Chapter 3: A Date With A Beast

Jahruno: Weeping Angels.

Jahruno has stopped the flow of time itself. It's an ability that activates when he locks onto a certain person and they blink. He has 5 seconds to act.

He grabs all of their guns and throws them up in the air.

Jahruno: That should do it. Time, resume!

Time has started to move again. The guns that Jahruno threw in the air started to fall down. Once the guns are in a good position, he uses both of his fists simultaneously to crush all 3 of the guy's weapons.

Jahruno sucks his teeth out of pain.

Jahruno: My fucking knuckles! Why did I do that? Damn that hurts!

Guy #1: The hell happened to our guns?

Mariya (thinking): All I did was blink... how the hell did he do that?

Guy #2: I didn't look away for a second!

Guy #3: You! White suit! What did you do?

Jahruno: Who? Me? Uhh... Don't worry about that. Everyone else! Run away while you still can!

The people in the restaurant quickly escape the building. Mariya decides to stay with Jahruno.

Jahruno: Now to deal with you three... you managed to ruin the perfect date with the perfect girl. How do you think I feel about that?

Guy #1: Uh...

Jahruno: I'm pretty damn upset! So, you know what? Here's what's gonna go down: I'm gonna beat all of your asses, call the police over here, and take my date back home. Any questions?

Guy #2: Wh-

Jahruno: *Punch* Shut up!

Jahruno hits the guy with a right hook and knocks him out.

Guy #3: Woah! We'll leave! Just don't hurt us!

Jahruno: Aww that's a real shame, dude. You two are standing right in the perfect spots.

Guy #1: Perfect spots?

Jahruno: Yup!

Jahruno unleashes a high speed barrage of punches at the two men.


The two guys are knocked far back and they crash through the wall behind them.

Jahruno picks up Mariya and runs out of the restaurant.

Mariya: Wait, you're not gonna call the police?

Jahruno: Nah, I lied. *laughs*

Soon enough they make it far away enough from the restaurant where they are a couple turns away from Jahruno's apartment.

Mariya: Jeez, I didn't know you were built like that.

Jahruno: Crazy, right? I've been doing a good amount of training most of my life so that explains it pretty well.

Mariya: Maybe you can teach me a thing or two. *smiles and chuckles*

Jahruno: *laughs* I've never taught anyone before but I can try.

Mariya: Good luck! So, we're going back to your house?

Jahruno: Well, only if you want to. I can take you home if you want.

Mariya: No, it's fine. *blushes* I was hoping we could have some fun at your place...

Jahruno: *blushes and smirks* Is that so?

A voice emerges from the shadows. "Hey! I'm not done with you!"

Jahruno: Who's there?

It was one of the guys from the restaurant.

Guy #1: You think you can just beat up my people and get away with it? I grew up with them, you know? We were gonna get paid big time until you stepped in! All we had to do was kill Von Gilbert and that's a million each! But no! You had to ruin it!

Mariya: ENOUGH!

She hops out of Jahruno's arms and walks towards the guy. Her eyes fully glow red and she begins to physically change. She gets taller and more muscular. Her nails grow and her teeth sharpen. It's as if she becomes more of a beast.

Jahruno (thinking): What the fuck is happening to her? And why is it kinda hot?

Mariya: I finally get a chance with the perfect guy and you come here and fuck it up for me! You know how long it's been since I've ever felt this way!? I'm not letting your filthy ass ruin this night!

Jahruno: Mariya! Are you good?

She ignores Jahruno and begins rushing towards the man and starts clawing him everywhere, giving him deep cuts all over his body.

Right after, she picks him up by both legs and throws him far away in front of her to the point where no one can even see where he landed.

Then, Mariya reverts back to her normal form. Her breathing becomes heavy.

Jahruno: Hey, Mariya, you feeling okay?

He begins to run towards her.

Mariya: Yeah, I'm fine...

They turn around and start walking to Jahruno's apartment once again.

Jahruno: What the hell was that?

Mariya: About that... It's something that happens when I get too worked up. I can't control it... I'm sorry you had to see me that way.

Jahruno: Don't apologize. It's okay. I won't look at you any different. We've all got something that makes us unique, Mariya. I won't judge you for it at all. You're still an amazing person to me.

Mariya: *sheds a tear* Thank you, Jahruno, that means a lot to me.

She gives him a tight hug. He hugs her back just as tight.

