
While on the way back i noticed a blue blinking light that no one else notices, i focused on it and a blue A.I. appeared

[Operator the system needs you, will you begin another mission]

*of course its you ordis*

[of course operator i have been waiting for you]

*stop calling me operator, you can call me vince or sir*

[affirmative oper- vince what are your orders ?]

*where is the landing craft*

[Its following you sir right above us inside the void]

*ok, how can i deploy my frames and how do i choose*

[You can focus your thoughts on the arsenal and a menu will apper]

I focused my thoughts on what frame i would choose and the arsenal appeared i selected excalibur umbra with my cedo, aklex prime and guandao prime and now for deployment

*so how do i deploy my warframe*

[You deploy it Like you did when you fought the grineer queen]


[Yes sir, transference]

*and ordis please add some functions on all my frames


•absolute obidience

•can be controlled by A.I. that i specify

•can be deployed at any moment

•can be deployed by beacon *

[Sir why the A.I. ?]

*i thought you want to find alongside me*

[Really !!!, i tought tis day wont come]

When ordis and i finished our discussion my father said "were home vince, wash up and go to sleep we are going to the expo tomorrow with your friends  i will got to the lab to where your mother is at to give her the vibranium and data she needs and we will examine the samples that were sent from yellowstone "

"Ok father good night dont let mother and yourself tire out"

When i woke up the next day it was the same usual routine i do everytime or atleast thats what my memories say as i got off the car and walk towards the school entrance when someone came rushing over to me it was gwen stacy the daughter of officer stacy in the nypd

"Hey vince hows it going"

"Im alright, lets go to class were going to the expo after class"

After class

(Vince POV)

"Cmon guys lets go were going now" i said while me and my friends were walking towards the gate of the school.

"What are we riding ?" Said peter while we were walking towards the parking lot they stopped and looked at me

"Ill take care of that" while i said that i sent a message to my driver, when he arrived i saw a black chevy suburban instead of a white bmw that i always use and a driver waiting for us

"Alright guys our ride is here my parents will be joining us in the event" i said while hearing gwen mutter "wow, that was fast" *i know right?, its good to be rich hehe* i thought as we entered the car and go to the expo

(3rd POV)

As vince and his friends met up with my parents they went to the main stage as it was starting, justin hammer started introducing the droids for each branch of the millitary and finally war machine thats when ordis rang inside his head [sir incoming] as ordis marked the target

Vince saw it was something red and was coming in fast

And dropped near war machine on stage, a few minutes later something wierd happened all droids locked on iron man and started going rogue and firing at tony, everyone started running ,as vince gathered his family and friends he noticed that peter is not with them

"Stay here i'll go find peter"

vince said as he throws a metal ball the size of a grenade and after a few seconds illuminates a 5m radius around it then suddenly a chunk of metal fall near it and assembles into a sentry gun

(Vince POV)

'Awaiting targets operator'

"Target anything that moves that is not organic"

"Affirmative, target locked"

The sentry gun gunned down every drone that crosses the 5m radius and miss the humans running around

"Stay inside the light the sentry will kill any drone that approches you and i will explain everything later"

I ran around to find peter he was wearing his iron man mask and plastic repulsor toy  when i finally found him he was being targeted by a drone with a cannon, that is when i finally snapped and deployed umbra, with a bright light a dark humanoid figure appeared and sliced the cannon with a sword made of light still not contented i got out of umbra and void blasted the drone leaving nothing but the lower part of the feet

"that drained alot out of me, note to self build an amp for a more focused beam, c'mon peter lets go they are waiting for us"

peter still shocked at what he's seen nodded while still in a daze, we got to where my family were with umbra following behind us

"vince, what the hell is that behind you?!"

"i told you dad i will explain everything later, ordis turn off void cloak and decend near us we're getting out of here"

*affirmative sir*

"who's ordis, what's a "void cloak" and what do you mean by decen-"

before my father finished his questions a giant ship appeared above us and slowly started decending towards us, as it landed its rear ramp opened and waited for us to board

"like i said question me all you like after this little event just please all of you get on the ship "

as we boarded the ship the it closed its ramp and started going up

"ordis activate void cloak and set course to the orbiter "

"copy that operator"

"i told you stop calling me operat-, nevermind you can call me however you like"

i turned around and said to them "the orbiter is located just outside of earth's atmosphere and is in another dimension that only this ship and a few others can access" my father gave me a nod and silently walked towards the window

"whoa where are we ?"

"we are inside the void, beautiful isn't it ?"


"operator we are done docking the landing craft, awaiting further instructions"

"locate iron man and the warmachine tell me if there is something is going to them"


he was just speechless at such a scene' i was about to say something when ordis suddenly said

"operator something big is coming to mr. Starks and mr. rhodes position"


"oy, language young man you maybe something else but you are still a my baby boy"


You thought it was a next part, but it was i cliffhanger!!!