Chapter 1: Jahruno

Tuesday, March 21st, 2023 at 9:10am.

Early in the morning, in a mall, a passing conversation can be heard between a man and two women.

Man: Hey, ladies! You ever had a "milk" mustache?

Both Women: What the fuck?

Meanwhile, at a movie theater, a loud interaction erupts. A loud teenager calls someone out in the theater.

Teen: Guys, look! This motherfucker's eating baked beans!

The people in the theater begin to laugh at the person eating the beans.

Around the same time, during the morning, people are walking around in Meadowlark National Park.

???: Aye, Jahruno!

After the person yelled that out, the guy named Jahruno stops walking and looks behind himself to see who called his name.

Jahruno: Yo.

???: Don't you fucking "yo" me! You wanna tell me why I caught my girlfriend with you at the movies?

Jahruno: Movies? Um... Oh! That was YOUR girl!? Tracy, right? Ha! She's a wild motherfucker, dude!

???: Excuse me?

Jahruno: Yeah, man! I remember we went to my apartment last week! Her ass wanted to try some new shit with like whipped cream or something. So, she laid me down on my bed and poured it all over my-

???: Stop! I don't wanna hear that shit!

The nearby people listening to the conversation begin to laugh.

???: I'm not gonna take this from you, dickhead, I'm really gonna beat your ass! You better not play with me, "Jahruno" *mockingly* or I'll make your fucking shoulders clap!

Jahruno: *Chuckles* I can you what I made clap.

???: Oh yeah, I'm gonna kill you, bitch!

Jahruno's entire mood changes. He keeps a smile yet has a completely agitated expression on his face. He emits a red aura from his body. This is Jahruno's reaction to being specifically called a "bitch" for some unknown reason.

Jahruno: "Bitch" you say? That's what you called me right? *Laughs* You get on my ass for something your girl did despite me not knowing anything about you? Oh yeah you're definitely fucking with me.

The guy steps up to Jahruno despite being afraid of him.

??? (thinking): Shit, this guy might kill me. But I'm a man of my word so I've gotta do my best! Here goes nothing!

He runs up to Jahruno with his left hand in position to punch him in the face.

???: Shut your fucking mouth!

The moment he gets about 3 feet in front of Jahruno, Jahruno leans forward and simultaneously punches both sides of the guy's ribs with both of his fists. His ribs cave in and break, making a loud cracking sound.

Jahruno: Perfect! I love that sound! *Laughs*

He gasps for air as Jahruno's fists are still in his ribs. Jahruno uses his hands to push him up a little in the air. While he's in the air, Jahruno lifts up his right leg and gives him a high kick to his temple and knocks him about 50 yards to his left.

The surrounding people watched in awe as the whole scene went down. While most people just stood there, a couple people seemed to be writing things down on a notepad.

Jahruno walks all the way to where the man landed. Once he reaches him, he looks down at his unconscious body and contemplates beating on him even more. But he calms down and picks his body up and sits him down on a nearby bench. Jahruno sits next to him and waits for him to wake up.

About 10 minutes pass and the guy eventually wakes up while Jahruno's on his phone.

???: AHH FUCK!!!

Nearby birds fly out of surrounding trees.

Jahruno: Hey! You finally woke up! What are you screaming for?


Jahruno: Right... I did do that... Sit tight, man, I'll call an ambulance.

???: Okay, thanks.

Jahruno dials 911 on his phone. It rings for a moment and then a female's voice answers.

911 Operator: 911, what's your emergency?

Jahruno: Yeah, there's this guy I found screaming on a bench and he told me he woke up with his ribs broken.

??? (thinking): Fuckin' liar.

911 Operator: Okay, where are you guys located?

Jahruno: On a bench about 20 feet away from the tennis court in Meadowlark Park.

911 Operator: Alright, remain calm. Help is on its way.

Jahruno: Thanks, beautiful.

??? (thinking): Wait, what'd he say?

