Chapter 5: Hell On Earth


As he dropped to the ground, he crawled backwards and fell off of an unexpecting cliff that didn't seem to be there before.

Jahruno: Woah! What's happening!?

Jahruno falls into a body of water at the bottom of the cliff. He sinks for a moment then immediately floats back to the surface.

After his head came out of the water, the field was nowhere to be seen. He ended up in a completely empty ocean with no land in sight.

Jahruno looks at the golden sky and sees a giant pair of white, glowing hands.

Jahruno: Aye! Is this your doing!? Answer me!

Rather than getting a response back, the hands clap four times in a row. Jahruno looks down and sees he isn't in water anymore But rather, a desert filled with thousands of injured people.

The ones who stood out in the crowd were 4 figures riding four different colored horses; a white horse, a red horse, a black horse, and a pale horse.

The person on the white horse rode through the land whilst shooting arrows at countless people.

As for the individual on the red horse, they ride behind as they slash and decapitate the humans they pass by.

The figure on the black horse follows while emitting a dark, ominous aura while it's holding a weighing scale.

Finally, the horseman mounted on the pale horse rides by with portals to the gates of hell on its trail, bringing the deceased to its domain of eternal torment.

Jahruno: I'm dreaming, right? This has to be a dream! What were those fucking hands?

Jahruno looks at the sky again and sees the hands clap a fifth time. Immediately after, Jahruno saw the souls of the dead surround him.

All Souls: Save us... Save us, Jahruno... It hurts so much...

Jahruno sweats as he witnesses the horrifying appearances of the souls. Black lifeless eyes, long empty mouths, long faces, and some are even weeping.

Jahruno: What can I do!?

All Souls: Don't change the world... Don't change the world...

Jahruno: Huh?

The hands appear in front of the souls and clap a sixth time. The souls disappear and the sun turns black.

The horsemen who have finished slaughtering the people of the desert turn towards Jahruno and begin to charge at him.

Jahruno: Shit!

He closes his eyes when the horsemen get close to him.

When Jahruno opens his eyes, he ends up in a land of ice and snow.

Jahruno: What? Where am I now?

He looks at the dark, starry sky and sees that the moon is a bright shade of red. Jahruno notices the stars are growing and he stares in confusion.

Jahruno: Wait... Don't tell me...

The stars grow even bigger and fall to the ground, obliterating all of the land. Jahruno runs behind him as fast as he can, dodging the falling stars.

Jahruno: *huff* Shit! *Looks up* Those fucking hands again!

The hands clap a seventh time and everything becomes completely silent, despite the fire and destruction still persisting. One final star hurls at Jahruno before he closes his eyes again.

Once more, he opens his eyes and this time he's at the beach with a giant forest behind it. There's many people playing in the water and laying down in the sand. Everyone seems to be having a good time

Jahruno (thinking): Thank god it's over. I still don't know what's going on but this is better than what just happened. *Looks at the sky* Wait, the sun is still black?

A very high pitched trumpet blows out of nowhere.

Jahruno: The hell was that?

The sky glows red and balls of fire and hail begin to rain down from the sky.

Jahruno: Shit! Everyone, move!

Everyone begins to run in different directions, some people run into the forest or even try to swim deep in the water so it'll stop the blow.

As for Jahruno, he runs to his right. The fireballs strike down at the people trying so desperately to escape their inevitable death. A pregnant woman and her other child burn violently on Jahruno's left as he passes by.

Jahruno still runs, passing by hundreds of corpses, burning and releasing an awful smell. An old man screams to Jahruno in the distance.

Old Man: Please! Help me! I can't move!

Jahruno: I'll be right ov-

Before he could get all of his words out, a fireball strikes down directly on the old man.

Jahruno: Damn it! When will this end?

Just as he says that, he's scraped by several pieces of hail and blood falls from his forehead, shoulders, chest, and thighs. However, he keeps running.

A second trumpet with an ever so slightly lower pitch starts to sound.

The mountain in the distance on the other side of the sea begins to glow a fiery orange. Jahruno then stops to look at the water as most of the sea turns into blood. The ships in the water begin to explode.

Dead fish, disfigured people, and even limbs wash up on shore.

Jahruno: *Gags* I think I'm gonna be sick...

The third trumpet sounds this time. The pitch seems to lower with each blow.

