The Pendant Of Orlanski [2]

Insignia Of Blood-Demon, a widespread contract, not only in Krazikta, but in the whole vicinity of Ekaros, both for its potency and for its sinister fixture, which binds the signatories.

Infringement of any terms written within the contract is nothing but a death siren.

A deadly contract that Alishia made me sign so that I couldn't back out from the alliance after getting extorted by her.

It was also the reason for her confidence.

The way we signed the contract was the same on earth, that is, on a piece of paper, with all the terms written within.

But there was one thing different,

The Paper.

It was not your ordinary paper.

The peach-coloured paper on which we signed the contract is called the Roulette Paper since what we did was essentially a gamble.

We put our lives on the line and signed the contract.

Making it a death pact.

'Bad for you, Alishia... This time, your overcaution will give rise to an unprecedented failure.'

Thinking that I smiled.


What...? Can't understand...?


To sign the contract, the signatory needs to inject his/her mana in the Caster Pen for it to grasp the essence of the signatory so that it could remember and perform retribution upon infringement of any terms.

And that's basically how everyone makes a pact and signs the contract.

That is true in most cases...

However, there have been instances where the signatory found out fault's in this system and can cheat it with the help of their skills or with some other means such as an artifact, invalidating the effect of the contract.

The most fundamental and easiest way to nullify the contract is by modifying your mana signature.

Alishia, who was well aware of all these methods, certainly didn't want this to happen, otherwise, her whole plan would be ruined.

So in precaution, she made me sign another contract which can only be done by the thumbprint of the signatory.

And not just a simple thumbprint, it needs to be done with the blood of the signatory to be effective.

And this overcaution would cost her a B-rank rare grade artifact that she didn't want me to make use of.


Simply put, what I essentially needed to violate the restriction of the pendant, is to provide it with the mana-infused blood of its prior possessor, which she had to do while presenting me a copy of the said contract, as we both needed to have one in case the other party destroyed the agreement by some external means.

Knowing that, I took out both the contract and the pendant, which I had kept in my storage band until now.

Picking up the contract, I started to extract the dried blood which was now fully imbued with her mana.

The process took me 12 hours just to extract a measly amount of dried blood because I couldn't scratch the surface of the contract too hard, in case it came off, which could be perceived as an act of violation.

In actuality, it should have been an impossible feat to achieve.

But luckily, I had something up my sleeve.


[Skills Available — 3]

Peeler (E): The efficiency to peel anything increases by 10℅

— Chances of achieving a clean peel increase by 3℅

— Consumes 1 Stamina every 2 seconds.

— Can be used on same or below rank pieces of equipment, chances of achieving a clean peel decrease to 0.2℅

— Limited to objects.

— 2 hours of cooldown after each activation.

{Note: The skills can mutate and evolve with the increase of rank— The rank of the skill increases with the overall rank of the user. }



Yes, this skill can be used this way, which increased my chances by 10℅, and it's not just that, [Probing], [Intuitive] and [Understanding], all these traits got passively activated while I was concentrating on blood extraction which I was really grateful for.

The reason why it took me 12 hours is self-explanatory, simply because It needed 2 hours of cooldown after each activation, since my stamina was getting gnawed on by the skill, not high enough to accomplish this task in a single usage.

All in all, it was demanding work, which needed a lot of mental fortitude and concentration, which was taxing, both for my mind and body. 

After I was done, I was exhausted to the core, however, I didn't waste my time resting and immediately got to work since I wanted to be done with this pendant before something unexpected happened, which I really didn't want to deal with at the moment. 

So on my next and last step, I heated the extracted blood in a glass flask at a navigated temperature since I don't want it to get vaporized, as the extracted amount was even less than 0.005 ml of liquid, making it 1/10th of a drop.

'I certainly don't want to lose this.'

It didn't take much for the dried blood to melt and turn back into liquid so that I could pour it on the pendant and be done with it, which I did, just for it to take a shade of blue.

Excited at my achievement, I immediately looked at the pendant, to see the desired result.


