huge fail

Logan POV

"You know I might start to think you into me now." I whisper to pony's ear as I reach the cafeteria queue. She steps hard on my toe and I wince.

"I just happen to be in a cafeteria and have the bad luck of a douche arriving at the same time as me." She whispers back and picks a bottle of water, looking back and smiling before walking away. Damn that smile is irritating. I follow her to her table immediately i got my share and sit opposite her. She doesn't look up when she eats, so I cut out some stake and place it below her head where it's hard to miss.

"It's romantic." I say and she looks up. " Don't you want to be popular?" She wears a slight fake smile before she turns all serious.

"You wish." Charity joins us and suddenly I'm hoping Blake and Rick or at least one of them shows up.

"You okay babe?" He pecks her cheek and my left hand forms into a fist. He notices and smiles at me. "Is everything okay?" He asks just to spite me.

"This cafeteria has the best beef. Mmmmmmh." I shove the fork that was full of stake just a while ago and ignore his attempt to piss me off. He watches me for a while and fills his mouth full of ugali and stake then adds some soup to it. This guy eats like an animal! I sit there not touch my food. I don't know why the thought of them happy together gets to me. Their giggles... I hear a skateboard rolling and sigh in relief.

"See you then lovebirds." I get up.and clear the table taking my food with me. I hold Rick's arm with my left arm and pull him off the queue.

"Jenny, baby... I'm sure Rick here would appreciate that sweet meal. Be a darling now?" I help her tuck a stray hair behind her ear and she lets out a wide smile and gives up the meal she was just from serving to Rick. I feel bad for it but, I asked her nicely, she could have said no. Right?

"Thankyou baby, the cafeteria is generous." She gets it and moves back to queue.I look at pony who is staring in dismay and wink at her. I can see her cheek flush in embarrassment. I move back to sit opposite Rick.

"Dude, seriously, you need to chill." Rick nibbles at the hot noodles and puts them down. " I didn't want noodles though." He protests but i ignore his whine.

"She keeps looking at me." He knows I mean pony.

"I don't know man. From where I am it looks like they are having fun. Maybe you should stop with all this." I hate when he's right which is usually most of the times. Nothing i was doing was working. How would I know? I don't try to impress girls, they usually try to impress me and do things to make me love them.

"Mom." I yell from the stairs. "Mom, I need to find Claire. I need clothes for a party. Mom, are you there?" I keep talking on my way to the kitchen.

"She's upstairs and yelling is not allowed in here boy." She says softly and places a pan on the already burning fire.

"Sorry." I rush back upstairs to find her. That is the problem with this house. The walls are soundproof. I don't get it. "Claire, please be where I can find you." I talk out loud as I find my way to Lary's room. A disturbed Mason hurries from his room and rubs shoulders with me as he walks towards the staircase.

"What's your problem?" He doesn't respond. I shrug and move to Lary's room to find Claire dusting surfaces. "Lary went off to school last week. No one has used this room." She knew what I meant.

"My Morsey asked me to dust this one before moving to the guest room." She answers not leaving her work.

"He is not here though." My dad is almost never home.

"He came in this morning." I hear footsteps moving down the stairs and turn to see my dad hurrying down and lining his sleeves.

"Dad." He doesn't stop so I follow him down stairs. He notices me follow him so he stops and turns.. His suit looks messy amd his zipper is down. "Your zipper." I swallow and look down. He does his zipper quite fast because when I look back it's all good.

"I'm hurrying to catch a plane. Leaving for Mombasa in a few." He doesn't look back and I don't pressure him at all. I want to help him rum 'Morsey's textiles' one day but watching how he's never home makes me rethink that choice. He kisses mom's lips and walks out the front door. Mom looks defeated.

"Oookay.." I drop my shoulders and move back upstairs. Claire already dropped the clean clothes in my room so it's just a shower and dinner then I'm out. Mom doesn't appreciate skipping dinner.

I pick out a plain black hoodie, ragged black jeans and a white denim jacket to go with it. White yeezys complete my outfit. I'm usually a go neat and casual.official guy. I want dad to take me seriously and let me run the business some day and that will not happen when I'm always in tracksuits and sweatpants. I also love it when I am well dressed and even if girls are not saying it, their eyes speak for them. Of course this is a party and I also know how to look my best though. This hoodie will not show off my features but that's not the goal tight now. I'm all dressed and smiling at my face on the mirror. U run my hand through the mirror and brush it abit. Deciding that would never work for a party, I untidy it and smile in satisfaction. I am cut shot by a beep on my phone. Blake asking me to pick him up.

"Mom?" I call out to her as I take my seat on the dunner table. She joins me.

"Where's Mason?" She asks grabbing a plate to serve from the dishes already laid out on the table.

"I don't know. I'm not his girlfriend." I pull my chair closer to.the table where mom lay my plate. White rice, pork chops and spinach.

"You don't talk to me like that young man!" She points a serving spoon at me and I hang my head.

"Sorry. I don't know." I answer properly. I don't like to disrespect her. Hell I'd fight anyone that does that. I love her. She's always here. I tell her some really personal stuff and ask her for advice even if it means telling her it's for a friend. She doesn't suck at being a parent and I appreciate that.

We eat quietly. She takes time between her chewing to throw glances at the door. She cares about Mason, just like she cared for those before him. I know she hopes that a girl is taken in one day instead of the constant boys. I hear when she curses about how we cannot clean up after ourselves.

As I am.about to walk wind up, the outer door is ajar and Mason steps in.

"Where have you been." Mom's voice is concerned and she stands when he tries to ignore us and head upstairs.

He looks calmer than he was two hours ago. His eyes look angry, maybe scared. We are not the best friends, at least I've made sure of that but, I can't help but feel bad for him. I'm sure it's not easy to share stuff like that with people you not really used to.

"I asked you something young man. Where have you been?" Mom's voice is stern when she repeats herself.

"The skating grounds." He answers, his eyes fixed on the ground and he begins to walk.

"No you don't, Mason!" He stops when mom yells. "You don't miss dinner in my house nor walk out on me boy. You better sit your ass here before you curse the day you learnt to skate." I love how mom cares so much she yells to bring a point home even when it doesn't concern her directly. Mason has no choice but to walk over to the table where mom serves him. He mumbles a thank you and picks up some spinach on his fork.

"Gotta go maa." I stand and carry my plate to the kitchen sink. I don't want her raising her voice again.

"You better be back before eleven." She says calmly after I peck her cheek. "Wait." She stops me halfway to the door. "Take Mason with you."

"Absolutely not." I protest turning so as my eyes are glaring at Charity.

"Why.. He could use..." Mason cut's her short.

"It's okay, I don't want to go anyway." I hurry to the door before she'd come up with an excuse to make me tag him along.