A commission

Rein Lang was led into a secret room behind the front desk, what greeted him was a bunch of dirty-looking men half-naked with their chests bare dancing and cheering like maniacs around a round table.

The round table had a red layer of clothes covered as a middle-aged man sat there with a meaningful smirk, waving his hand casually. His dark eyes darted from the maniacs around him toward the man entering the room.

His dark eyes immediately turned dull as he raised his chin upwards, in a rather authoritative manner; commanding Rein Lang with his eyes to fear his presence.

The man had a clean-shaven face with a dark circle beneath his eyes as the smirk on his face slowly turned into a smile.

"Ah, what do we have here?"

The dancers suddenly stopped as they turned to look at Rein Lang with strange faces, Rein Lang pursed his lip and gradually walked toward the man in the front as he pulled his bag and placed them on the table with a thud.