Scheme [4]

In the [G-3] compartment, I was reclining on the couch, sipping on some coffee.

In front of me stood two people, the first one was Ella, while the other one was Ashley; a beautiful woman with blonde short hair and azure-coloured eyes.

"What is it?" I asked as I saw Ashley glancing at me with a raised hand.

"Can I ask a question?" She inquired calmly.

That was her personality trait; Calm yet slow-witted.

"A question? Hmmm... I see no harm in that, ask all you want."

I kinda know what she is gonna ask.

"How do you know me or the fact that I am the daughter of Vikar?"

"Is that all?" I questioned.


"Shouldn't you ask such questions before you try to kill someone?"

I questioned in genuine doubt.

"Would that question even matter after your death?"

I knew she was slow-witted, but to think she can't even grasp such an important aspect and had such a stupid response is just disheartening.

'Is it because the situation doesn't allow her to think it through? Or perhaps she is in too much shock since her biggest secret got revealed?'

I assumed all that because I knew she was slow-witted but wasn't a fool in the least. If she really was a fool, her secrets would have been exposed ages ago with her being a corpse.

So, I decided to give her a chance to reflect on her actions and started an exchange:

"...Do you really think so?"


At least that's what I attempted to.

It was a simple question, however, I instantly became aggrieved because of the lack of response.

"...All right. Since you can't understand, I'll elaborate for you to understand," I stated and continued:

"Do you think a 15-year-old can get such information himself?"

The start of an intriguing question.

"Something that not even the most influential people were able to find?"

Followed by another, bringing her into deep contemplation.

However, I wasn't yet finished...

"..And if not?"

Now is the time to drop a bomb.

"...Doesn't it imply, someone is manupulating the scenes, someone who is far more dangerous and vicious than me, someone who is the real player while I am just a mere pawn?!"

It ended.


My piece.


What? Can't understand? Simply put, I got what I wanted. I was successful in making her question my existence and in adding an element, an element of doubt and.... mystery!!!

I was able to create a fake entity, forcing them to believe I have a backer, not just to Ashley, but also to Ella.

That way she won't act rash.

'...Not that she would have done that in the first place.'

But prevention is always better than cure.

Ashley was contemplating about my words, it appeared as if she was reflecting on her actions.

As I said previously, she was slow-witted but not a fool, she can discern what I said perfectly made sense.

However, she didn't answer immediately and continued to contemplate for the next few minutes, until she arrived at the same conclusion.

Since she has arrived at that conclusion, she must be aware that I desire something out of her as I didn't disclose her secret.

"What is it that you want?"

She came right at the subject, wasting no time on useless topics.

"That's a nice question.... Now, what is it that I want? Hmmm... well, for the onset, I want you to spread rumours."


"Yes. Isn't that simple." I stated with a smile.

"But how am I supposed to do that?"

"Are you really going to act oblivious?" I disputed with a raised eyebrow.

"Haaah.." She sighed.

"You gave up immediately."

"...Is there even a point in continuing the act even though you already know of it?"

It must have been her last attempt to keep her class a secret, I don't know what she thought when I mentioned rumours, but I think she must have thought it was a slip, she made in the past.

The fact that surprised me a bit was, this time she didn't stutter nor did she lose her calm when I talked about her class like she did when I disclosed her identity.

"What rumours do you want to spread?"

"I want you to spread rumours regarding Calvin Ulfred."

"Calvin?... Isn't he your older brother?"

"He is."

That's all I said and she too just nodded her head.

"Then what kind of rumours do I need to spread?"

"Anything that can tarnish his reputation and shake his standing. The rumours can be vile. However, they need to be believable."

"Is that all?" she doubted.

"Yes. What?...You were expecting more?"

"No. It's just that I assumed your demand would be more preposterous."

"Oh~, Do you want me to demand something preposterous?" I asked in a teasing tone.


A straight response which was true to oneself.

'Well, she isn't someone who can be teased easily.'

While I was thinking that, Ashley showed movement and started walking toward me.

Ella who was standing beside Ashley instantly became alarmed at Ashley's sudden movement. She was about to attack her when she saw my hand, indicating her to stop.

After Ashley came right in front of me, she stretched out her hand. And for the first time, I didn't understand her intention, so I asked in doubt:



That's all she said.

"How much?"

I asked as I knew why she required money.

However, seems like that was a reply she didn't expect as I saw her eyes shining with brilliance.

"20000 Gold coins."

A vein bulged in my head.

'Is this bitch trying to scam me?'

What she was asking was a tremendous amount of money even for someone like me.

But after a movement of contemplation, I came to realise that what she asked wasn't unreasonable, assuming that there are lakhs of people living in the province of Clan Ulfred.

And to shake Calvin's Understanding, we at least need to spread the rumours among tens of thousands of people for it to turn into a wildfire.

But the problem is, I have no more than 10000 Gold coins.

Thinking of a solution, I looked around the room for it to land on a familiar figure.

'Argh, how could I forget?'

"My Maid~ I need a loan of 10000 Gold coins."

I said with a smile.

"Then why are you looking at me? You should ask someone who has it."

"That's exactly what I am doing. Now be a good maid and hand over 10000 Gold coins to your Master."

I knew she has it! After all, she was an assassin for quite a long time and had earned a huge sum over time.

"I don't have that much money. And stop saying, My Maid."

She said in a threatening tone.

"Oh~, Now my maid is threatening me. How pitiful of me, Ashley don't you feel sorry for me."

Ashley just looked at me blankly and didn't reply.

It was hard to read her thoughts.


We have left the building and were on our way back, I was walking on the streets looking at everything I pass by.

I could have used a car to get here, but it would have grabbed a lot of attention because of the insignia of Clan Ulfred.

And even without the insignia, the cars of Clan Ulfred are high-tech and are made out of luxury materials so it would have been the centre of attention anyhow.

And it wasn't like I wasn't getting any attention walking on the streets, but the attention of the crowd wasn't really the problem here.

I chose to walk since it can be considered a nice exercise.

Leaving that aside, I was feeling quite energised today, as my plans were moving on flawlessly.

In the end, Ella has to lend me 10000 Gold coins which were in her storage ring.

Now, I don't need to worry about Calvin and his so-called retaliation, at least for a few months. Since he would be busy clearing the rumours that is he want to keep his standing.

'I am sure, Ashley will be able to complete the job without a hitch.'

In reality, I wasn't confident in her but was confident in her class.


This class basically increases the believability of the rumours as well as boosts the speed at which the rumours spread by a significant margin.

But that's not all, the most useful feature of this class isn't how it increases the believability or the growth speed but how it's... undetectable.

What does that mean?

Well, what I mean is simple, this class is undetectable, no one can trace the origin of the rumour or the one who started it.

Not even an S-rank.

...Now, you know how overpowered this class is.

'I even have the perfect scapegoat to put all this blame on, who will become the target of Calvin's hatred.'

Who else... other than my dear sister~