The fiery mountain in the distance begins to erupt and it shoots a giant blazing star into the scarlet sea. Once it lands, the blood starts bubbling. All the people still swimming in the blood begin to melt and break away.

Jahruno: Fuck this!

Jahruno runs straight into the partially burning forest. Before he gets a chance to enter the forest, the fourth trumpet plays a sound. A third of the sun disappears and the Earth stumbled into a crimson darkness.

Jahruno continues running but turns his back to look at the sun.

Jahruno: I gotta find out who's doing this!

He turns his head back forward and enters the forest. Deeper into the forest, he sees other people running for their lives.

The fifth trumpet blows and giant demon locusts emerge from the ground and begin devouring the scurrying humans. One of the locusts start to chase Jahruno from behind.

Jahruno: What is that thing? I gotta hurry up and get it off my back! Hmm... I'll try that big ass tree over there.

He shifts his direction slightly right so he can run directly into the tree. The locust gets directly behind him and goes in for a bite.

Right before it sinks its teeth into Jahruno's neck, he dodges the tree right in front of him by the thinnest of margins and continues to run. The giant locust crashes into the tree and shatters most of its face.

Jahruno: Perfect!

As he runs even deeper into the forest, he slows down and sees multiple tents and not a burning tree in sight. The people outside of the tents shiver in fear because of the current situation.

Around a specific tent in the back, a newly born infant is being tended to. Jahruno walks up to the tent with the newborn baby outside of it.

Jahruno: Hey, does anyone know what's going on?

Infant: The gods are angry, Jahruno.

Jahruno falls on his rear out of surprise.

Jahruno: What the hell!?

Infant: You did this to us, Jahruno. You've agitated them and now, we all must suffer. You shouldn't have tried to change the world.

Jahruno breathes heavily. He struggles to even get a single word out.

Infant: It's okay, our new king is almost here!

Jahruno: New king? Who? Tell me!

Infant: *Inhales* *Deep pitched trumpet sound*

Jahruno sits there in shock as he's surprised to hear the sixth trumpet come from the baby's mouth.

The same four horsemen come from behind the trees. The red horseman makes their way towards the group surrounding the infant and begins to slaughter everyone including the baby.

Jahruno stands back up and watches the massacre. Nobody had a chance to run away, they were all murdered within seconds. Jahruno doesn't move this time, he can only watch. Soon, every single life was claimed and the pale horse has dragged them all into hell.

They stop to stare at Jahruno as the seventh trumpet blows. An unknown voice begins to speak after the blow.

???: Sit tight, motherfuckers! I'll be here before you know it!

The horsemen immediately charged at Jahruno.

Jahruno: Not again!

He closed his eyes once more. To his surprise, he opens his eyes and finds himself back at his hometown, right in front of his school.

Except it was a disaster. The sky was still red and the entire area around him was completely destroyed. Many people lay on the ground, wounded and dismembered.

Jahruno: No... not here... WHY!?

He crouches and angrily punches the ground continuously until his knuckles bleed.

Jahruno: Damn it! *Punch* Damn it! *Punch* Damn it! *Punch*

He stops after a few more punches and stares at his bloody hands.

Jahruno: Hehe... Man... I'm the worst... *Pause* Wait... This IS a dream! Yeah! It's all a meaningless dream! I finally got it! I can change the world if I want to! I can prevent all of this and become the fucking king! HAHA! I finally get it! Now I can wake up!

One of the lifeless bodies with its lower half severed call out to Jahruno.

Corpse: You fool... This is no dream... Now sit tight, the angels will be here any moment...

Jahruno: What!?

Corpse: Look up.

He looks up to see a giant futuristic airship with an open hatch in the back.

Jahruno: Wait, why is it open?

Corpse: It's too late, Jahruno. Goodbye...

He looks slightly lower right and sees an angel holding a bowl. The angel pours a black fluid from the bowl all over the area.

The people who weren't dead began to develop dangerous sores all over their bodies. They moaned and groaned in agony as Jahruno watched them suffer.

Jahruno: What the fuck is that stu-

He blinks for a split second and opens up to a tiny boat in the middle of a foggy sea. In this area the water is still blue.

Jahruno: Uh...

He cautiously looks up. He sees the silhouette of another angel carrying a bowl. More fluid gets poured straight into the water.

