
The guards rushed forward to the King's side and tried persuading him, "Your Majesty! She is bearing your child!"

"A reckless decision should not be made in times of anger!"

The King chastised his men with a mouthful of words and bloodshot eyes, "Are you deaf and blind? Do you all not see what relationship she has with him? How could I be sure that child is mine?"

They froze and stopped speaking as though they were in thought and immediately shuddered, realizing what he meant, and subsequently cast their glance onto the Queen with shocked eyes.

Judging from her relationship with him before this and her reaction just now, it was pretty obvious what kind of feeling she had toward him.

She didn't respond as she continued to stare at the Night Killer with unrestrained tenderness and adoration, giving no glances to her surroundings, the Night Killer avoided her gaze and lowered his gaze.

'You should have stayed out of this and listened to what I had told you…'

He reprimanded her inwardly.

"Two of them! Out of my sight!" He pointed his finger toward her and ordered his men with a cruel expression.

They immediately snapped out of their thoughts and turned their gazes upon the Queen as they rushed forward to grab her. Before they could take a step forward, an arrow shot out of the confused crowd and penetrated the King's hand.

The King screeched in pain as he held his bleeding arm, casting his glare onto the crowd with mad eyes.

"Find the one who did this! Kill everyone if he escapes uncaught!"

Before his men could react, another set of arrows was shot from the crowd and infiltrated the King's men as they couldn't react in time. One of them aimed directly at the Night Killer.

He was shot straight into the chest, penetrating his heart and immediately killing him. The Night Killer, in his death, didn't utter one word of complaint as blood flowed out of his mouth and became lifeless.


A gut-wrenching scream echoed as the crowd went wild with horror.


My head hurts so bad!


Where am I?

Ren Ye laid motionless on the hospital bed with bandages wrapped all over his entire body, he slowly opened his eyes and remained still for a very long time. He was unable to hear any sound due to a buzzing noise in his ears, he started toward the ceiling.

'He did it!'

'But where am I?'

Ren Ye tried to sit up but a sharp pain shot throughout his body as he tried lifting his body. He winced slightly and cursed inwardly, turned back to lying down.

Instead of trying to move, he turned his head lightly and surveyed his surroundings. He was in a white room with a lot of unfamiliar things in his room, a chemical-like smell wafted into his nose, giving him the urge to clench his nose.

'Where is this? I thought I had gone back to my old place when I was doing experiments with poisons…'

The Night Killer often used poison to eradicate his enemies, those poisons are usually made by himself in a room filled with these kinds of scents. Therefore, Ren Ye was quite experienced and familiar with the smell.

'Don't tell me I'm going to be a test subject…'

He frowned slightly as he thought of a possibility.

'I wonder what happened after I died…'

'But most importantly, what is this place? I have absolutely no memories of the existence of such a place!'

He sighed gloomily and closed his eyes, wanting to rest.

Before he could fall asleep, he heard a knock on the door and opened his eyes. He glanced toward the door to discover a man in a white uniform opening the door and smiling at him with gold-rimmed glasses.

"You're alive," His soft voice moved him, a patient, into calming his anxiety and giving him a sense of warmth.

The man grabbed a chair and sat down, retaining his gentle smile, "You seem particularly confused about where this is."

"Do you not have any memories of what happened a couple of days ago?"

'A couple of days ago, I was sharpening my dagger…'

Ren Ye frowned and didn't speak, maintaining a cool and indifferent attitude.

"I assume you have forgotten. You fell into a large hole a couple of days ago and got heavily injured. You had to get a lot of stitches after that," He let out a peal of laughter and continued, "Your family was worried about you. Some of them are waiting outside."

'I don't have a family…What does this man mean? It's not a very smart thing to lie to me.'

He raised his eyebrows slightly and remained silent throughout the whole conversation.

'I am in a completely different environment here, where exactly is this?'

As soon as he stopped thinking, his head became increasingly unbearably numb and ached intensely. He gritted his teeth and rubbed his forehead, in an attempt to soothe the pain.

He felt his vision and mind have gone completely blank before being enveloped in an intense and bright radiance, causing him to black out for a bit.

A string of memories crossed his head as his eyes began to recover their composure, his headache remained aching throughout the whole process.

Ren Ye was a lowly bodyguard, working for a small enterprise, as a full-time job and eventually ended up falling into a trap set by one of the members of a prominent family as a way to attract the enterprise's attention, wounding him up in the hospital with a couple of stitches.

His father used to be a high-ranking individual in his family but unfortunately, he was kicked out and stripped of his merits and money for treason and conspiracy, leaving him and his family with no more than 1000 RMB in his bank.

Ren Ye lived a relatively troublesome life, often taking up small jobs to sustain his life, and got in a lot of trouble with his bosses, asking for too many bonuses.

Before all of that happened, Ren Ye had lived in a huge mansion and spent his money excessively all mainly due to his father's successful businesses. He didn't have any problem in his life other than having to think of places to spend his money. They eventually disappeared from his palm like sand, giving him a taste of what reality truly is.

