their times. Mr. George Chaucer loved his wife a lot, but she was no more when Ryan was only Nineteen. She was a great and pious lady. Ryan's baba used to celebrate his wife's birthday with his family, he used to cut cake on the behalf of his better half. This showed how much they loved each other. Ryan's baba was a loving man. He was old but looked young and his English was superb. He had three sons and two daughters. The way he raised his family was something to appreciate. They all were well mannered, educated and peaceful. Ryan's baba told Elsa's father that he has already given shares of his property to all his offspring. No one would question Ryan and Elsa after his death. The home which baba gave Ryan belonged to Ryan and Elsa only and only. He called Elsa an owner of his home. He told that he had given separate homes to all his three sons separately. He told that he had already given rights and shares to his daughters too. So there is nothing to fight or argue on. Ryan's baba promised Elsa's baba that Elsa will always remain peaceful and happy at their home. Elsa's parents accepted their proposal of marriage for their daughter with Ryan.