Chapter 45 - PIECE OF SHIT

"Actually It's a big problem. "

"That's what I am asking what is the problem?"

"It's related to the company "

"Stop making it confusing. Say it straight."

" It's like your company was a bit lazy. "

"They are always like that but they complete there work on time. What is the problem ?"

"We don't have words to explain?"

"Are you talking about the loss company just faced beacuse they were not paying attention on the companies business. And took alot of off and we're not working and enjoying the company's money. "

Eric and Noah were both shocked listening to this news. They were not having any idea about Ginny knowing this.

"How do you know? You were not here and your technology gets cut when you are on practice. "

"Don't you know who I am?"

"Queen alpha "

"Oh shit yes but then also how ?"

"I have my ways. I know everthing happned here. And Mj I am very thankful to you for your help. I will do my best to return the favour whenever you wanted. I will always in your support whenever you needed me ."

"Please don't mention it helped you as a friend."

"Not only for that you are helping me from so long. I will be always ready to help you back."

"No need to return the favour just think it as what a friend would do to help. "

"Aww so sweet , well let's go home I am gonna make you something delicious. "


They all sat inside the car and went to home.

"But Ginny can you please tell me how did you know this all when no one told you?"

"Well I was prohibited to use technology but I was aloud to talk to people. I do trust you all but I have keep an eye on everyone your safety is important for me and I have to take care of you all. Even if I am not here you all are always under my supervison. You will never know whom is having a watch on you. "

"Oh god You really are just to good. If you haven't with me with childhood and met me just now and if our story was not to complicated I would surely have a crush on you. "

"Aww so sweet but I would never have a crush on you. " Ginny laughed

"I know that." said Eric making faces

"Afcourse you should know you are not her type."

"Will you shut up? Here I am directly getting rejected and you are mocking me." said Eric

"Am I mocking you? I thought I was stating facts. " MJ said sarcastically

"Well neither you are her type. " said Eric confidently

"Am I not ?" MJ said looking at Ginny who was checking her phone.

"Well not to say but you are." Ginny said making everyone surprised.

They both made eye contact and looked at each other with love.

"Wow it was unexpected." said Eric

"For me too. " agreed MJ

"For me three. " stated Ginny and laughed at her own words.

"Well but are you both trying to tease me? Stop it "

MJ and Ginny laughed at Eric's whining

"So does anything ordinary happened when you were there?" asked Eric

"Not alot but ya "

"What did you learned there?"

"I leaned new techniques and defence techniques. Mom said that this is important in case if I am harmed I have defend rather than wasting energy on attacking. "

"Oh that's something new "

"You, she said that you should also go there for a month ."

"What no never I am out of it."

"Just kidding I know you wouldn't go there." "Did you bring something for us?"

"Yes I got a lot more of things for everyone. I brought different type of teas for shin. But sorry I forgot to bring yours. "

"What? How can you forgot me? "

"I just forget that I know a person named Eric"


"I am so sorry. "

"Why did you do that ?"

"Actually I was so busy that I forgot you."

"You didn't forgot shin?"

"I love her that why I didn't."

"So you don't love me ?"

"Nope "

"What you are so mean ?"

"Just kidding here is yours ."

"Oh wow thank you "

He was about to take but she pulled it back and said " You will have it when other will have. You are not special that I will give your befire others. "

"I hate you "

"I love you too "

"Whatever "

"What about others "

"I will tell when I will reach home."

"You really like to test my patience right?"

" I don't like that I love that. "

"Why you are so mean to me?"

"I don't know. It just come from heart.Whenvever I see you I just think of how stupid a person can be."

"It's you who is stupid not me."

"How dare you call me stupid ?Don't you know who I am?"

"You did a big mistake ." Ginny pulled out her gun and pointed at Eric

Eric eyes were about to pop out if the socket. He trembling said "I am sorry please forgive me. I Wont do that again. Please forgive me."

Ginny looked at him with pity and anger and pressed the trigger and the voice of the gun surrounded the car with Eric shout.

Aaaaaaaa Eric froze at his spot he put his hand on his heart and looks down to find there was no blood. He looked at Ginny who was at the urge of crying as she was trying to stop her laugh.

"I am alive. I can't believe "

"See I told you, you are dumb than anyone else."

"What? "

"Do you really think I will kill you so easily. Baby you are stuck with me forever. "

"You.... Piece of shit. "

Eric hugged Ginny from behind and started tickling her .

The car was surrounded with laughs and giggles.

MJ laughed at their childshness and looked at Ginny with loving eyes as she laughed but deep down he was scared to love her.