
Reclining on a chair I was leisurely reading a novel while savouring some coffee.

"This one sure is intriguing...different from all those cliches that I have read," I spoke out loud.

The novel I was reading is called [The Last Of Legends].

Just from the name, one can tell that it is one of those with a tragic end.

Personally, I don't like tragic stories.

They tend to kill the characters you like the most.

And this novel doesn't seem to be an exception in that case either.

Most of the named characters are going to die at the end. Leaving behind a handful of characters along with our main character.

However, I can't yet testify if that's how the story ends as I only started reading it a couple of days ago.

Even though It has only been a few days, I was able to binge more than 6 volumes. But even with this pace, It would take me weeks to finish this novel.

The most intriguing part of this novel is its world-building and characters.

The world-building is top-tier and so vivid that it feels unreal and the characters are quite versatile with different personalities.

Some are unique while some are your everyday cliche characters.

I personally loved the setting of the main character, his background and for once... his personality.

He ain't your usual main character with no brains. Neither is he moving with the help of plot armour nor is he a dense guy who can't see the feelings of a girl.

At first, I didn't really like reading stuff like novels as I couldn't find the appeal hidden behind them.

However, a friend of mine loves reading novels.

And some of you might be aware of how annoying they can be!


Just as I Speak of the devil.

The door of my room opened and a middle-aged woman with black hair and blue eyes came into my view.

"Xavier, the show is about to start in just 5 minutes and you are here sitting leisurely, sipping on some coffee." The woman asserted with narrowed eyes, lancing me with her gaze.

She definitely didn't like the fact that I was enjoying myself while she was working her ass off setting up the stage.

"And who is the one who made me addicted to THIS, Diana?" I uttered with a sense of sarcasm hidden within.

As expected...

Diana couldn't utter a single word of refute and stood there in contemplation, trying to find a way to justify her actions.

Looking at her struggling expression, a warm smile ensued on my face.

A smile of a... Sadist!

"Leaving that aside, didn't I tell you the show is about to begin in a matter of minutes? Do you think, we have the time to bicker right now?" The woman quarrelled.

The tone of her voice changed from friendly to professional.

A contrast that appeared out of nowhere.

Actually, I knew what she was doing. She was attempting to change the subject to conceal her embarrassment, but it doesn't change the fact that what she said was valid.

I also did what was required, rose from the chair, and took a deep breath gazing at the night sky through the transparent glass of the high-rise building.

"Xavier! hurry up, please," Diana said impatiently as there was not much time left before the show starts.

However, different from her expectations, I didn't reply.

"Xavier!" She called out again.

Nonetheless, nothing changed, there was still no reply.

Getting no response, Diana grew more and more impatient with each passing second.

Having lost her tad bit of patience, Diana strode closer to me.

And the moment her eyes glanced over my face, her face turned a bit unsightly.

No, it was not because I was Ugly.

Contrary to it I was quite handsome with short black hair and deep black eyes with an above-average build.

And to top it off... I am quite famous...

Throughout the world, I am Known as Xavier.

Even though I say it's my name, I have no inklings about the person who named me as I was an orphan from the day I was born.

And the moment I grew old, mature enough to understand my surroundings I was already known as Xavier.

Talking about the profession, I am...

A renowned Mentalist.

Some of you might be unaware of what a mentalist is.

Well, let me explain.

Mentalists are performing artists or entertainers who appear to be "psychic" and demonstrate highly developed mental or intuitive feats such as telepathy, telekinesis, and mind-reading.

To sum it up in one word they are a type of Magicians!


Diana touched his face with concern all over her face, even her touch was cautious as if she was touching a newborn, afraid to hurt him.

But even after all that, Xavier was still standing at the same spot with his eyes wide open, trying to pierce the night sky with his intense gaze.

However, that was a huge contradiction to the now appeared beautiful smile that adorned his face.

No, neither did Xavier lose his mind nor is he trying to be a dick to Diana.

The matter is entirely something different...

"Why now of all time?" Diana panicked as knew what was happening.

"Wait a minute, I will call your attending physician."

Diana said as she hurriedly walked out of the room.

Xavier has a rare condition- Xyclaphlorane.

A condition that renders an individual, incapable to perform any task or do any body movement for a particular time.

The attack can last for a second, 10 seconds, a minute or an hour.

It is like a paralysis attack.

However, it is a thousand times worse than a paralysis attack.


The individual suffering from these attacks has to endure immense pain each passing second.

It's like dying and dying all over again.

Unable to bear the hellish pain, people who suffer from this condition more often commit suicide or just wish to die a painless death at the hands of their loved ones.

Xavier being one of them is no different, he can't even remember how many times he tried to kill himself in the past but being the coward he is when it comes to life, he just couldn't.

With time he gained a side effect of this condition!

Whenever he is in pain, he smiles beautifully!

Now don't misunderstand him he ain't a masochist who feels pleasure in pain.

All I can say is that it's...complicated!


It has been a few minutes since I feel this immense pain.

I don't want to bear it anymore.

No more, please... No more.. No..

Just as my eyes started to lose their colour and my mind turned hazy I heard a couple of footsteps.

Tak. Tak. Tak.

The sound of footsteps became louder with each passing second.

The physician came as he hurriedly checked my body and performed some operations to relieve me from my agony.

After just a few minutes of medical help, I was finally relieved from my misery.

No. I didn't die.

The treatment performed by the physician worked.

The pain I felt was gone as if it was never there.

I swear it was one of the longest attacks I ever got and the... most painful one.

I didn't even think I'd survive.

"Xavier! Why didn't you tell me before?" Diana asked with narrowed eyes.

Even though I felt a bit hazy, I knew full well what she means. But since I don't have a justification, I decided to keep on smiling like a moron as if I have yet to recover.

However, who is Diana? A friend whom I have known since high school.

"Xavier, I have yet to hear a reply, I know full well that you can move now." The woman asserted, she seemed thirsty for some blood as she continued to stab me with her gaze.

Acknowledging that my trick isn't going to fool anyone my smile started to fade and I looked directly at the beautiful woman in front of me.

I didn't feel surprised at the fact that she was able to distinguish between the smile that was genuinely concerning from the smile that I was pretending.

After all, I have known her for more than two decades. And even if it sounds contradictory to my actions, I would have been disappointed if she can't tell the difference.

"I didn't know it myself."


"Alright, alright...Sorry, if I have told you, you would have asked me to cancel the show, and under any circumstances, we can't cancel today's show."

"Why though?" The woman asked seemingly oblivious.

"Are you for real?" I looked at the woman as if she was a moron.

Sensing the mockery the woman seemed to finally come back to her senses as she said:

"Yeah, I forgot it for a moment because of all this mess."

"It's fine, I understand your concern."

The reason why it is impossible to cancel today's show was that the country's president is going to be a part of it!

How the heck are we supposed to cancel it?

"What now?" Diana asked the obvious as she passed me some medicine left by the physician.

"Nothing we can do,"

Yes, there was nothing we can do.

"Let's go, the show is already delayed we can't delay it anymore."

I took the medicine and walked out of the room.

After a moment of lagging behind Diana caught up to me and we both strode toward the stage.

The moment I entered the stage, the sheer madness of the crowd skyrocketed and they started applauding. I was showered with praise.

The crowd before me numbered a few thousand.

And I was about to...


"The heck!!!" Xavier exclaimed as he now stood in the middle of a magnificent hall with a lot of question marks on his head, examining his chaotic surrounding.

This sudden change was too abrupt?!

Just a second ago he was on stage, going to perform a ceremony with the country's president and just after a couple of blinks, he is in a place he has no inklings about.