911 Operator: *Blushes* Excuse me?

Jahruno: *Nervous chuckle* My bad, that kinda slipped out by accident. You just have a really sweet voice... You got a name?

??? (thinking): Hold on, what the hell is he doing?

911 Operator: Are you kidding me? This line is for emergencies only! *Smiles* But it's "Mariya". I can't be on here too long so get something to write on so I can tell you my number.

Jahruno: Got it.

??? (thinking): No fucking way.

He opens up a note application on his cellphone.

Jahruno: I'm ready.

Mariya: (***) ***-***. You got all that?

He finishes typing the number.

Jahruno: Yup, I got it. But back to you... how does a date at Von Gilbert's sound?

??? (thinking): Can he even afford that?

Mariya: Woah, slow down, dude. *Chuckles* I still gotta know more about you, silly. I don't even know your name.

Jahruno: Oh, right. *Laughs* Well, my name is Jahruno. It's nice to meet you.

Mariya: Nice to meet you too, Jahruno. So, we doing this date or what? *Chuckles*

Jahruno: For sure! Is 8:30pm a good time?

Mariya: Sure!

??? (thinking): This is not happening.

Jahruno: Great!

Mariya: So what will my fine man wear to this date?

Jahruno: Hmm... I'm feeling a white suit and a black shirt. What about you, my little lady?

Mariya: *Blushes* I guess I'll go all out and wear-


Jahruno and Mariya: Shit! Gotta go!

They hang up at the same time.

Jahruno: This is great! I actually got a date!

???: Yeah, that's nice and all but MY RIBS ARE BROKEN!

Jahruno: Calm down, man, help is in the way.

???: Alright, thanks. Jeez, what kind of strength was that earlier?

Jahruno: It was that aura you saw. Remember that?

???: Oh yeah... so it's like a boost or something?

Jahruno: Yeah, something like that.

???: I see... *coughs up blood*

Jahruno: Shit, I got you pretty bad, huh?

???: It's fine. How long have you had that aura for anyway?

Jahruno: I'd say about a few months ago but it very rarely comes out. However, it does multiply my strength and speed by a lot.

???: That's kinda cool, I guess.

Jahruno: A little bit *chuckles*.You know, I never got your name anyway and you know mine.

???: Yeah my girlfriend, well, now my ex, told me about you. But it's Ricky.

Jahruno: Nice to meet you, Ricky.

Ricky: Nice to meet you too, Jahruno. Sorry for getting heated back there. You made a good point when you said you didn't know anything about me.

Jahruno: Don't worry about it, man. We all have our misunderstandings.

Ricky: *Chuckles* You're not bad, Jahruno.

They shake hands and the ambulance finally gets in sight of the two.

Ricky: Looks like they made it. It's been real, dude. I've got one more question, though.

Jahruno: Ask away.

Ricky: Why'd you still help me?

Jahruno: You really wanna know, huh? I helped you because I just wouldn't feel right leaving you in the dust. I wanted to at least talk everything out. There's always more to a story, you know? And I believe there's always something good in everybody. But that's all I've got. Anyways, stay safe, my boy.

They shake hands once more and Jahruno gets up off the bench and walks away while the ambulance takes Ricky away.

Once the ambulance drives away, Jahruno looks at the time on his phone.

Jahruno: Shit! I'm late for class! I'm probably gonna skip anyway.

Meanwhile, in an unknown location, there's an office with 5 people working on their laptops. A sixth individual barges in the room holding papers.

#6: Hey, everyone, check this out! We might have another potential fighter for the tournament!

#2: That's great! What's this one like?

#5: Does he compare to anyone else we've chosen?

#6: I'm thinking he might be one of the best we've got.

#4: Better than Frank?

#6: Definitely.

#1: Better than Giovanni?

#6: For sure.

#5: Yubo Yamagishi?

#6: I can see him being better than Yubo.

#3: What about that child prodigy, Hasuke Bando?

#6: Shit, probably not. He is the first person we thought of when we found out we had to select people for this tournament. Hasuke's one of the top fighters in the entire world while this guy's just a regular school kid. I think it'd be a promising matchup though.

