Life Of A Villain [2]

Back in my room, I was sitting on a chair in front of my desk as I wrote everything I remember about the novel.

I strived to be as specific and detailed as I can, as anything I know is valuable.

Even though I don't think I would easily forget these details but I don't want to put my life on the line just because I got a bit arrogant for a moment about my nearly perfect memory.

Why the fuck would I endanger my life for such a dumb reason?

And with the knowledge of the story and its progression, I am basically a prophet at this point.

Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Scratch.

For the next few hours, The sound of a pen screeched in the room as I wrote, wrote and just wrote.

"Aaah, finally! I thought it would take me an eternity to write all this shit."

As I finished writing everything, I stretched my hands as I can feel the soreness in my joints. My hands were a bit numb because I wrote continuously without any breaks in between.

And this body certainly doesn't like to do rigorous work.

I stood from the seat and decided to take a shower to relieve myself from the soreness.

'I need to train this body, If it's like this just from some meagre work for a couple of hours, then how am I supposed to survive the future and the destiny that awaits me?'

I lamented as I walked toward my grand bathroom.

"Huuuh... Now I feel alive."

After I came out of the shower, wearing a bathrobe. I sat on my bed and grabbed a book that I borrowed from the study.

I could have asked a servant to bring it to my room, but I didn't want to cause suspicions regarding me.

After all, Lykus was the last person one would expect to borrow a book from the study.

Now, am I trying to be low-key?

No. It's not that I am trying to be low-key or anything, but I don't want to grab attention until my system activates.

My plan would take an effect after its activation.

Other than that, there are a lot of questions in my mind that are quite important. However, I don't know the answer to any of them at the moment.

Why the fuck is August Creed and his daughter Ella working at the manor of Clan Ulfred?

What is their objective?

Is it something related to me?

Who is the one who transmigrated me? And the fuck does he even want from me?

What will be the use of my system?

Is it going to be trashy?

And a lot of similar questions.

I am not even aware if the former Lykus has done anything against Alishia.

And if he did. Then I am going to get fucked real hard.

No. I am not saying that because I am afraid of her.

However, I won't hide the fact that I would be in a pickle if she decides to target me in the future. After all, she is going to be an S-Rank in the future who has the potential to reach one of the highest ranks that only a few were able to accomplish in the history of mankind- The Legendary SS-Rank.

I am not certain if she did attain the SS-Rank or if she was one of the named characters who died at the end of the novel.

But that is not something that concerns me for now.

Alishia has yet to awaken her class, so she doesn't

yet possess a status window.

But to be on the safe side I need to do some research regarding the relationship between Lykus and Alishia.

But, who has the capabilities to find such info?

I didn't think of asking my personnel because I knew, they were not up to the task.

"Ooh~, Who else could it be other than Quinton Dilhart."

I smiled as I remembered one of the most unique characters in the novel.

However, it was not yet time to think about that, so I turned my attention toward the book that I grabbed a few minutes ago.

"The Legacy Of Ekaros."

I called out the name of the book written on the cover.

This book contained the history of Ekaros- The world I transmigrated or should I say reincarnated into.

There are quite a few things that I want to clarify about this world with the help of this book.

After all, I am not yet certain if this is the same world that was depicted in the novel and the world I know, or is it some parallel world bullshit that I happened to read in quite a few novels?

After reading the book for another few hours, I sighed in relief.

'At least it's the same world that was depicted in the novel.'

The is a modern world, that has dungeons and monsters that roam around its land.

Ekaros is 10 times the size of the earth and has 5 continents. Four of them are inhabited. Whereas Skriza, the western continent is a land full of mysteries and has yet to be explored.

There are tens of thousands of species that inhabit this planet. However, most of them are in minority and are on the brink of extinction because of their limited population.

On the other hand, Humans, Elves, Angels and Demons became the most prominent species known throughout the world.

Humans, Elves and some other minority species reside in Streha, the Eastern Continent.

Krazikta, the Human kingdom has to share its boundaries with Alteria, the Elven Kindom and Zakanov, the Minority kingdom.

Heavric, the Northen continent is occupied and is ruled by the Angels, whereas Desmon, the Southern continent is ruled by demons.

And in the middle of all this, resides Nephalin, the neutral continent, inhabited by all the other minority races that are not allowed in any of the above continents.

Nephalin is also the continent where the academy arc takes place and the place where the first official arc starts and the protagonist makes his first appearance.


'Quinton Dilhart. where would he be before the start of the story?'

I was thinking of ways to find Quinton, The Money Grubber.

Just from his title, one can tell that he worships money.

Quinton Dilhart is a secondary character in the novel and as I said, was one of the most Unique characters throughout the novel.

He wasn't a powerful warrior with a high-ranked skill nor did he possess a powerful class.

Then why was he considered Unique?

Quinton Dilhart, possessed the Query class.

An extremely Unique class.

An anomaly that only he possessed in the whole vicinity of Ekaros.

What's the use of his Query class?

He can ask questions.

...What Questions? Questions related to an individual in exchange for Gold coins— One of the currencies in this world.

The questions asked can be anything and don't assign a limitation on what should be asked. But there is a limit of only 3 questions per individual and the more secretive the question is, the higher the price.

But even with that, Isn't it basically a cheat?

Yes. It is. And Quinton was lucky enough to obtain such a cheat.

He is the only person who can unveil the mystery of August creed and Ella Ross and their objective to work at Clan Ulfred manor?!

And it doesn't end with that, he can be quite a useful piece in the game I am about to play.

'I have to find him no matter the cost.'

But, the point is, where can I find him?

I am certain that he is on this continent and is living in Krazikta, as he was first introduced in this kingdom when the protagonist came here after he killed Lykus of the novel and got involved in the mystery surrounding Clan Ulfred.

'Should I bait him?' I thought.

But considering his scaredy-cat personality, he won't take the bait, even though he is known as a money grubber.

'Then what should I do.' I thought as my gaze landed on the window that showered me with the soothing light coming from the sun.

"Oh~, I sure am foolish, aren't I?"

I said with a chuckle as an evil smile crept on my face as I remembered an important incident that occurred in the novel before the start of the story.

Then how am I aware of that?

Because it was an incident that was described in the novel and was used to provide a mystery element for the readers.

I immediately checked the calendar. And after a few moments, I came to know that I have almost six months to prepare for the incident.

'The show is about to start. Hahahaha~'