Stepbro's girl

Logan POV
"Im not usually a people pleaser. I mainly have two friends,who don't like me very much… I don't know why I have to explain this Mason…" The councellor marely stares at my attempt to an apology which I do not believe I owe to anyone. Mason was being an ass and I sure had to do something about it.
"This is not working for me. Im not the problem, cant you see?" I cant believe her righ now. Why does everyone have to blame the CEO's son? How is that my fault?
Oh, mason is so poor, he needs defence. I mimic in my head.
"No one called you out to be the problem Logan, and believing that you could be at fault is not the worst thing you know."
"I've been here too long." I stare at her and just as she is about to open that mouth to tell me how wrong I am, I walk out.
Because, no, im not. I could have admitted like the one time I punched a boy in fouth grade for calling me gay… well I had not had that talk about LGBTQ with anyone so do not judge me! Or that one time at my neighbour Mary when I threw the cake at the birthday girl because she refused to be my girlfriend, come on, we all handled rejection differently, I just didn't take crying.

Meeting Rick and Blake by the platform, we spend hours skating and trying to capture attention by rolling the skateboard the best way we know how to. At least I get to forget about my Mason problem. Actually problems now that I cannot stop looking at his girlfriend and oh, not in the slightest friendly way no. The kind that I want to buy her a ton of ice cream or if we are being real, the kind of look that says I want to destroy her in the best way until she is out of breath and screaming my name. I snap out of my thoughts and look around to ensure nobody heard what I was thinking.
"Buddy, get on game." I can hear Blake shout as he takes a jump on his skate board. Man this dude is sick! I am not my best on skateboard games. Blake is much better and Rick, do not get me started. I met these guys here. I had been doing some skating and street jumping back in New York but apparently not as good as they have. Blake is British, moved here a few years ago, met him in the cafeteria being a really cool newbie who lusted what he could not have. I have been trying to teach him how to successfully hit on girls… well, we'll get there. Rick is American, from California but has lived in Kenya most of his life, he knows the streets better than we do. I am the insight but he is all the fun. He is carefree and has obviously been skating all his life.
"Sure!" I scream back and roll my board to join them.
"You are a little slack on this don't you think?" Blake makes a comment as we pick our towels to hit the shower before we leave the grounds.
"At least I can do what matters Blake. Do you already know how to at least get Jenny to like you?" I taunt him playfully and he is silent the rest of the way. The shower is quite relaxing, and being out in the cold streets this evening calls for a beer or two. We are obviously under age but one thing I learned about Kenya, as long as you got money, anything is ultimately possible.
The supermarket liquor is one of my favorite. Usually, they cannot manipulate the prices. I'd love to get wasted before I have to get home and face all that. I want to taunt Mason but I really do not want him feeling like he is intimidating me. It is one thing to think you have full control of a situation and another to have that control.
"Logan get yourself together." I can hear Rick half whisper to me.
"Just leave me here. I will find my way." I try to compose myself as I open my door to struggle out of it.
"You sure dude? You are wasted. It wouldn't kill to know where you live, we already know your dad owns the damn school." Rick shouts from the back seat.
"Rick! Man, slow down there. It's okay dude." Blake tries to make clear the air.
"I'm just saying man." Rick adds as I stagger away from the jip. I don't notice them driving away until the streetlights become dim and I notice that the car headlights are no longer lighting my path. I stagger to hold the walls and I feel a sudden need to throw up. Don't judge me… I am a light weight, so what? I am not one to sit with so much liquor, trying to be my dad, remember? Okay that obviously came out wrong but you know what I mean.
Just as I'm about to spill my guts out, I feel some hands hold back the laces to my hoodie. I really cannot stop myself to bother if it was someone trying to rob me or just some good soul trying to be helpful.
"You should seriously not drink." I hear a familiar feminine voice.
"Pony?" I can almost feel her rolling her eyes behind me.
"Come on muscle guy. Let's get you home." I smile as she supports my body against hers. This where is she coming from at this time of night? I'm too drunk to think. All I do is direct her now that I cannot walk by myself and I have to stop a few times to throw up. I can still smell her but I cannot focus on that at the moment.
"You live here?" I hear her exclaim and I can feel her let go a little before she apologizes and holds me tight once more. "You live here?" she says in a much more calm and composed tone. "Mason lives here?" it is much smaller now. More like happy for him, but sad at the same time. Why is she sad?
"Rye?" Mason exclaims and I freeze for a while before realizing that he has no control over the situation.
"Take him inside." She says and I gather some courage to stand on my own even when my feet are clearly wobbling.
"Let go. I can do it." I slap his hands off me.
"You can sure let me help brother. A little less pride? What was that? A little charity? Charity?" he lets out a giggle. If he is trying to be provocative, it is working.
"Let him be Mason." Pony declares from behind and I hurry into the house before I change my mind and decide to get into it with him. Although, with how wasted I am, I might end up being the victim of a homicide today.