#3: I see... so, what's this guy's name?

#6: According to this document, his name is "Jahruno". We don't have a last name yet. He's kind of skinny and listed at about 5 feet and 10 inches. Dark skinned, red eyes, spiked up hair with 2 locs sticking out in the front and gold rings around those locs. Sounds like he isn't hard to spot in public.

#3: He seems like a unique character, where's he from?

#6: This town in Western Michigan called "Stonehenge Heights".

#2: Isn't that where Hasuke Bando was born?

#6: Indeed.

#5: So, what did Jahruno do that caught the observer's eyes?

#6 looks at the document again.

#6: It says here that he emitted a red aura after another guy called him a "bitch". Oh man, it's even better reading it the second time! He used both his fists to break the guy's ribs and in the next second he kicked that man about the length of half a football field away from him!

#5: Damn!

#4: I like the sound of this guy.

#3: I can't wait to see him in action!

#2: You think we should give him that test like we did with Yubo and Hasuke?

#6: That wouldn't be a bad idea.

#1: I just hope he accepts the offer for the tournament. I think Warui would be the perfect trainer for him.

#6: Yeah, I do too. But I have a strong feeling this is something Jahruno wouldn't turn down...

As Jahruno is walking through the halls in school, he hears a conversation between two guys. The first guy is about Jahruno's size and the second is wider and a foot taller than him.

Guy #1: I guess it really is true that Andrew's gay.

Guy #2: Ew, how'd you find that out?

Guy #1: There's this video of him and another guy going around. They were making out behind the school.

Guy #2: Sick! I might just beat his ass if I see him!

This ticks Jahruno off and he decides to join the conversation.

Jahruno: What's your problem? *Smirks* You afraid of gays, boy?

Guy #2: Don't worry about me, little man. I recommend you get to stepping, dumbass.

Jahruno: Oh?

His expression gets serious and he grabs the second guy by his collar and brings him down to his level.

Jahruno: Watch your tone with me, dick. Now let's talk about your issue real quick. Andrew's a good friend of mine and I'm not gonna tolerate this disrespect, got it? Besides, you shouldn't have that energy towards him anyway. Nothing about him liking guys should affect you. I don't care if that's how you were raised, don't fuck with people like that!

Jahruno aggressively pushes the guy down to the ground.

Jahruno: Now, do better next time, okay? I don't wanna catch you messing with Andrew. I know you're better than that, dude. I believe in you.

Jahruno walks away.

Guy #1: Jeez... You alright?

Guy #2: Yeah, I'm good...

Jahruno continues to walk around the school.

Jahruno: *Sigh* I'm not feeling school today. I think I'll just hang out on the roof and take a nap.

Jahruno reaches the roof entrance. He opens the door and he sees someone already hanging out there.

Jahruno: Oh shit, Dionte?

He turns around and notices Jahruno.

Dionte: Woah, you're here too? Nice!

Jahruno: *Chuckles* You know me.

Dionte: Good thing I got us some food and drinks from the gas station before school.

Jahruno: That's what's up!

Jahruno walks up and sits about a couple feet away from Dionte.

Dionte: So, what was up with that fight earlier?

Jahruno: You saw that?

Dionte: Yeah. Your aura caught my attention so I watched the whole thing.

Jahruno: Ahh, I see... well he was mad about me being with his girlfriend so we argued. He called me a bitch and it got me upset so I beat his ass a little.

Dionte: A little? *Laughs* But the ambulance showed up.

Jahruno: *Chuckles* Okay I broke his ribs and he might have a concussion. But we talked it out and he's actually pretty cool.

Dionte: Heh, sounds like something you'd do.

A couple seconds later, three girls open the door of the roof.

Girl #1: Damn, it looks like they beat us to it.

Jahruno: Felisha? What the hell? Is it Skip On The Roof Day?

Felisha: Oh ha ha. Anyways, Jahruno, the principal wants to see you. She thought you'd be up here.