After that, they continue to walk to Jahruno's apartment. Once they enter, Jahruno picks Mariya up once again and carries her to his bedroom. He gently tosses her on his bed and undresses her. She blushes.

Mariya: I'm all yours, Jahruno...

Jahruno: That's all I needed to hear...

Jahruno leans in for a kiss. Mariya does the same. They make out for a couple minutes.

(Yes, they had sex. No, I won't get into detail about it lmaooo.)

Once they were done, they lay beside each other in bed. Both of them, exhausted.

Mariya: Wow... that was insane... you're really... full of surprises...

Jahruno: What can I say? I'm just that guy. *chuckles*

Mariya lies on Jahruno. She begins to fall asleep.

Mariya: Good night, Jahruno... I loved every second with you tonight... You really are wonderful and I'm blessed to have met you...

Jahruno: Good night, Mariya... I loved spending time with you too... To me, you're like a gift from heaven itself...

Mariya: You really are an amazing man. Never change, okay?

Jahruno: Of course not.

Jahruno (thinking): I've hung out with my fair share of women but there's something about Mariya... She's the best I've ever been with. I hope we can do more together.

The two are fast asleep.

The scene switches to the same office with the 5 people (remember them?)

#2: It seems to be getting late.

#4: Yeah I guess you're right. I should start packing up.

#1: Same here.

Everyone in the room starts getting their supplies together in order to go home for the night. However, #6 barges in the room once again with notes.

#6: We got a last second report, everybody!

#3: What could've happened this late at night?

#6: Get this, there's this perfectly normal woman, right? Her name's Mariya, about 5'6 with brown skin, curly hair, and baby blue eyes. She was actually hanging out with the Jahruno guy we talked about earlier.

#4: What were they doing together this late?

#6: Based on their formal attire, and the fact he was carrying her, they must've been on a date or something.

#5: I see...

#6: But something was off about this woman. She appeared to get immensely agitated and she began to transform into a more beastly version of herself.

#2: That can't be right... but what'd she do when she transformed?

#6: The guy behind Jahruno and Mariya got severely injured by deep cuts from her enlarged nails. She then picked the guy up and threw him out of sight. We still don't know exactly how far she hurled him but we're guessing a mile or two.

#4: We should keep an eye on her. She's an extremely dangerous being.

#6: Indeed, she is. Anyways, that's all I have for tonight so I'll be making my way home. Have a good night, everyone! Stay safe, okay?

#6 leaves the room.

#5: I love that woman. Always giving off good energy.

#3: You know #6 is a guy, right?

#5: Wait, what the fuck?

As #5 questions his sexuality, we see various characters and what they're doing at this time of night. Jahruno and Mariya are still sleeping together. Dionte wakes up and sits on the edge of his bed, still with lifeless eyes. Felisha is looking at the stars through her bedroom window. Her mom comes in the room and they hug each other before her mom leaves the room. Ricky is still sleeping in the hospital bed; as well as Dionte's mom in another room. Warui is up painting in his room. As for Mariya's parents, her dad is asleep and her mom walks in the bedroom and lays down next to him.

This day, March 21st, 2023, was truly remarkable. It is, indeed, a very important date in Jahruno's journey.

Many hours pass and the sun rises once more. Mariya wakes up but Jahruno is still asleep. She gets out of bed and takes a shower. Soon, she gets out, gets an extra toothbrush out of Jahruno's drawer and starts brushing her teeth.

Jahruno begins to wake up. The first thing he sees is Mariya brushing her teeth naked in the bathroom across from his own room. "She's so beautiful." He thought to himself. "Who would've thought I'd even had a chance with someone like her."

Mariya catches a glimpse of Jahruno staring at her after she's done brushing her teeth. She smiles and walks over to him. Jahruno perks up a little with a smile on his face. She bends over to rest her arms on the bed in Jahruno's face.

Mariya: Good morning, sleepyhead...

Jahruno: Good morning...

Mariya: Last night was amazing. Nobody's ever made me feel that way before.

Jahruno: I'm glad I could be of assistance, hehe.

Mariya: Haha, yeah... Oh! What time is it?

Jahruno grabs his phone off the nightstand to check the time.

Jahruno: It's 7:16.

Mariya: Phew... I still have time to get ready for work.

Jahruno: You're gonna go to work in your dress?

