Chapter 10

"So Kai what do you do other than your profession?" Gwen asked attempting to start a conversation

"I write"


"No. music"

"Ohh. Who knew you'd be a music person?"

"Actually, I never thought I'd be one till my mom passed away"

Gwen didn't have words.

"I'm sorry about that"

"You didn't cause her demise, you weren't my father"

The atmosphere became dense and it was almost as if, Gwen was suffocating on air itself.


"I need air" Kai got up and went to the garden outside.


"Damon, so you broke up with Amelia?" Emily asked surprised

"Yeah," Damon said as if concentrating on something else

"It's shocking, I thought you were in love with her?"

"Thanks for using past tense"

"So I'm here to make her jealous right?"


"Then let's get into it. Good thing I hate her"

"You guys have beef?"

"Yeah, she thinks she's better than me and she always spreads rumors about me. To top it off, she tested one of my products on a live and said it ruined her face. I was annoyed, I lost customers and spent months getting them back"

"That's bad"

"You didn't watch your ex's live?"


"Let's cause trouble"

Damon wrapped his arms around Emily's waist and looked straight into her eyes when Amelia was passing and it infuriated her.

Damon and Emily looked into each other's eyes.

'God we are so close.' Emily thought

All of a sudden, Damon kissed her and after a while, he pulled away leaving her breathless.

She looked to her side and saw Amelia looking at both of them so she kissed Damon.

This time, Damon kissed her back.

When she was sure Amelia wasn't staring, she pulled away.

Then Emily noticed a familiar face, it was Erik but what was he doing at the party?

"Shit" Emily mouthed

"What?" Damon asked

"That guy beside Amelia is Gwen's ex"

"That's the person Amelia cheated on me with"

"Oh, so it was this Amelia Gwen was complaining to me about, that bitch"


Gwen went to the kitchen to mix more drinks when someone wrapped their hands around her waist.

"Who's this?"

"You miss me babe?"

Gwen recognized the voice and damn she hated the person behind her. Her goddamn ex wouldn't just leave her alone

She struggled to get herself free from his grip.

Erik turned her around to face him.

Gwen slapped him and Erik smiled wickedly.

"You can't escape Gwen," Erik said and smirked

Gwen kicked him between his legs and Erik fell to the ground.

"Next time, learn to leave me alone" Gwen said and stormed off.


Gwen went to meet the rest and they chit-chatted.

"Gwen, Erik is at this party" Emily said

"Yeah, I already took care of that" Gwen said sounding chill

All of a sudden, her mom called so she went outside to receive the call.

"Hey mom, what do you want now?" Gwen asked annoyed

"Can we talk please? Come to my place" Georgie said

"Fine, when I'm done here, I'll be on my way," Gwen said then hung up

Gwen was about to go when she saw Erik.......

'I thought I took care of this idiot' Gwen said in her head

"Do you want me to kick you again Erik?" Gwen asked sarcastically

"That won't be happening" Erik said pushing Gwen to the ground

Gwen was struggling but Erik was stronger.

All of a sudden, someone punched Erik and he fell beside Gwen.

Gwen got up from the ground.

"Thanks," she said before she was about to go inside but Kai pulled her back.

"Gwen....." Kai said softly

"Yes Kai?"

"Let me take you home"

"Emily's got that covered"

"She already left"


"I thought I saw you leaving, I didn't think you'd be in the garden"

"Oh, alright then, I'd go with you"

Kai smiled softly.

For once, Gwen saw Kai smiling genuinely, it was nice seeing him happy.

Kai took her to her mother's place and followed her upstairs in case Erik was there, he was pathetic because it wasn't her house.

Gwen saw Kai caring for once and not being cold like he got a stick up his ass.

"Mom, good evening," Gwen said as she walked into the big ass mansion.

"Gwen? You came" Georgie commented

"Yeah, to get this over with"

"Oh, alright then, let's talk over dinner?"

"Umm sure. Kai, you probably need to get home"

"He can stay for dinner, it's nothing serious"

They all sat for dinner..........