Oh Audrey

Frederick stood there helplessly as medical officers tried to resuscitate Audrey. His world instantly shattered into tiny million pieces upon hearing the flat lines on the machine and grey clouds began to loom on top of him.

He thought the days of receiving bad news about his loved ones were no more, particularly in the hospital. But here he stood, as history repeated itself.

There was nothing. Nothing in his power could undo what had happened right at his very eyes. Not money. Not threats. Not even hiring the most talented doctor in the world. Instead, he had to rely on the doctor's dedication to keeping her heart pumping and Audrey's will to survive.

He unknowingly slumped down to his knees, hitting the cold tiled floor. His heart ached like it never ached before and yet, not a single tear fell from his eyes. His face was emotionless but the turmoil within was more than enough to ransack a whole village.