Mariya: No, why would I do that?

Jahruno: It's the only thing you have to wear.

Mariya: Righttt I'm not at home...

Jahruno gets out of bed and goes through his closet and drawers.

Jahruno: Hold on, I'll see if I have some old clothes you can wear on your way home.

Mariya: Really? Thank you!

Jahruno: *Smiles* No problem.

He picks out an old black shirt, black sweatpants, black socks, and some black slides.

Jahruno: How we feelin'?

Mariya: It's perfect! Definitely my type of outfit!

Jahruno: Aww, I'm glad you like it!

Mariya: I just need some underwear...

Jahruno: Don't worry, I can find some. I'll get a bag for your old clothes from yesterday.

Mariya: Thank you so much!

Jahruno: Any time!

Mariya: What did I do to deserve someone like you?

Jahruno: Guess we'll never know. *chuckles*

Jahruno packs Mariya's old clothes into a bag and then puts it in her purse. Mariya gets dressed while Jahruno brushes his teeth. She grabs her purse and Jahruno leads her to the door.

Mariya: *Smiles* It's been really fun, Jahruno! Maybe we can hang out another day!

Jahruno: *Smiles back* I hope so too! You got everything?

Mariya: I just need one more thing...

She blushes and kisses Jahruno right on his lips. After that she turns around and walks away.

Mariya: See ya later!

Jahruno: Alright I'll see you!

He waves at her then walks back inside and closes the door behind him. He takes a shower, puts on new clothes and decides to lay down on the couch.

Jahruno: Second day of being suspended from school... What should I do today?

He thinks about how he first talked to Mariya and he remembers that Ricky, the guy he fought, is still in the hospital.

"Man, I fucked him up pretty bad. You know what? I'm gonna check on him!" He says to himself. "I'll get him some flowers from the store first." Then, he gets up off the couch and walks out the house to go to the grocery store.

About a quarter of the way and Jahruno passes by Clemson Elementary. He looks on the other side of the road and notices a kid running away from the school.

"What's going on here?" he thinks to himself. "Isn't there a forest over there? Eh, it's probably nothing."

He turns around and keeps walking. He looks back at the forest again and notices the huge lake in between the trees. He walks closer to the forest and sees a raging river that leads into the lake.

"Wait... That kid! I gotta find him!" He says. Jahruno runs through the forest until he sees the kid floating in the river which drops at the end into the lake. The kid gets to the edge of the drop until Jahruno bolts in and grabs his arm just in time. Jahruno's breathing gets heavy and he starts to sweat.

Jahruno: Are you okay?

The kid looks at him but doesn't respond.

Jahruno pulls him up and walks him back out of the forest.

Jahruno: Do you go to Clemson? That's the nearest school from us.

He still doesn't get a response from the kid. He lightly grabs his hand and starts walking towards the school.

Jahruno: Here, follow me. We'll see what the school can do.

At the entrance of the school there's a buzzer system next to the door. He holds the button to speak.

Jahruno: Hello? I think one of your students escaped the school. I saw him running in the forest and he almost fell into the lake.

The woman on the other side of the intercom begins to speak.

Woman: Is it Ymor? Bring him into the office.

Jahruno: Alright.

They unlock the door and Jahruno brings the kid inside. They walk into the office.

Woman: I see Ymor got out again.

Jahruno: This isn't his first time?

Woman: Nope. He tends to escape the school every now and then. But he's never gone into the forest before.

Jahruno: That's crazy. I saw him on my way to the grocery store. I walked a little more and saw the lake and a river through the trees. I rushed in there and caught him in the river right before it dumped into the lake.

Woman: Are you serious!? I have to call his mother!

She quickly looks for Ymor's student profile and dials his mother's number.

Ymor's Mother: Hello?

Woman: Hello. Is this Ymor's mother, Mrs. Francisco?

Mrs. Francisco: Yes it is. Is there an issue?

Woman: There's been an emergency at school and now his clothes are soaking wet.

Mrs. Francisco: What? I'll be right over.

She hangs up the phone and leaves her job to go to the school.

Woman: Alright, the mother should be on her way. Thank you, sir, for saving this child. We'll be more cautious next time.

Jahruno: Not a problem. I'll stay here until his mother comes to get him.

A few minutes pass and his mother and 2 other people walk in the office.

Mrs. Francisco: Ymor! Are you ok?