Jahruno: The principal? What does she want?

Felisha: Go find out, dummy.

Jahruno gets up to leave.

Jahruno: Yeah yeah I'm goin'.

Dionte gets up and walks behind Jahruno.

Dionte: I guess I'll go see what's up.

Felisha: Um? Okay, bye I guess.

Jahruno and Dionte leave the roof and go to the principal's office.

Girl #2: Dang, that sucks. They were cute.

Girl #3: I know, right?

Felisha: *Scoffs* They weren't all that.

She looks over at Dionte's bag of snacks.

Felisha: Oh, cool! They left some food!

Girl #2: Uh oh...

Jahruno and Dionte are getting closer to the principal's office.

Dionte: What could you imagine she wants?

Jahruno: Maybe she's tired of me chilling on the roof? That's all I ever do.

Dionte: True. I don't know what else she'd call you down for.

Jahruno: Guess we'll find out.

They reach the outside of the office.

Dionte: Well, we're here. Let me know how it goes.

Jahruno: Got it.

Jahruno enters the office and sees the principal sitting down at her desk on the computer.

Jahruno: Hey, Mrs. Phoenix. Felisha said you wanted to see me.

Phoenix: Yes I did. Take a seat.

Jahruno sits in the chair on the other side of her desk.

Jahruno: So, what's the problem, ma'am?

Phoenix: We've gotten word that you've been in a fight earlier this morning. Is that correct?

Jahruno: Yeah... but it wasn't at school. That wouldn't count against me, right?

Phoenix: See, I said the same thing but we got an anonymous tip and the majority of the staff insisted you be punished for this. It's just that we're concerned with the school's reputation and we have to handle situations like this accordingly.

Jahruno: I understand. What's my punishment?

Phoenix: 20 days of suspension.

Jahruno: Eh, that's not too bad.

Phoenix: Well, of course you'd say that. All you do is skip school. I'm surprised your grades are even decent.

Jahruno: That's fair.

Jahruno stands up

Jahruno: I guess I'll be on my way. Have a good day, Penelope.

Phoenix: You too, Jahruno. Stay out of trouble.

Jahruno walks out of the room.

Phoenix: Wait a second, did he just call me by my first name?

Dionte sees Jahruno come out of the office and close the door behind him.

Dionte: So, how'd it go?

Jahruno: I've been suspended for 20 days.

Dionte: What the hell? How come?

Jahruno: Apparently they found out about the fight earlier.

Dionte: But that happened outside of school.

Jahruno: That's what I said! I don't know, man...

Dionte: So what you gonna do now?

Jahruno: It's still pretty early. I'll go hoop at Rocky's for a minute and take a nap before my date.

Dionte: Nice! Who's the girl?

Jahruno: The 911 operator I called earlier because of the fight.

Dionte: Ha! Typical Jahruno.

Jahruno: *Chuckles* Yeah. Anyways, I'll catch you later.

Dionte: Alright, I'll see you.

They do a handshake and part ways.

Dionte ends up back on the roof and sees that Felisha and her friends are still there.

Dionte: Oh, you guys are still here.

Felisha: Yep. What happened to Jahruno?

Dionte: He's suspended for 20 days.

Felisha: Really!? How come?

Dionte: He got in a fight earlier and they found out.

Felisha: Did he win?

Dionte: Of course he did!

Felisha: Heh, that's our guy!

Dionte: Hey... where'd all the snacks go?

Felisha: Oh! Uh... The hall monitor took 'em.

Dionte: I see the crumbs on your lips...

Felisha: Uh...

As Jahruno is walking back home to get his stuff ready to go to Rocky's, he notices 2 bigger kids beating on a smaller boy at the entrance of an apartment complex. The smaller kid starts bruising and bleeding from his nose along with his glasses being broken.

Kid #1: Take that! *Punch* And that! *Punch* Don't push my friend ever again, Carl!

Carl: But he was bullying me first!

