
'Damn, this place is massive.'

After I arrived at the training ground. The place that appeared before me can be only described with one word—Enormous.

Truly Enormous.

So vast that I couldn't see the end of it.

When I looked up to have a glimpse of the ceiling, what I saw sent a shiver down my spine— An Ancient Dragon was inscribed on the ceiling. And not just any Dragon.

What I saw was a Behemoth, an existence one couldn't fathom.

But other than that, the ceiling was pretty high, so high in fact, that it was physically impossible to reach that level even with the help of a Body-enhancing serum.

And let me tell you, with just a Basic Body-enhancing serum one can attain a height of more than 50 metres, if jumped vertically upwards.

Actually, it was more or less like an open area, designed to meet the expectation of the Clan Members.

After I was done with my inner monologue, I continued to walk in...

A huge crowd appeared before me, some of them were clad in armour while the others were wearing a specialised suit fit for their training.

They were doing different kinds of training, probably suitable for their class, by using the pieces of equipment designated to the Clan Members.

I didn't pay much attention to what their training was and continued on my way.

However, without even realising I seem to have become the centre of attention.

Everyone seemed to recognise who I was and what status I possessed. But even if they glanced at me out of curiosity, nobody came to obstruct me in anyway. On the other hand, they moved aside for me to walk past them without being a hindrance.

As I walked past them, doesn't matter who it was or what significance he/she possessed in the clan, bowed his/her head to express his/her respect towards me...

No. Towards the status I possessed.

They bowed to me not because I am Lykus but because I am an Ulfred.

However, I was clear about one thing—They have never seen me anywhere near the training ground. The surprise in their eyes was apparent to reach such a conclusion.

As I was thinking about various things, suddenly, a bulky man clad in shiny armour appeared before me. But I knew he isn't trying to be a nuisance so I asked with a raised eyebrow:

"What's the matter?"

My voice was calm and gentle that contained little to no fluctuations.

The giant in front of me bowed a little and replied with a flattering smile.

"Nothing. I just came to ask if Master Lykus requires something."


I sighed a little. Even though I was aware that something like this is bound to happen. But it's still annoying nonetheless.

The man in front of me was clearly trying to gain favours.

But since I am in no mood to waste my time on this man... l asserted plainly:

"No need."

Then I motioned with my hand for him to scram.

The bulky giant immediately stopped his pestering as he once again bowed his head before hurriedly walking away.

He knew what it meant to upset me, and as a smart man, he didn't feel like taking the risk, testing the waters.

After that I continued to my destination, while walking, I looked around a bit to get familiar with the surrounding.

The area I was in is called 'Members Only Area' and is designated for clan members to train and hone their skills.

"It's sure is lively he-"

I was in the middle of my sentence, when suddenly, my gaze landed on a familiar figure, trying to aim at a moving target that was no less than 50 meters away from her.

Alishia Ulfred.

'Seems like she is training to awaken her class in archery.' I thought.

Yes. One can awaken their desired class if they train themselves in certain aspects.

For example, if you want to awaken a class related to cooking, you can. But you need to make different varieties of dishes and delicacies for you to even have a chance to obtain a cooking class.

However, Training in a certain aspect doesn't mean that you will get your desired class. What it does is simply increase your chances to obtain your desired class.

For example, if before your chance were 7℅, then after training in a certain aspect, your chances can rise up to 22%.

And that is the most one can achieve.

'Plot armour sure is real.'

I thought while looking at the view before me that was quite magnetic, to say the least.

I wanted to watch it for a while, but since I don't have the amenity to waste my time on such things, I turned sideways and continued to strive on my way.


"Wasn't it a bit too far?"

I complained while panting like a tired dog.

But soon a smile appeared on my face as I finally arrived at my desired destination.

'Equipment Area'

A place only the members of Clan Ulfred are allowed to enter and can utilise the pieces of equipment present within.

I entered a high-tech compartment and started to look over the types of equipment listed on the holographic screen.

After I chose the things required for my training.

Well... not everything was required, but it's not like anyone's gonna stop me from taking this equipment.

...So why not just take it?

[Confirm: Yes/No]

I clicked on Yes and all the equipment appeared before me out of thin air.

Actually, it didn't appear out of thin air, but from the storage capsule that was installed just beneath me.

I took all the equipment and started to walk back to the training area.

However, I didn't plan to go back to the 'Members Only Area' allotted to the clan members, but to the 'Privileged Practice Area' that was designated for high-ranking personnel, making it a place accessible to only a few individuals including...

LyKus Ulfred.

Yes. Lykus has the access to the Privileged Practice Area, even though he never trained.

A clear indication of favouritism and privileges that one can get after being born with a silver spoon.

Then why was Alishia practising with all the other clan members? Isn't she allowed in the Privileged Practice Area?

Actually, she isn't.

My mother, Cassandra played her tricks and made it unable for her to enter the Privileged Practice Area.

'She sure is vicious, Isn't she?'

I thought inwardly while making a mental note, not to offend my sweet mother.

It was obviously a joke.

However, I really felt the need to make a joke.

After a few minutes of walking, l finally arrived at the Privileged Practice Area.

It wasn't much different from the Members Only Area. Just a bit more grand while putting more emphasis on making it a lot more comfortable and satisfactory than the Members Only Area.

There was even an obstructing field that prevent anyone to have a glimpse inside the Privileged Practice Area from the outside.

One by one, I started to take out all the equipment that I have brought with me.

No. I didn't carry any of it.

There was a thing called a storage band, that has a storage space of 3×3 square metres and was perfect for me to use.

Tong. Tong. Tong.

The sound of metals hitting the ground reverberated inside the practice area as the equipments started to fall on the ground.

"Why did the sound echo in such a large area?" I questioned the A.I as I couldn't comprehend the reason.

—To prevent the inside noise from leaking out, the obstructing shield created a barrier of particles, causing a strange phenomenon to occur, turning it into an enclosed space which then allows the metals to reverberate in such an enormous area.

The A.I answered, relieving me of my doubts and broadening my knowledge regarding the tech of this world.

A moment later, I turned my attention back to the equipment and picked one of them.

What I chose, appeared to be a simple but stunning bracelet, at least on the surface.

Actually, it was a device that is used to increase the

the gravity of the body by many folds.

It can increase the gravity of the whole body and can also act on specific parts of the body.

And I have decided to use it since it can help me reduce my weight, real fast.

I placed it on my left hand and increased the gravity of my whole body by 0.25℅.

Since it was my first time I didn't even think to double up the gravity.

And even if an increase of 0.25℅ doesn't sound that impressive, but for the current me, it felt as if I was getting crushed under rubble.

The pain I felt in my joints and the pressure on my body was nothing to scoff at. Nonetheless, it was nothing compared to the pain I suffered during my attacks.

If I had to describe it in words then I would say...

It felt as if a mosquito was tickling my body.

Just from that one can tell, that the pain I used to feel during my attacks was abysmal in comparison to the pain I feel under the effect of the gravity bracelet.

However, it was still hard to perform any body movements. So I picked up a Basic Body-enhancement serum that I brought from the Equipment Area.

And gulped it down my throat.

'Let's start the training.'