She opens her arms. Ymor doesn't respond but walks to his mother and hugs her. The lady at the desk speaks up.

Woman: He's perfectly fine thanks to that man right there! *She points at Jahruno*

Jahruno: Oh uhh I guess I helped a little. *nervous laugh*

Mrs. Francisco: Thank you so much, sir! How could I ever repay you?

Jahruno: Repay? You don't owe me anything. I'm just here to do my thing. *Chuckles*

Mrs. Francisco: You're too kind!

The girl behind Mrs. Francisco walk up to Jahruno.

???: So, what happened to him?

Jahruno: He escaped from the school, ran into the forest, fell into the river, and almost got dumped into the lake. Luckily, I got there just in time before he fell in.

???: Wow... What's your name?

Jahruno: Jahruno. And you?

Ymir: I'm Ymir. That's my mother and my brother, Ymar, over there. We're truly grateful for what you've done. We'll never forget you.

Ymar: Wait, I got an idea.

He pulls out his cellphone and gives it to the lady at the front desk.

Ymar: Can you take a picture of us together, please?

Woman: Of course!

Jahruno: This is unexpected. But I'm down!

Everyone groups together. They all smile at the camera while Ymor looks away to his right. The lady takes the picture and hands the phone back to Ymar.

Ymar: Thank you!

Woman: You're welcome!

Mrs. Francisco: Once again, thank you so much, Jahruno!

Ymar & Ymir: Thank you!

Jahruno: Not a problem! Glad I could help!

As Jahruno walks out the door he turns around.

Jahruno: I was wondering, do you know why Ymor doesn't talk? He hasn't really said a word to me this whole time.

Mrs. Francisco: Well, that's because he's non-verbal autistic. He almost never talks and we've been working with him a lot over the years.

Jahruno: Got you... I hope everything goes well for you all. Good luck.

Mrs. Francisco: Thank you.

Jahruno: Alright, I gotta get going. Y'all have a good day!

Everyone else: See you later!

Mrs. Francisco: Ymor, can you say "bye" to Mr. Jahruno?

Ymor doesn't say anything but he waves a little. Jahruno smiles and waves at him and walks out of the room.

Ymir: Dang! He was pretty cute. I should've gotten his number. *Sigh*

Ymar: Dude...

Jahruno makes it to the grocery store and purchases some Violets. He leaves the store and makes it to the hospital. He talks with the person at the front desk for a moment and makes his way to Ricky's room with the flowers.

He enters the room and sure enough, Ricky is laying down while looking out of the window.

Jahruno: Yo, Ricky. Remember me?

Ricky: Well I'll be damned. *Laughs* I never would've guessed you'd come to visit me.

Jahruno: Haha, I know right? I was thinking about yesterday and I wanted to see how everything was holding up. How long do you think everything will be like this?

Ricky: 'Bout a couple months.

Jahruno: Jeez, man. I'm really sorry. I got too carried away.

Ricky: Hey, don't even sweat. I understand.

Jahruno: Get well soon. I'll be back every now and then to check on ya.

Ricky: Much appreciated.

A man walks in the room and notices the two talking.

???: Hey, who's this guy?

Ricky: Oh, this is Jahruno.

???: Wait, the same guy that got you here in the first place?

Ricky: Yeah...

Jahruno: Listen, I apologize for causing all of this mess. I don't expect you to forgive me for this.

He marches up to Jahruno and grabs him by the neck of his shirt.

???: You think an apology is gonna stop me from beating your ass? How dare you do this to my brother?

Ricky: Rye, it's fine, dude.

Rye: Listen here, Jahruno, I hope you know that you're not gonna get away with this. You hear me?

Jahruno's expression completely changes. He has an intimidating look in his eyes. He stares right at Rye's eyes.

Jahruno: Get your fucking hands off of me...

Rye: What was that?

Jahruno: You heard what I said... Get your fucking hands off of me...

Rye hesitates for a moment and Jahruno continues to stare right into his eyes. In the next moment, Rye let's go of him.

Jahruno: Anyways, I'm gonna take off. Get well soon, Ricky.

Ricky: Later, Jahruno.

Jahruno walks out of the room.

Rye: I'll kill him...

Ricky: Relax, bro, you guys'll get along soon. Trust me.

Rye: Did you forget what he's done to you?

Ricky: Trust me, I know. But it was all on me. Besides, he's cool once you get to know him.

