Ginny eventually made it to the highway. Ginny gave everyone a signal.

She got off the bus and asked Eric to drive it away. Everyone was surprised and perplexed because this had not been planned. She was supposed to come out and surrender when the bus stopped, but they didn't, and she had already stepped down.

The cars slowed as Ginny emerged, and the bus drove away with the security cars.

The people following her slowed their car because the one they wanted was out and came out to stand in front of her. They were in the 35-35 range, and she was alone.

"How come you can't ask people to stick with you? You are alone, and we are 35. You should have used your lovely brain. You've decided to come here by yourself to fight us. I'm sorry, but I don't think you'll return."

"So, what do you think is the reason I'm alone? You should know that if I wasn't powerful, I wouldn't come alone. But I'm alone because of I am damn strong. So sad, but you should know that lions come alone, whereas pigs come in groups."

This enraged the man, and he directed his guards to begin the fight.

A fierce battle was taking place. Ginny was fine without a single sketch, but the men were badly beaten up, and at times the people were down on their knees, and seeing this, the boss was so scared that he called and requested more people, but as he called, Ginny grabbed the phone from his grasp and broke it into two pieces with one hand. And threw it away, saying, "Now what are you going to do?"

"What are your thoughts?"

"That is what I am requesting."

"Do you think we're going to let your family go so easily? They will be killed on their way because my people are in the plane and will land and kill them."

"Do you think I don't have a plan? You are correct; I did not bring my plan. I changed it at the last minute, and there you have your plane."

Ginny clicked her finger as the plans flew by, but it didn't work, she said.

"Oops, wrong timing, let's try again," she said as the plane brusted and broke into millions of pieces. It was erupting in flames. The boss was terrified that he had peed in his clothes. Ginny said, closing her nose.

"Yukkk. What the hell happened, man? What are you doing? I despise this kind of stuff."

She loaded her gun and shot him without delay.

And shifted around

"What should I do with all of you?"

"Please allow us to leave."

They all stood up and began to run, but Ginny killed them all while they were running.

"Did I ever tell you how much I enjoy hunting? Particularly for humans."

Ginny killed each of them and splattered dust on her clothes. She took one of their cars and drove away. She eventually got close to the bus and stooped down.

Ginny arrived and took a seat inside.

Everyone was staring at her, wondering what she was doing, while others were amazed at how quickly she recovered from the fight without a scratch.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Where were you?" Nico's mother inquired.

"Oh, I just saw an old friend and stopped to talk to him. I didn't want you to come to a halt on your journey, so I let you go."

"You should've invited him."

"He was actually going on a date.

"Oh, that makes sense."

They all began to enjoy and singed once more.

Ginny got off the bus again and took some food to give to the man who was following her.

"You guys eat it here. I'm sure you'd be hungry."

"No, ma'am, everything is fine."

"Don't be shy to have it all. I bought it for you all."

"Thank you very much, ma'am."

"You're welcome "

MJ and his friends were delighted by her generosity. A monster one moment and a goddess the next.

Eric approached Ginny and asked, "What happened?"

"It was insignificant."

"How many people attended?"

"35 "

"Did you handle them all?"

"Yes," you say.

"They send an plane to attack you."

"What ?"Eric said, terrified.

"Yes, you know I told you all a fake plan that never existed I like to change plans that's why I came out of the bus before," "You didn't believe us?"

"I did, but I also have to protect you all. How can I put you all in danger when I have my own responsibility?"

"So, what happened to the plane?"

"It exploded."

"What ?"

"I asked my friends to put a bomb in it."

"Oh my God, you are a monster."

"I know "

"How about the gang, where are they?"

"I called the reporters at that stop, which you can see on the news, and it will be all over the news in the next few hours."

"Oh god."

Eric went over to MJ and told them everything as well.

They all arrived at the amusement park in good spirits and without incident.

They all took their tickets and went inside to enjoy themselves. Ginny instructed the guards to track them down and accompany them wherever they went so that they could enjoy the rides as well.

All of the guards dispersed to their respective people.

Eric and the rest of MJ's gang were with Ginny when Eric asked, "Now should I check the news?"


"You can check I'm going to enjoy"

"All right"

Ginny left, and they were all sitting on a bench watching the news, and what they saw shocked them. All of the people had died. It was as if they were in a cement factory. There are dead bodies everywhere.

They received a video of Ginny fighting from the car's dashcam, with the caption "You can enjoy the entire fight. You do not need to watch the news. I got it off the dashcam for you. You can certainly compliment me now. Best wishes"

They were all watching the fight, and they were speechless.

As Ginny stated, they began to compliment her before departing to enjoy the rides.

Now that it was evening, they all went to their final destination, an amazing family restaurant, for a divine dinner.

They all went to a large restaurant and were eating when the Ginny's news came on and they all started talking about the murder. Everyone in the restaurant was talking about the highway killing.

"Oh god. Ginny Isn't that the way where we were ? "Gabrie inquired

"It is," you say.

"How could this have happened?"

"I'm not sure, maybe they were bad people."

"I'm hoping so. They are brutally murdered. It appears that the person who killed them was hunting at the time and forced them to flee before killing them."

"How did you find out?" Ginny inquired, curious as to how she knew this.

"I know because I witnessed it. Yes, I saw a Nico's gang killing traitors like that in Italy."

"Oh yes. We have the same brain cells."

"What? " asked Gabrie as she heard we which include Ginny.

"I mean, maybe the killer is like Nico," Gabrie speculated.


"Ginny, did you call Nico? Is he okay?"

"Yes, I called him, and he's fine."

"That's great to hear."

"Right "

After dinner, they all went to Ginny's house, where Ginny invited them all to stay for the night. They all agreed.