When they arrived at Aera's house, they rang the bell, and Dart opened the gate and invited them in.

Ginny hugged him, and Eric hugged him as well.

They were all seated at the table.

"Where has Aer——- ?"

Ginny was interrupted when Aera entered and asked in a childlike voice, "Who is it? Is that Ginny?"

"Oh Aera, yes, it's me," Aera said. And meet them all, they've all come to meet you."

"Wow, pals."

"Yes . Please introduce yourself, gentlemen."

"Good day, Aera."

"Hello, my name is Luka"

"Wow cute"

"Hello, my name is Kai. You look so pretty today "

"Thank you."

"Wait, you said that to me as well." You're such a liar now that you're saying the same thing to her."

"Because you didn't agree, I changed. One will undoubtedly acceptOne will undoubtedly accept it. You should proceed."

"Sure, that's the best idea, but only for sad saints in love with their girlfriend."

they all began to laugh.

"Hello Aera I am MJ. Ginny's pal."

" Ginny's fiance?"

"No friend," Aera said again, having misheard the word. "No fiance," MJ corrected her. "Wow, you two are engaged. You two adore each other." Aera created her own fantasy for both of them.

"No," he says, "but you both love each other."

"Yes, we do, we adore each other," Ginny said again. "Just like I adore you." Ginny admits so Aera doesn't cry "Aww... " Everyone was taken aback.

Ginny gives everyone the side eye, telling them to let her think whatever she wants and not to say no to her. And she can do whatever she wants.

Now it was Rowoon's turn to speak, but he didn't say anything; everyone was waiting for him to say something, but he didn't, instead looking at Aera with love in his eyes.

Ginny motioned for Rowoon to speak, but he remained motionless.

MJ jolted him back to earth from the other nation known as imagination.

"What happened? Where were you lost?" MJ inquired.


"Introduce yourself," MJ replied.

"I... I... I.... " Rowoon was stuttering and couldn't say anything. "I...i... I... " His stuttering was imitated by Aera.

Rowoon smiled at her cuteness and said, "My name is R.. Rowoon."

Rowoon finished his sentence,

"Cute name, I'll call you boo." said Aera

"You can do it. You can call me whatever you want," Rowoon said, smiling at her.

Rowoon makes it clear that he likes Aera.

All eyes were on Rowoon and Aera, but Dart seemed envious. Rowoon was preoccupied with her, and Aera was enjoying his company as well.

They all left them alone and went to another room to talk.

Ginny was questioned by Luka. " Don't you ever get scared of being around so many men all the time?"

"Do you think I trained myself for so long just to be afraid? I trained myself to scare others rather than myself. You haven't yet realised the extent of my power. What I'm capable of."

"No, they can't because she's dressed in oversized clothing. To be honest, she looks really hot in a short dress. She has an hourglass figure and amazing muscles, but she dislikes wearing such clothes. It's unusual for her to wear that.But she wears it mostly when we beg her to wear them," Eric explained.

"Now we want to see her in those clothes as well."

"What do you think of me? I intend to do so."

"As a result, I will not wear the clothing you have requested. "

"Please," Eric pleaded,

"shut up."

"Let's go to the club," Kai suggested.

"I'm up," Ginny declared.

"But you won't drink," Eric said, recalling the last time she drank.

"Why?" Luka inquired.

"She isn't old enough to drink," Eric explained.

"How old are you?" Luka inquired.


"What? " everyone were shocked

"I can't believe you're only seventeen and so strong."

"At what age do you begin training?" "12"

"Oh my god."

"There's no doubt why you look like a child," Kai said.

"But MJ is also 19 years old, so it's fine."

"She's also 17 and possibly stronger than us."

"Shut up, you don't talk about age. It's only a number." said Ginny

"How old were you when your parents died?" asked Kai

"I was 11 years old when they died and I was in Italy."

"Wow "

"They sent me there because I was strong since childhood. They gave me a lot of many but didn't let me take my sister. I assumed it was because they thought I was too small to care for her. They provided me with a home, food, and two caregivers. Which were with me around the age of 16. They were the ones who instructed me. They were experts in every fighting technique. They let me go when I grew stronger than them. I worked extremely hard in training. Those years when I didn't sleep would be a child's nightmare now."

"You lost your childhood"

"Yes, but for the better"

"Where are they now?"

" Who? "

" Your masters "

"I asked them to live in that house while I was there.They won't have any money problems because I told them they could withdraw funds from my account whenever they wanted. When they refused to let me attend my parents' and sister's funerals, I became angrier. One of them went there and brought me everything my parents had left for me. With a letter and details about what happened. Because I had a difficult childhood, I became very mature at a young age. I resolved to exact vengeance from that point forward. After that, I discovered why they keep my sister with them. They trusted me to protect her, but they kept her with them to protect themselves. "

"You've accomplished so much in such a short period of time."

"I don't wait for things to happen. I take risks and do things, but in order to exact revenge on my parents, I must be patient."

Everyone had tears in their eyes up until this point. They all hugged Ginny; she wasn't crying; she was just telling them about her life; she was happy now, but not until she got her revenge.

"," Kai exclaimed.

"You didn't baby me," Ginny said.

"You are so small and strong." Luka said.

They all bowed to her and went down on their knees, including MJ.

She laughed and asked them not to be too dramatic. It's all right.

Everyone was taken aback by the small girl's bravery and strength.