'I was tricked by someone and was led into that trap hole…'

He thought to himself that it would have been hilarious and too comical if he walked and fell into a hole by himself.

'My life is truly pitiful; I have no words.'

He sighed and thought it must be karma for all the things he did in the past as The Night Killer.

'Although I am living a low life now, I have a history degree from a good university back in my old days. It isn't too late to start all over again!'

'In addition to this, I have to deal with some of the stuff that has been plaguing me lately; to distract my father's debtors who have been making trouble with my mother lately,' Ren Ye's eyes dimmed.

The Doctor seemed visibly worried as he took notice of Ren Ye's change, "Are you alright? You look a bit under the weather. Do you need some meds?"

"I am alright," Ren Ye uttered with a slightly emotionless voice.

"Good! I was a bit worried just now!" The Doctor let out a laugh and stood up from his seat, "When you're healthy and well, you can leave this place at any time."

As he was about to step outside the room, he tilted his head slightly and smiled at him.

"Your family wants to see you…"

Ren Ye's frowned as he couldn't think of anyone who would come visit me; his mother was sickly and couldn't leave the house, and his father left the country a while ago.

As Ren Ye was contemplating, a middle-aged man entered the room and by his side, was an adorable little girl. The middle-aged man smiled toward him and held the young girl's hand as she tilted her head and cast her glance onto him with beaming curious eyes.


'I do not have any idea who they are! But the little girl is quite adorable,' Ren Ye's eyes gleamed as he glanced toward them with strange eyes and the little girl with a complex expression.

The middle-aged man appeared to be in his 50s and had a beard, his face was slightly wrinkled due to his age and experiences throughout his life. He exuded an extremely warm and gentle air in the way he interacts with the little girl.

It couldn't be said that he is an extremely old man and it couldn't be said he was a young man; he was someone who looked quite young for his age.

With his keen eyes and observation, Ren Ye was able to decipher what age group he belonged to.

He averted his eyes from the man and cast them upon the little girl who was hiding behind the man's thigh with a shy and nervous face, the little girl seemed to be scared of him.

Her glossy and expressive big eyes and her puffed-up cheeks gave him an impression of her being an extremely adorable and well-behaved kid, giving him the urge to pull her cheeks and make her cry. Her skin was soft and refined like porcelain, her tiny nose bobbed up slightly as she glanced at him.

The little girl's face was exquisite. She had refined eyebrows, a small and delicate nose, big luminous eyes, and small petal lips which were thin, and the adorableness of a toddler her age.

As a man who had gone through many hardships and long-lasting grudges, it was a new experience for him to be captivated by the adoration of this little girl.

His heart subconsciously warmed for the first time as though it had been frozen for many years.

With many thoughts running inside his head, he could only blurt out one question, "Who are you?"

Although Ren Ye sounded cold, the middle-aged man didn't take it to heart and sat down with a gentle smile, "It has been quite some time, brother."

"Shall I say the Night Killer?"

Ren Ye's eyes shook intensely as his mind went into chaos, his eyes surveyed the room as though he was searching for a weapon to use against this middle-aged man due to him knowing his true identity.

Noticing his panicked eyes, the middle-aged man chuckled and continued, "I haven't introduced myself properly…"

"I am He Yi! You can call me Old Yi or whatever you want. I have no hidden intention toward you or anybody."

"You could say I am bounded to you as a servant," His black-pupils eyes and head lowered as a way to convey his sincereness toward Ren Ye, "My duty is to serve you."

"Please do elaborate more, I have no use of you if you do not give me the full background," Ren Ye's eyes gleamed with iciness and came up with ways to kill him if he dared lie to him about such matters and especially if Old Yi wanted to use this against him.

Old Yi stood up and lowered both of his knees, kneeling toward Ren Ye on the bed, letting go of the little girl's hand. He bowed his head respectfully and spoke slowly, "I…He Yi…am…bound…to…you!"

After which, he stood up again and approached Ren Ye who was staring at him with shock.

In Ren Ye's vision, he watched as Old Yi approached him quickly and walked right into him. Instead of bumping into him, he disappeared like fog as though he had never walked into him.

The little girl stood timidly as she watched Ren Ye with nervousness.

'What just happened?" As Ren Ye spoke inwardly, he was interrupted by an echoing hoarse voice inside his head.

'I have proven myself to you that I am bound to you in mind and body,' The hoarse voice spoke slowly.

'I was assigned by the Jade Emperor to guide you throughout your mission and reward you depending on how well you did on your missions. You can consider me an exchanging machine. For every mission you complete, you will be rewarded by him…'

'Jade Emperor?' Ren Ye frowned.

'Jade Emperor is the one and only ruler of our universe and time, he has foreseen your rebirth and has given me the role of being your guardian. I have no control of our actions and thoughts.'

'I am but a mere helper to you…'

After he was done, he emerged from Ren Ye's body as though he was an invisible bodyless soul. He proceeded to glance at him and smiled at him, grabbing the little girl's hand.

"And also, this little girl is your daughter…"