The Pendant Of Orlanski [B-rank] {Rare}

Description: The pendant of Orlanski, which as the name suggests was owned by Orlanski— The Ruler Of The Amadon, a secret civilization which existed in The Era Of Kairo and perished in between— The Era Of Pilisteen and The Era Of Alzeheim, due to the Intra-Cotta war, happened between the Angels and the Demons. 

— The pendant is one of his legacies left for his descendants.

[<—The Rule Can Be Made —>]

•— The rule made by the previous possessor is now annulled. Changes are now available. —•

# Yet To Make A Rule.

Function Available— [2]

— [The Law Of Amadon] ° The ability allows the user to wield any weapon, granting the user an aspect of a warrior.

— Costumes 2 Magic and 1 Stamina every 3 seconds.

— [Trait Of A Lier] ° Grants the ability to differentiate a lie. 

— Can only be used once per day.


And the results certainly didn't betray my expectations.

Everything has been reset and the restriction is now annulled.

"See, all the chore I went through was really worth it in the end."

I said with a chuckle and wore the pendant.

—Knock, knock!

Just the next moment, I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in."

I ordered as I knew who it was.

-Tak. -Tak. -Tak.

This said person was none other than Ella, My Sweet Maid.

"Why did you call me?" She asked a bit conflicted. She even raised her eyebrow in intrigue at her sudden summons.

"Why? Do I need a reason to call you? You are My Maid~ I can call you whenever I want."

I said a bit arrogantly as if I was stating facts.

For those who were thinking as to how I called her? Then to tell you, I did it with the help of the Earrings Alishia gave me which I used as a mode of signal to inform her of my summons as I had given her one of the Earrings, and kept the other one to call on her.

I couldn't really communicate with her, as these earrings only allow informing the said user as an additional feature.

"Not now, not in the middle of the night, I was having such a peaceful sleep! Why did you need to call me now of all time to trash talk? Before I lose my sanity since I am half asleep. Give a valid reason to summon me."

Ella spoke calmly, a bit too much as she was trying to keep her rage within while spitting out the facts.

I knew she was enraged, so I became serious and uttered:

 "Well, I do have a reason for you to be summoned here."

"Ooh, then do tell this lowly maid. Oh, kind-hearted Master~."

Ella mocked, seemingly irritated by my untimely pause.

"...I want you to do something-"

"And why would I do that?"

Ella commented before I could even finish up my segment.

"Listen before you speak, more so when your Master is talking, isn't it a basic etiquette of a maid?" 

She wasn't swayed by my argument and just looked at me with hawk eyes, inquiring for a reason.

In actuality, she had already perceived what I wanted her to do.

"Cause I am your Master, and you are My Maid~."

I asserted as if I was stating the obvious.

Ella just rolled her eyes, but didn't comment, she was too fed up with all this nonsense and just wanted to go to bed and have a pleasant sleep.

Quitting my nonsense I finally spoke:

"If you do this for me, I will..."



"You will, right?! You aren't deceiving me, and won't back out from it after I do your task?"

She asked after I told her my offer.

"...I won't. I really won't."

I uttered while making a cross sign with my hand, trying to make her believe my words.

"But what if you don't."

Still unconvinced, she asked.

"That's for you to decide, do you see a reason for me to lie? After all, what I offered is a measly price to pay in comparison to what I asked."

After contemplating my words, Ella realized that what I was telling was the truth.

"Alright, I will do this for you."

Ella uttered while walking out of the room with a yawn.


Author's Note:- Alright guys, as I promised I am back on Monday and will be consistent from now on. At least try to. I will make a stockpile so it won't happen in the future.

And yeah, I made a mistake in the notice and wrote tomorrow, instead of the day after tomorrow. So whoever waited for a new chap yesterday. I am sorry for that.

And here, my discord. If anyone is interested in character art or just wanna have a nice chat with this ingenious author regarding anything, then join it. I will even add it to my synopsis.

Edited By: WorthyAdversary