Status [2]

[Opening the Skill Panel]


[Skills Available — 3]

Peeler (E): The efficiency to peel anything increases by 10℅

— Chances of achieving a clean peel increase by 3℅

— Consumes 1 Stamina every 2 seconds.

— Can be used on same or below rank pieces of equipment, chances of achieving a clean peel decrease to 0.2℅

— Limited to objects.

— 2 hours of cooldown after each activation.

{Note: The skills can mutate and evolve with the increase of rank— The rank of the skill increases with the overall rank of the user. }


Sleeper (E): Increases the efficiency to fall asleep by 15℅.

— Consumes 7 magic per activation.

— Chances of having a favourable sleep increase by 23℅.

— Under pain, the chances of having favourable sleep deteriorate to 4℅.

— Ineffective under the effect of a high-ranked skill or a unique class.

— Doesn't work on other individuals.

— Cooldown of 1 day is required after each activation.


Reincarnator's Eye (S): Grants with the ability to check an individual's Status and Potential.

— Consumes 1 Magic every 5 activations.

— Special Usage: Grants with the ability to check the Favourability and Loyalty of an individual towards the User.

— Can show the Traits, Skills and Equipment of an individual.

— Negates the effect of Appraisal based skills.

— No Cooldown period is required.

{Note: The skill has reached its max potential— To evolve the skill, the user needs to meet the special requirements.}



The only word I could utter after I glanced over my skill panel.

But seems like no one heard me muttering as they continued with their breakfast, and even if they did hear me curse, no one showed an obvious reaction.

I cursed not because I was disappointed in my skills, Contrary to it, I was thrilled at the thought of possessing such skills.

At first, I didn't expect much since it was Lykus we are talking about and thought it would be some shitty skills.

And to be honest, aside from Reincarnator's Eye, the other two do sound shitty, but in reality, the potential they hold is...


If evolved in the right direction, I can see them turning into some real terrifying skills.

'I apologise for calling you trash, I didn't know you were holding such remarkable skills.'

Inwardly I apologised for cursing Lykus and calling him trash.

And even though I did it as a joke, nonetheless, In actuality, the truth isn't too far off; even without a practical class if Lykus wanted he could have become the owner of two B-ranked skills by levelling up his overall rank with the help of his B-ranked potential.

It might not be enough for him to become a full-fledged B-rank, and contend with another B-rank. But at the very least, he could easily overpower a C-rank.

And overpowering a C-rank is no small matter, as even a C-rank individual is well respected throughout the kindgom of Krazikta.

Why am I putting so much importance on these two skills?

In all honesty, even I don't know.

'Maybe it's something intuitive.'

Aside from that, another skill caught my eye...

'Reincarnator's Eye.'

It was a skill that Lykus didn't possess, and was given to me after I reincarnated.

This skill was the reason I was able to have a glimpse of Alisha's status window.

And it's not just that it also negates the effect of Appraisal based skills.

And if that wasn't enough, to top it off...

It only consumes 1 Magic every 5 activations.

'Is my luck really E?'

I asked in doubt.

If before someone had asked me what I think about my luck, without batting an eye, I would confess that I am fucking unlucky.

But now my thoughts seems to be in turmoil.

'...Seems like I am not so unlucky, after all.'


'Alright, I take it back, I am... unlucky.'

It has been no more than a few seconds and my thoughts have swivelled upside down.


Because of a certain panel.


[Traits Possessed —8]

: Tentative

: Glutton

: Impetuous

: Overthinker

: Pretentious

{Note: Traits are characteristics which define the personality of an individual, they act as passive skills and can act in certain situations.}

[Special Traits: 3]

: Probing

: Intuitive

: Understanding

{Note: These are the Traits that belong to Xavier, which are now exhibited as Special Traits by the Authority of Zaldaar Equivalence.}


The traits which belonged to Lykus were basically a headache for me, there is not even a single trait that can be considered decent.

'Well, now I know why I acted a bit rash and indecisive before and the secret behind my enormous appetite.'

Even though before I have guessed that I inherited an aspect of Lykus, I didn't know what they were.

But to think that I now possess 5 of his trashy traits is straight-up nonsensical.

I can feel the flare of rage rising within me, maybe because of [Impetuous] that I possess.

'Keep calm, don't let this trait fuck with your mind.'

I reminded myself.

Just the name was enough for me to understand, how big of a barrier they are for me.

'Still, seems like someone took mercy on me by assigning me the Special Traits. Well...they did belong to me in the first place.'

Thinking of that my gaze landed on a specific Trait...


'Is it because of this trait that I feel so confident in the evolution of those two skills?'

If that actually is the case, then it would make a lot more sense as to why I put so much emphasis on those skills.

'Hmmm, Zaldaar Equivalence? Sounds like a male name.'

'Then...Is he the one who reincarnated me?'

I thought.

"Lykus, what happened why are you zoning out in the middle of your breakfast."

Hearing a voice, I looked at the person who asked me the question while muttering a word.

[Checking the Status Window and Potential of the Character— Austin Ulfred.]


Name: Austin Ulfred

Title: The Knight Of Krazikta, The Leader Of The Giants, The One Who Cheated.

Age: 48

Rank: A

Class: Knight


Strength: 84 (A) / Potential A

Agility: 47 (C) / Potential C

Stamina: 53 (C) / Potential C

Endurance: 77 (B) / Potential B

Magic: 39 (D) / Potential D

Magic Resistance: 17 (E) / Potential D

[Special stats]

Luck: 23 (C) / Potential C

Charm: 29 (C) / Potential C

[Skills: {Tap to view}]

[Traits: {Tap To view}]

[Equipment: {Tap To view}]

[Favourability: 77]

[Loyality: 70]


After I looked at his status window, the first thing I noticed was his titles.

There was something peculiar about them.

I can understand why there was a title for [The Knight Of Krazita] or [The One Who Cheated]. The first one was pretty self-explanatory, while the other one implied of him being a scumbag and cheating on his wife and my mother, Cassandra.

But the title [The Leader of the Giants] seems a bit odd.


Because it said 'Giants' and not 'Giant'.

If it was Giant, I could have surmised that the title is dedicated to Clan Ulfred.

After all, with all the influence and power that Clan Ulfred holds, it's not an overstatement to call it a Giant.

But the thing that makes me uncertain is the 'S'.

If the title, really is dedicated to Clan Ulfred then it should be Giant and not 'Giants'.

'A new mystery, ha..?'

I visibly sighed.

"Why are you sighing? And why haven't you answered the question asked by father?" a voice asked.