The month's end is quickly approaching, and Ginny has made significant progress. She is now more strong than she was before. She gained a lot of knowledge during this time, including how to create various types of tea and how to craft weapons.

She learned how to massage from Noah, and Kelly showed her how to hand-fish.

Ginny has improved her focus over years of effort, and she is good at maintaining self control.

Noah's and Ginny relation is also take a nice turn. They are both close pals.

Today Ginny visited the tribe, and they invited her to talk about a conflict between the tribe and another tribe.

In order to get better advice, the king prefers to involve Ginny in his tribe affairs.

To discuss the circumstances, they all convened around the round table.

"Well, what exactly is the issue? As far as I'm aware, they didn't have a problem with you all previously, so what changed? Ginny questioned as she sipped her juice.

"Actually, though, we entered their territory and struck a deal with them. There are also other tribes. And the Nobels were the people from whose territory we arrived. But the reality is that because of you, we are gaining popularity among other tribal groupings right now. The tribe members are getting stronger thanks to your help, which makes the nobels envious of us. As they are getting down, they want to remove us all and send us away." The King clarified every issue

"That sounds sensible, but we need to find a solution, and I believe I have one. Invite them to a meeting with us so that we can talk. Additionally, it would be advantageous for both sides and would simply put an end to all of the issues." Ginny came up with a fantastic suggestion for a fix.

"Okay, I'll request a meeting. I'll invite them and send it to them "the king said

"Okay, but request that they get together right away. It is still possible today. Better results come faster "informed Ginny

"All right, I will ask."

"But what is the solution? Asked Noah

"You'll be aware of our meeting time. And even if they wanted to, they could not refuse such an offer. However, and the tribes should honour them and treat them kindly. so that the transaction would be more successful "added Ginny

"Okay "

The other parties chose to meet on the same day after the king sent invitations to them because they wanted the discussion to end as soon as possible. The high posted nobility visited the tribes to discuss the issue.

They were greeted with flowers as they all entered the area. Even though they wished to expel this tribe due to the excessive attention, they were all astounded by the respect they were receiving and felt sorry about them being so kind to them.

The king welcomed them and took them to the council chamber. Everyone sat down at the table. In all, there were 8 persons present. Four from the tribe and four from nobility. On one side, Ginny, Noah, the king, and his adviser were present, as were the king, his adviser, one of his bodyguards, and one of his own sons.

They all said hello to one another and showed them respect.

To begin the meeting, they all sat.

The head of another tribe asked, "So why did you call us?"

The king declared, "We want to dispel all uncertainties and strike a deal.

"What's going on?" questioned the other king

The king said, "Ginny will tell you this."

"The tribe will be helped by a girl." Savagely, the other king said.

"Because of what she done, we are more well-known and powerful than you all." added Noah, miffed by the Xkings' comments.

Ginny continued to hold Noah's hand while admonishing him to "Leave it, respect them for the time."

"So the reality is that I made a decision that will benefit both groups. Since I'm leaving in a few days, everything will return to normal once I'm gone." added Ginny

"Whats the deal? " asked the kings son Jay.

"I am thinking why not you all combine in one group?"

"What are you saying?"

"It may sound rude to say, but you are worried that we will surpass you, so join forces to increase your power by shaking hands. Both of the groupings will become more potent as a result. I had assisted the tribal people in becoming more technologically proficient, and your tribe members can learn from them. You will all be more powerful and well-liked than any other tribe if you band together. The tribes on the other side are more strong and currently a big topic, whereas you are already the nobles and enjoy enormous respect among the tribes."

"What if we decide against closing this deal?" enquired Jay

"You will be the only one to lose. Not to brag, but we currently possess greater power than you. We have further development. You all lack our advantage while we do. Therefore, it is evident that you must fight in order to get rid of us, and there is a greater likelihood that you will lose. So it's best to accept the bargain, or the rest is up to you." Ginny replied, a little bit frightening them.

"Well, I guess you didn't leave us with any other options then. " Jay, who was taken aback by Ginny's tactics, stated.

"Yes, it's a wise decision. I concur with it "Jay's father said.

"As a result, we should confirm the agreement." added Noah

"Well, Ginny, it was a pleasure speaking with you. You are intelligent. I hope your life is successful. You demonstrated that even a female can successfully rule a kingdom." Ginny was complicated by Jay's dad.

"Many thanks, sir. I hope the two groups can improve together."

"But wait, how could we get together because it was crucial to wed a tribal member in order to consummate this union?" questioned Jay

The monarch answered, "Oh yes, I didn't think about it."

"What about Kelly?" King said as he considered relating his own daughter.

"Sorry, sir, but that is not what you should have done. Because she is a minor, you cannot marry her. But one thing could happen." Ginny countered the kings' belief.

"What?" asked Noah.

"You can all agree that she will only get married to him when she is an adult and only on her terms. You are powerless without her approval."

The other king remarked, "We didn't understand."

"I mean, you may agree to anything as friends, and if you want to strengthen your friendship, you can wait until Kelly is old enough to be married. We cannot wed her to someone with whom she has never met."

Jay quickly responded, "So you mean we make deal as friends and build it stronger in the future with Kelly's assistance.

"Right Give them both some space so they can feel comfortable. No one can be forced to wed a stranger."

Jay responded, "Well, I have to tell you something."

"What?" inquires Noah.

Jay surprised everyone by saying, "Actually, Kelly and I have known each other for a long time."

Ginny questioned, "What?" thinking she had misheard something.

"It indicates that we are in relationship." Jay said.

With the abrupt announcement, everyone was so startled that their faces appeared as though they had seen a ghost.