To everyone around the table, I revealed that I had met Tareth during my adventure with Tia on the quest of searching for ironites. Tia apologized for keeping it from them, too.
"Ah, I see," Ryza said, leaning against her chair. "Some misunderstandings here and there and then you two got it solved at the end. Nothing too surprising. The real question is, what did you do till you upset him?"
"About that…"
At first, I was reluctant to talk about Ferrumel, the Ironite Ant Queen. Even Tia felt the same as I do. I feared that indulging the information about her might cause unnecessary conflicts among us. I did not want that, knowing that I just fixed my relationship with Ryza.
"What is it, Zal?" Ryza raised an eyebrow. "It's not like you to hold off like this. It's not like what you're gonna tell us going to cause a maelstrom or something."