
Drama In The Drama Club

8:30 am -18th Saturday

Juliette groaned, the party yesterday either completely destroyed her or she completely destroyed it, she felt like she was swimming in a never ending swimming pool. She rubbed her forehead and got up, with her legs still under the covers Juliette could hear her parents and Carter talking with low voices downstairs. Tipsy, she got out of bed and headed downstairs as the voices grew louder.

"Juliette, sweetheart, I wasn't expecting you up till ten!" Her mother chuckled heartily and hugged her.

"Yeah, so was I," she yawned, and headed to the bathroom. Once she locked the door Juliette pressed her ear to it and waited for the talking to continue.

"Carter, you heard them, I'd rather we not get involved in their family problems," her mother claimed.

"He wouldn't have done that!" Carter reasoned, Juliette brushed her teeth and washed her face. "Besides, he knows the truth, the actual truth," she opened the door and watched them, her mother sat on one of the chairs, her father leaning against the wall and Carter with one hand on his hip and the other behind his head.

"Um, what's going on?" She finally asked, waiting desperately for a response.

"You know Jenny's son?" Carter began, she nodded, urging her brother to continue. "He failed nationals on purpose," she gaped. "Yeah, see, it's not as believable as it seems."

"Mom, Carter's right, besides, who even told you this?" Juliette muttered, settling down into the chair opposite to her mother.

"His mother, who else darling?" She shuffled in her chair and watched her daughter's reaction.

"Jenny's lying, he probably didn't even fail to begin with," Juliette spoke, her voice rang loud and clear in the air around the four of them. "Case closed, end of discussion." She said and got up to open the fridge.

"The only mistake that we didn't make was run

(Now look what we've done)"

Carter held back a laugh, before nudging his own nose and heading upstairs to wake up the youngest of the siblings. His footsteps slowly got quieter as Juliette's mother kissed her daughter on the forehead before going to sit on the sofa. For breakfast, Juliette had cooked scrambled eggs and sautéed some mushrooms, the family was rather pleased with this as they all sat down the round table and began to eat.

"This food is fricking delicious," Carter mumbled with half a mouth full of food. "Where'd you even learn to cook like this?" Juliette giggled and rolled her eyes, the answer was clear to everyone, her mother smiled proudly, even if it was a simple dish she was happy that her daughter had made it for everyone to enjoy.

"Carter, don't talk with your mouth full," her mother laughed her pointing to her oldest son. "It's disrespectful."

He swallowed the bit he took and finger gunned his mother in a childish manner before taking another bite from the plate. "I'm going upstairs," Juliette finished her breakfast and left the table, putting her plate in the sink and making her way upstairs to her room.

She took a seat in front of her desk and opened her computer, since the beginning of school she always pinned her mail tab to the side this way she managed to stay up to date with what she had sent and received. Juliette tapped away opening her document and then checking her mail to see if she had earned the role.

Once she opened it she yelled. Yelled a bit too loudly. The mail was written rather informally with lots of 'ure' and ':)' that didn't bother her, she scrolled down and right there. Right there she had seen her name on the list of acting members. "I got in!"

"We've traveled the seas, we've ridden the stars

We've seen everything from Saturn to Mars"

She immediately called Mara and told her best friend the great news. "Girl, that's amazing! I'm so happy for you! I'll be right there!" She smiled, and her phone got cut.

Juliette scrolled through the email, looking, searching for names she found familiar, that's when her laptop pinged. Google Meet was open on one of the millions of tabs she had on, she flipped through and opened the tab, once she opened the tab she was invited in on a Live.

After getting in, she was welcomed with dozen of greetings, from third years to first years the whole group was so full of energy and it looked hilarious. "Yo, what's up everyone!" She said sticking her hands out and as if she made a grand entrance.

"Hey, everyone look-ey who it is!" The third year shouted on screen. "It's the star of the show! Our Juliet!" They clapped their hands as Juliette bowed playfully. "So, we have everyone except for our Romeo, but don't worry, he'll be there at our meeting at school, and guess what he goes in Julie's class."

"He does?" Juliette asked raising her eyebrows in disbelief. "Do you know his name?" She replied waiting for a reply.

"Lucas," the third year answered before turning to take roll call. "Alright, everyone, I'll split you guys off into groups and you're going to come up with setting plans." She began addressing group of names and dividing them into separate google meets including her group of four.

"Alright," said one of the boys. "Why don't we begin with a little introduction?" He claimed before passing it on to a girl with blonde frizzy hair.

"Okay, I'm Freya, I love reading and writing, so lets do our best!" She clapped her hands and passed it to Juliette, she sat there for a couple extra seconds before speaking.

"I'm Juliette, I'm the middle sibling and I handle things very well under pressure," she brought two thumbs up on screen and waited till someone claimed the spotlight once more.

"Hi! I'm Lucas' little sister, Naomi, he's not going to join you guys today but if you can, could you take notes and give it to him on Monday?" Her voice was kind and sweet.

"Sure, I'll do that," Juliette grinned from one ear to the other, before everyone waved her goodbye as she left the meeting. During the meeting the three of them goofed around -did everything except what they were supposed to do- although the third years didn't bother to worry. "Freya, what type of books do you like?"

"Ooh, all sorts of books, mostly mystery and suspense, what about you guys?" She rubbed her hands wickedly, earning a hearty laugh from him and Juliette.

"Romance," Juliette answered, with a look everyone knew what more there was to that word. "Sky?" She flickered her gaze to the guy who was listening very intensely to something else. "Sky!" He snapped up, looking at Juliette. "Favorite book genre?"

"Um," he removed his headphones and let them rest around his neck. "Sci-Fi, and Drama," Sky smirked, pleased with his own answer. "Lots and lots of Drama."

"As much as it seems like you own my heart

It's Astronomy, we're two worlds apart"

Juliette burst out laughing. "As if you don't have enough drama in your life being a high schooler," she pointed out amidst the laughing.

"I," he paused, directing his eyes elsewhere. "Brought more drama on myself." He said slowly, choosing each word carefully. "I didn't have a choice!" he fussed, throwing his hands up in defeat. "It's not my fault he exists!" He gasped. Everyone gasped. He knew he screwed up. "I- you heard nothing," Sky said bringing the headphones back to his ears.

"Dude, you like someone?" Freya asked in a very Swedish accent, she already spoke like that but now her accent was thick, she sounded exactly like a Swedish person.

He sighed, defeated. "Kinda," the girls automatically squealed. Juliette raised her eyebrows and cheered like a drunk person, Freya danced a little and giggled.

"Could we possibly know who?" Juliette brought the computer closer waiting for Sky's answer. "I mean, I know all of us just met you two hours ago, but, please?" both of them looked at him with pleading expressions he turned his head, in denial, trying not to answer that question.

"Nope, not telling, find out yourselves," he stated before putting his microphone on mute.

"Ah, it's like Romeo and Juliet," Freya said showing her pearly white teeth.

"To fall? Or to not?" Juliette asked bringing her hand to her forehead, as if she was about to dramatically faint. "That is the question."

"A question, I'm not answering," Sky glanced at the girls.