The Day Of The Ordinance [3]

"I plan to follow the path of a.... heretic— The path of the... Acheron." I declared, my hands wide open, and a crimson smile ensued my face.



Suddenly, as soon as I finished speaking, an imaginary pressure was created in the atmosphere, and the silence continued to encapsulate the area, until eventually a voice broke through.

"That's quite an offensive joke, don't you think Master Lykus?" Niktus uttered, fixing his glasses with a push of his finger, continuing just afterwards:

"If someone heard, Master Lykus uttering such disdainful words, it would be nothing less than a catastrophe. A huge shame will be marked on the history of Clan Ulfred."

Nitkus was surely flabbergasted at my discretion, almost shaken to the core, however being an honourable member of Acheron, he knows how to deal with such a situation, even more so, when he sees me no more than a noble brat.

And that was a perception I craved to rewrite.

"Ohhh, What makes you feel I am joking?"

I asked, revealing intrigue on my countenance.

"If it isn't a terrible joke, then I don't know what else it might be. Master Lykus, a core member of Clan Ulfred isn't ludicrous enough, not knowing the end, awaiting those who are led astray."

"Astray...? Hmmmm, I didn't know you would consider your kind as astray. It's a little rude, don't you think?"

"M-my kind?"

Niktus floundered, alarmed of him being mentioned as a member of The Acheron, However, he still argued, trying to dissuade me of my beliefs.

"Master Lykus, I have the utmost respect for you, but announcing me as one of those vile creatures is certainly a bit out of line."

" ...Out of line? I didn't know it was out of line to speak up the truth. Maybe it is... in the Acheron."

I uttered, assuming an appearance of deep contemplation.

"W-what are you—"

Hearing my answer which reflected not just a mere belief, but a whole lot of conviction, Niktus was edged to concede that I wasn't dabbling around.

"Altamas Pilisteen..." I spoke without giving Niktus a chance to regain his perception, and continued only after finding him invested in my subject:

"Madonna Sypher, Eonna Shalza, Osmium Kairo, and Thiona Alzehiem."

Letting out a few names, I sighed, compelling an enraged expression, before speaking out:

"Aren't these the ones people look up to? The ones quoted as heroes? ...The saviours?! The idols of their Era?! The ones are known for granting the 5 greatest eras of all time?!!"

"What are you implying?"

Nikus asked, leaving behind all the honourable titles that he had once used to address me.

"Were they worthy?"


"Were they worthy of such praises?! Such glory?!!"


Niktus stood frozen, surprised at the sudden increase in the intensity of my voice, the fanaticism in my eyes was evident for him to see.

"They were."

Niktus answered, rendering it impossible to dissuade my question.

"Ohhh! They were...? How?! Describe it for me. Tell me a reason to see them as heroes?! The reason to glorify them in our history?! The Reason to dedicate an era to each of them?!!"

A crazed expression, that was what I was making, which was terrifying enough to dilute a sane individual, even for Niktus it was a breathtaking experience.

"Th-they saved us by k-killing— Godrick, The Visage Of Suffering, and Rosmond, The Wish Of Misery, and the other three Catastrophes of Fate, born in their respective era."

Niktus recited the same old telling which was inscribed in the history of Ekaros, however, it was noteworthy to see how difficult it was for him to achieve such a simple feat, both caused, because of the sweat dripping down his body, after beholding such excruciating fanaticism and due to despair he felt, having to speak ill of his so-called gods— The Five Catastrophes Of Fate.

Both took a huge toll on his mentality.

"Really?" And to weaken it further, I solicited in sarcasm.

Taking a deep breath I continued:

"In reality, weren't they— The Five Benovelent Heroes, the real trash of society? The real mischiefs?


It was as if a dam had erupted, the magnitude of my words impacted the synergy of the situation.

"The ones who got all the glory just cause they were fortunate enough to discover some God-tier artefacts, just like The Flame Of Solitude!"


—Crack! Crack!

A cracking sound.

The sound of a facade, getting crushed under the words of a fanatic, bringing out the fanaticism of the other.

"The ones who didn't deserve the honour to be ranked at the same level as— The Five Great Catastrophes Of Fate?"


This time a voice agreed.

"The ones who deserved to have perished under The Flame Of Solitude?"


The intensity of the voice increased.

"Shouldn't we glorify— The Five Catastrophes Of Fate, the ones worthy of such praises?"


With each question, the voice grew louder.

"Shouldn't we the loyal followers... bring a whole new era to them? An Era Of Catastrophes?!!"


This time, fanaticism was stricken in the voice of the speaker.

"Then... Is it wrong to join the heretic cult? The Acheron; The Place known as— The River Of Misery And Woe? The Place fit for such endeavours?"

"No. No. Definitely not."

Niktus denied it with a huge motion of his head.

"So, shouldn't I join, The Acheron?"

"Yes. Yes. You should."

"But I can't."

-Clack! Clack!

Something broke...


Niktus asked, not knowing the reason for my sudden fallout.

"How can I? Didn't you say I am a core member of Clan Ulfred? Wouldn't it leave a scar on its history, if I became a heretic? Won't it ruin the name of my clan?"

I queried with a torn gaze.


Niktus was lost for words, it was he who uttered those nonsensical words.

Now, he can't help but curse his past self, renouncing a new found comrade.

Someone who shared the same level of fanaticism as him.

Yes. Rope them in, give them hope, and...

Take it all out... leaving them hanging.

Yes. That's how you deal with fanatics.

"Nevertheless, I would have still joined the cult, if only..."

"I-if only...?"

Niktus repeated and asked, a bit delighted, eager for me to state my terms.

"No, it's not possible..."

I acclaimed, shaking my head in disappointment.

"T-tell me? I will help you achieve whatever it takes."

"If only someone ruined the name of my clan before me, then I wouldn't need to feel ashamed of it."

A stupid argument to utter, something that would be dissuaded in normal circumstances without a second thought, that is even more true when the individual is like Niktus with the title of [The Analyst].

He would never buy through such crap, however... there was another title which overpowers the current one.

[Preacher Of Illwill]

'...Illwill— The Illwill Of Agony, one of the Five Great Catastrophes Of Fates!'

How can a preacher let others defy his god?

His fanaticism surpassed his reasoning.

"S-someone? S-so would it suffice if we prove someone a member of The Acheron?"

Niktus asked with expectations in his eyes, wanting to shout out the name of the individual.

Who else, other than Calvin, the perfect piece of meat, ready to be roasted, with the spices of his rumours, making him the most favourable option.

"B-but who?"

I still asked, wanting him to spill out the name.



'And there you have it. Checkmate~.'

I thought with a chuckle.

"O-oh! But would it be all right? Won't you back out later?" I asked in scepticism.

"I won't."

He answered immediately.

"But, how can I believe you?"

Niktus grew impatient at this question and asked:

"Then what else do you want."

"Would it be fine, if we sign a contract~?"

Edited by: WorthyAdversary