I Became A Villain [2]

"Ryan Vonahied, Should I presume that this is how Clan Vonahied treats their personnel." I questioned.

To be honest, I don't have much information regarding Clan Vonaheid as they were not an important Clan.

However, I do know that they are powerful enough to be ranked in the top 50s of the Clans Ranking.

"I have to say I am quite disappointed in Clan Vonahied, I didn't expect them to be so atrocious," I proclaimed while gazing at the scwanny-looking man named Ryan.

"Tha-That's not it Master Lykus, you seem to misunderstand Clan Vonahied. The whole incident happened because of this filthy maid." Ryan said as he tried to appease me while he scoffed at the maid.

"Filthy maid?!"

"You sure are daring to speak that way to a personnel of Clan Ulfred." I uttered as if I was praising him, before my eyes went cold:

"Do you even realize what it means to insult a personnel that belongs to Clan Ulfred?"

Looking at his dumb face, I was sure that Ryan wasn't aware of his words and their disastrous consequences.

"Do you still not understand what I mean?"

This time, my voice was bone-chilling, so cold in fact that it sent chills to the heart of everyone present.

I wasn't angry or anything, it was merely an act, The cold voice I used was one of the skills I learned over the years.

Whenever I used this tone in the past nobody has the guts to stand before me, not even Diana.

Looking at the expression of everybody, I cracked up internally.

Everyone had a different reaction.

The staff members present were surprised to see me act in a dignified way.

The tone I had was that of an aristocrat and that was something Lykus didn't possess.

They are not used to seeing, the arrogant Lykus conduct his words in such an authoritative and dignified way.

However, there were only 2 people who acted differently. Ryan and... the old butler.

Talking about Ryan..

The man in question was so scared that his legs started to shake and he fought hard to keep his head above the ground.

I was afraid that he might piss his pants in fear.

However, seems like my words did the trick and made him realize that he indirectly insulted Clan Ulfred.

And It is no simple matter to insult a clan with this great stature.

After all, Clan Ulfred is one of the biggest Clans across the whole kingdom.

It is ranked second in the Clans Ranking which is right behind Clan Andrea—The clan ranked first in the Clans Ranking.

If there is any clan that can best Clan Ulfred in terms of power that would be Clan Andrea.

The difference in power between ranks is abysmal!

It's like the difference between Duke and Count when we talk about Power and Status.

In normal circumstances, Duke holds the power which is twice that of a count, same with the status.

However, in this case, even though Clan Ulfred might not possess the same level of power as Clan Andrea but it does have the same level of status as Clan Andrea.

From what I remember there are some other noteworthy clans other than these two that may not be able to compare in terms of power but they at least possess same level of status as Clan Ulfred and Clan Andrea.

"Master Lykus, please forgive me, I had no intention to disrespect Clan Ulfred, I was mearly trying to state my point about the maid. I apologise if I overstepped my boundaries." Ryan cried out loud, making me come out of my stupor with his cheap act of begging.

For whatever reason, I felt content as I watched him hit his head on the hard concrete floor.

Even though I knew, it still made me realise that the power of Clan Ulfred is nothing to scoff at.

When the one in true power wants something or someone to be eliminated, it will be done with no questions asked.

Irrespective of your status.

It won't even matter if you are a noble or just a lowly commoner.

The result won't change.

After all, power governs everything.

It is the rule of nature.

Doesn't matter what world or era you live in, it is a rule that won't change under any circumstances.

And in this case, Clan Ulfred is the power itself and if Clan Ulfred wants they can eradicate Clan Vonahied without lifting a finger.


We just need to announce that Clan Vonahied insulted Clan Ulfred, and Voila! Clan Vonahied would be doomed just like that. And that's what I plan to do.

Now, just because Clan Ulfred can eradicate Clan Vonahied doesn't mean that Clan Vonahied is just a pushover Clan.

After all, as I said, Clan Vonahied is ranked in the top 50's in the Clans Ranking.

Getting into the ranks of the top 50 isn't easy at all, there are tens of thousands of clans out there competing at each other's throat for the top position.

Now talking about the second person who reacted differently from the rest.

I looked at the old man in the butler outfit, or should I say the infamous— August Creed, the goddam assassin.

'Arghh, Even his name is freaking badass.'

This fucking old shit sure is good at acting, isn't he? Even I got deceived by the respectful demeanour showed by this old bastard!

Not to brag, but I can confidently say that I am experienced enough to discern when one is acting.

But in this case, I didn't just fail. I failed miserably to recognise the act of this old shit.

I even appreciated his determination.

However, Even if I can't detect his act—I am not demotivated in the least, after all, this old shit is the master of disguise with tons of experience.

Now that I look him up close I feel a bit stupid to not realise it sooner that he is the same old shit from [The Last Of Legends].

He was also one of the most important characters in the story, not because of his power or his class but because of his schemes and political plays.

'But wait a second, why is he here?' I questioned.

From what I remember he wasn't working at Clan Ulfred's territory when the story started.

'And why the fuck didn't my system activate when I looked him in the eye? Is it because Ella is more important than this old fart.'

While thinking my gaze went on the woman named Ella who looks meek on the outside but is a crazy bitch in sheep's clothing.

She is the adoptive daughter of this old fart from what I know.

They are an assassin duo!

I am not sure what their purpose is for working at Clan Ulfred's territory but it can't be good for me.

'Seems like, I gotta do some research.'

Just looking at this old shit makes me want to puke, his respectful gaze sure is deceiving.

I can't care less about this Ryan dude but what I am going to do will at least ensure my safety even if I am unaware of their objective, it might even provide me with some leverage when I deal with them in the future, even though my hopes are not high...

"Inform every major Clan that Clan Vonahied disrespected Clan Ulfred," I announced.

The old man August froze stiff at his spot. He didn't

expect me to make such a decision. Not from a trash like—Lykus Ulfred.

However, he was also an experienced individual and soon regained his composure.

"Yes, Master Lykus." The old man asserted with a bow of his head and took a step back to stand at his previous position.

Clan Vonahied is Doomed!

Nonetheless, it was destined to doom, even if I didn't take any action.

After all, this old man is quite possessive towards his daughter and wouldn't look over the fact that his daughter was disrespected by a noble brat. He would have surely played some politics, leading Clan Vonahied to its doom.

After this was all over I decided to go back to the room that belonged to Lykus. I have a lot of stuff to think about and to decide my next course of action.

I have yet to know the use of my system and the resources I can attain through it.

After all, I have seen some shitty systems which are quite annoying, to be honest.

Some are just unreasonable and like to fuck with their protagonist while others just provide bitchy items that are of no use.

Personally, I don't want a system.

It's not that I hate Systems.

There are certain reasons behind it:

The system may be one of those where it provides me with tasks and reward me according to how I perform.

Even though rewards may be quite satisfactory and it does sound appealing, the risk it involves is enormous and nothing to scoff at.

Nevertheless, I am not a pussy who is afraid of risks.

I can leave that issue aside but even without the risk factor, there are some other downsides as well:

—First of all, I don't want to be a slave to a system, one of the most important points.

—And secondly, there might be a time limit that acts certain punishment if failed to meet the criteria.

'Let's just hope I don't get a shitty system.'