After waking up Ginny went to her aunt

"Are you tired?" her aunt said as soon as she saw her.

"No, I'm good,"

"That's wonderful since you have to visit the tribe people to hunt an animal for them."


"Yes, go now."


"I told you that you must hunt animals also. They requested a huge boar. They don't like to kill them with any form of weapon other than wooden ones because doing so is against the culture. They have to fight with it to get him tried and then kill him."

"Why do I have to do that when it's part of their culture?"

"Because that's beneficial to your practise."

"How would it benefit me?"

"If you need to capture someone who is moving quickly, you can employ it. If you lack the strength, speed, and guts to catch them, you cannot."

"Okay, good. But without firearms, how would I pursue him?"

"Okay, the first step is to make him tired.Fight with him and make him tired "

"Wont it make me tired too?"

"You will kill him with the wooden weapon, but first you will make him run around to tire him out. There will be people nearby who will watch out for the boar and prevent it from leaving. You have a good advantage there. You must craft a razor-sharp weapon on your own."

"What? But I'm not sure how to make it."

"You'll learn it as soon as you reach there. Just go there and they'll teach you."

"Is it crucial to go hunting today. I'm very exhausted. And why am I required to? Why do I have to create the weapon when they already have one?"

"They do have a weapon, but I want you to create your own instead. If you find yourself in a situation where you need a weapon to kill, but you don't have one, you must build one. Additionally, wood can be used to construct weapons. You are also aware that it will occur every day. You must hunt frequently and it is best if you are accustomed to it because the tribes feast frequently."

"All right, alright, then I'm going."

"All right, be careful. Try to maintain eye contact with him while you're battling him so you can predict his next move and make sure you don't damage yourself. You don't even need to go into the jungle to look for him; they will bring the boar to their location, and then it's all your responsibility. Just play with it and trick him."

"God, I have the impression that you want me to join a tribe."

"Would you like to? You can do whatever you want, but you must wed Noah if you need to be a tribal."

"Oh my God, I'm leaving; I'm sorry I can't assist. You are speaking about things that are unimportant, thus you have undoubtedly lost your mind. "

"Naturally, I did. I am the same as you. an annoyance "

"I am not a bother."

"You really are a brat,"

"No, I've only been a little naughty. "

"Well, you can be like way because you did not experience your childhood; do so now. Enjoy yourselves and have fun."

Both of them laughed.

"Bye, baby?"

"Bye, mom."

Ginny left to the tribals.

Ginny arrived and greeted everyone, and then went to Noah.


"Hello ,

"Let's get started right away because I don't have much time to construct the weapon."

"Can you hunt?"

"I sometimes hunt, but I use weapons. It's okay I'll get used to it."

"Well, my father promised to personally show you how to construct a weapon, so that's fine. He is an expert at creating them. He started producing those at the age of five and is a professional. Usually, he doesn't instruct anyone. It's pretty different that he is educating you even if you are not a tribal member that he just reached out to my sister and I."

"Why do I have a burning sensation?"

"There is no burning. Now go ahead and follow me to him; he was getting ready to show you how to build weapons.

"He is so sweet. "

"I know, but let's go on."

They both approached the king and greeted him with "Hello, sir." the King was greeted by Ginny.

"Just call me Uncle instead of Sir."

"Okay, I will. "

"Come on, kid, I'll show you."

Ginny sat across from him and, with his help, created a pretty effective weapon. Ginny and Noah were pleased with themselves after finishing the weapon, and the king was astounded by her abilities.

Now that Ginny's weapon was prepared, everyone went outside to observe the boar, which was a large, enormous one.

Upon witnessing the boar, Ginny gasped. His saliva was dropping from his mouth and he was a wild one so was more aggressive. Everyone moved aside in order to avoid being hurt because he appeared to be gazing at them.

The king asked Ginny, who was also terrified but had decided to fight the situation despite her apprehensive appearance:

"Can you do this child? Tell me if you can't and I will ask others to do that. I am not forcing you but your guardian told me that you should do this. "

"It's fine. I must complete it. Whatever is necessary. I can't retreat in that manner. I created this weapon, and I'll wield it wisely. Additionally, I'm not the type of person to give up after trying. I considered being afraid and considering not doing that, but ultimately I did. I'll go ahead and do it, but please be careful of others as it seems pretty violent and could potentially harm them."

"You are without a doubt my favourite. But do you want any assistance, or should I urge Noah to fight with you? "

"No need, Uncle; I can handle that. Just prepare the food for the evening meal for me; I don't like non-vegetarian meals."

"As you wish."

Putting his hand on her shoulder, Noah uttered: "You are capable of doing it. Don't worry; if I found things are not going well, I will assist. Since this is your first attempt, it might be challenging and tiring. Additionally, you are doing this, so don't feel bad if you don't succeed. Oh, but you shouldn't be unhappy since you'll be successful and kill him. Very best wishes."

"Thank you . "

"Yes, Lao. (Denotes a sister. but not connected to any culture. It is merely an invented word.) Accomplish not worry; you can do it. We are by your side."

"Thank you so much Kelly."

Ginny decided to fight it and let the wild beast know who the actual beast is after feeling a little inspired. She decided to fight with passion . She found it intresting but at the same time found it revolting because the animal smelled bad and appeared to have emerged from mud.

Ginny shifted into a fighting stance.