Rye: I've got my eye on him.

Jahruno continues walking in the halls of the hospital to reach the exit. He notices a nurse walking out of a room in front of him.

He continues to walk and takes a quick glance at the room the nurse just came out of. He immediately recognizes Dionte's mother in the bed, still covered in bruises.

Jahruno: Mrs. Hieri!

He rushes over to her. Dionte's mom looks over at him. Her voice is still weak.

Mrs. Hieri: Oh... hey, Jahruno...

Jahruno: Mrs. Hieri, what happened? Who did this to you?

Mrs. Hieri: It was horrible... those damn Guelfos...

Jahruno: Who? What'd they do?

The nurse comes back into the room.

Nurse: Sir, you can't be in here! I need you to leave!

Jahruno: This is my friend's mom! Look at her!

Nurse: Listen, I understand how you must feel. I really do. But you can't be here right now.

Mrs. Hieri: Please... Talk to Dionte... He witnessed everything...

Jahruno: Don't you worry! I'll take care of everything!

The nurse holds Jahruno's shoulders and guides him out of the room.

He makes his way to the exit and leaves the hospital to go see Dionte. Outside the hospital, he starts to think to himself, "I don't know what the hell a Guelfo is but they'll be dealt with soon enough. I just gotta hurry up and talk to Dionte about this."

Dionte wakes up in his bed and stares at the ceiling for a minute. "I should probably clean up all of this blood." He says to himself. "I'm gonna get some food first, though." He gets out of bed to walk downstairs.

Dionte: Good morning, everyone!

He remembers the incident that took place in that room.

Dionte: Right... It's okay... I'll get them back. *Laughs* They'll never get away with it!

He eventually calms down and looks in the fridge. He grabs some milk. After that, he finds some cereal at the top of his fridge and grabs it.

Dionte: This'll do, I guess.

He grabs a bowl out of the cupboard. He laughs as he pours the milk before the cereal.

Dionte: Hehe, they'll never know my dirty little secret...

He eats for a few minutes and then gets some supplies to start cleaning the blood out of his room. He takes his sheets off of his bed along with his clothes to wash them.

Dionte: Phew! Blood is really hard to clean. I should probably shower, though. I'm pretty filthy.

Dionte gets some towels and steps into the warm shower. Later, he gets back out and brushes his teeth. He looks around and finds some clothes to put on.

As Jahruno is jogging through town to see Dionte, he hears a passing conversation between two girls and slows down a little.

Girl #1: Woah!

Girl #2: What's wrong?

Girl #1: My friend just texted me saying she saw that gang from Grand Ainsworth pass by her house.

Girl #2: No way! Where are they?

Girl #1: Well, my friend lives over in that area.

She points slightly to the left but still somewhat straight.

Jahruno (thinking): Huh... That's where Dionte lives... Interesting...

Girl #2: Ugh! She's so lucky! They'd fight anyone on sight just 'cause they can!

Girl #1: I know! They're so cool!

Jahruno (thinking): Wait a minute... What if they see Dionte? Shit, I gotta hurry up!

Back at Dionte's house, Dionte hears the mail truck pass by from his room.

Dionte: *Sigh* I should probably get that.

He walks out of the house to get the mail. A group of guys walking down the same street spot Dionte. It seems to be a gang of some kind. There are 10 people plus their leader, who carries around a metal pipe. He talks to the rest of the gang.

???: Hey, y'all thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?

Member #2: We're gonna fuck him up are we? *Laughs*

???: Readin' my mind.

Dionte reaches for the mailbox and the leader strikes it with the pipe.

Dionte: The fuck?

???: Oh shit! Dionte? Ha! I remember you from 7th grade. I'm gonna fuck you up even more now.

Dionte: Dolche? You're still mad about that?

Dolche: You kiddin' me? You literally called me the "Hillbilly Pee Pee Boy" in front of everyone cause a dog pissed all over my clothes right before school and the only replacement they had were a pair of overalls!

A few of the gang members laugh.

Dolche: Shut up!

They instantly get silent.

Dolche: Fuck! Thinking about that pissed me off! Surround him!

The gang completely surrounds Dionte.

Dolche: Better prepare yourself, Dionte. None of us are holding back.

Dionte: Heh, I haven't fought in a minute. Alright, let's get this over with!

-Chapter 3 End-