Kid #2: *Punch* Shut the fuck up, Carl!

Jahruno walks behind the two boys and lifts them up from their shirts.

Jahruno: You know... Picking on people smaller than you makes you a fucking loser, right?

Kid #1: W-Who are you?

Jahruno: Don't worry about who I am. I don't wanna catch you little assholes doing this ever again. I know you can do better than this. You hear me?

Kid #2: W-We're sorry.

Kid #1: Yeah. we're really sorry.

Jahruno: Don't apologize to me! Apologize to Carl!

Kid #1 and #2: We're sorry for hurting you, Carl.

Jahruno: That's good.

He throws the two kids to the ground behind him.

Jahruno: Now get lost!

Kid #1 and #2: Sorry!

The kids run away.

Jahruno: Here, kid, I got some tissues in my bag. It should take care of your nose.

He reaches in his bag to grab the tissues and then he hands them to Carl. Carl takes them and starts wiping his nose.

Carl: Thank you, mister.

Jahruno: No problem, little dude. How'd everything start?

Carl: They were teasing me and one of them started pushing me around. I pushed back and they started beating me up. I was just defending myself.

Jahruno: That's just terrible, man. *Sigh* I can tell you right now that one thing you're gonna learn in life is that it's hard being the smart one in a room full of dumbasses. It's just a natural thing, you know?

Carl: *Sniffles* Oh...

Jahruno: But we gotta get you self defense classes or something,

Carl: Self defense classes?

Jahruno: Yeah! Gotta know how to hit 'em with one of these *right hook* or one of these *straight left* or even one of these *high right kick*! You feel me?

Carl: Woah, that's so cool!

Jahruno: Yeah, dude! I gotta go but look more into it, okay?

Carl: I will!

Jahruno enters the apartment complex and runs to his apartment. He enters his house and packs his bags to go to Rocky's.

He gets everything situated and walks back out and jumps on the roof of another building on his right.

He runs straight and jumps back down on the ground over the gate but slips on a singular grape and falls on his back. "Fuck! What the hell was that?" He exclaims as he sucks in his teeth.

He gets back up and starts making his way to Rocky's . As he's making a couple turns on his way, he notices someone that's been behind him for the past few minutes. "This guy followin' me?" He thinks to himself. "Maybe I'm thinking too much."

Eventually, he reaches Rocky Remington's Rec Center. Jahruno looks behind him again and sees the person isn't there anymore. He enters the rec center and greets Rocky at the front desk.

Jahruno: Yoo! Rocky!

Rocky: Jahruno? What's up, man? Why ya here so early? Shouldn't you be in school?

Jahruno: I got suspended from school.

Rocky: Damn, how come?

Jahruno: I got into a fight earlier this morning.

Rocky: Aww, come on, Jahruno!

Jahruno: Hold up! It was self defense!

Rocky: *Sigh* I guess that's fine. You got your pass, right?

Jahruno: Yeah, let me get my wallet.

He gets his wallet from the side of his bag and pulls out something to give to Rocky.

Jahruno: Here you go.

Rocky: Uh... This is an expired Coney Island coupon.

Jahruno: Oh shit!

He reaches back in his wallet and pulls out his rec center pass.

Jahruno: There it is.

He hands the pass to Rocky.

Rocky: Alright, you're good to go! You've got most of the place to yourself since it's so early.

Jahruno: Thanks! I'll be at the east courts if you need anything.

Rocky: Right on, dude!

Jahruno makes his way to the eastern basketball courts.

Jahruno: Later, Remmy!

Rocky: Later!

Jahruno is out of his sight.

Rocky: "Remmy"... That's a new one. Guess I'm keeping this... expired coupon...

Jahruno finally approaches the eastern courts but the lights are off. "Shit, I can't see a thing" he says to himself. He walks further into the gym. He gets about 20 yards in and the lights suddenly cut on. Jahruno immediately notices the hundreds of dark-clothed figures completely surrounding him.

Jahruno: What the hell is this?

-Chapter 1 End-