The water turns to blood once more and more corpses float up to the surface.

Jahruno: Not again!

Jahruno blinks again and ends up floating in a moderately flowing river.

Jahruno: The hell? What's happening? Wait... Is the blood finally gone?

He looks up to see a third angel pouring liquid from another bowl into the river.

Jahruno: Shit, probably not...

The river turns to blood and multiple dead bodies begin to pile up on Jahruno's back.

Jahruno: Ew! What the fuck!? Get off me!

The body directly behind Jahruno lifts up its hand and covers his eyes.

Jahruno: Let go!

The corpse moved its hand out the way and Jahruno ends up back at the grassy field he originally woke up from. The corpses have disappeared completely.

Jahruno: I'm... Back here again?

He pauses for a moment to look around at the crimson sky.

Jahruno: I don't see any more angels... *Gasps*

He gets a vision of an angel pouring the dark liquid directly on the shadowy sun.

Jahruno: Fuck! When does it end!? Am I stuck here forever!?

The sun begins to scorch the land around Jahruno, turning the field into a world of ash.

A fifth angel swoops in and pours the black fluid onto a specific spot on the land. A rocky throne erupts from the ground.

Jahruno: A... throne...? Wait...

He remembers when the infant from the forest talked about a new king.

Jahruno: Don't tell me...

The sixth angel pours the liquid in a strip a few yards right of the throne.

The gates of hell begin to open up and out come the 3 figures; a giant 3 headed dragon, a massive beast, and a man with his face shadowed.

Following behind are thousands of demons from the underworld who parade around Jahruno as the man sits on the throne.

Demons: The king is here! The king is here! The king is here!

The chanting continues and Jahruno trembles in fear. The man on the throne speaks up.

King: So... I heard you saying you'd be king earlier, huh? *Laughs* How could someone who even started all of this be considered a "king"?

Jahruno: What did I do? I don't understand!

King: You still don't get it, do you? Oh well, guess I can't help you.

Jahruno: Tell me!

King: Heads up.

Jahruno: Huh?

The black fluid has already been poured into the sky by a seventh angel. Jahruno looks up but it was too late as lightning has already struck down directly on him.

In the next instant, Jahruno screams as he wakes back up on his couch, hyperventilating and covered in sweat.

He immediately runs to the bathroom and violently vomits into his toilet. When he's done, he falls back onto the bathroom floor.

Jahruno: *Huff* *Puff* Was all that just a dream? No way... that felt way too real... "Don't change the world." "Don't change the world." That's what they said to me... Was that... a vision of what happens if I changed the world in the future? Do I just give up on everything?

He pauses for a moment and looks at his hands.

Jahruno: Nah... I'll just try even harder! I'm not gonna let any of that happen! That meaningless dream won't stop me!

Meanwhile, Dolche and one of the gangsters can be seen walking down the street.

Gangster: So you're really serious about disbanding the gang?

Dolche: Sadly. We couldn't even take down Dionte. Maybe he was right about us being terrible at this.

Gangster: I feel you. Maybe this lifestyle isn't meant for us.

Dolche: You think it's time we tell the guys about this decision?

Gangster: Yeah. I hope they can take it well.

Dolche: Me too.

A shadowy figure comes up from behind the two.

???: So you're gonna end it all just like that? *Chuckles* Everything doesn't have to come to an end, you know.

Dolche: Who the hell are you?

???: Let's just say... I'm someone who can make you more powerful than you once were. You really gonna let some kid take away your desire for power? Come on, don't give up so easily.

Dolche: More powerful, huh? You know what? You're right. I shouldn't give up just like that.

???: Wonderful... Meet me at the cemetery entrance in an hour. We can work some things out.

Dolche: Yes sir.

He disappears.

Gangster: Guess we're back in this thing. Still not sure about that guy though...

Dolche: I'll risk it. I still loved being the most feared gang in all of Stonehenge. We can finally keep that title if he's not lying.

Gangster: I guess...

Meanwhile, in a dark room, the 5 Guelfos that terrorized Dionte's parents were praying in unison.

The same shadowy figure appears behind the leader of that team.

???: You know... you might've missed a few more descendants of Virgil. *Sigh* I thought you guys were better than that...

Leader: Huh? Where the hell did you come from?

???: That's not important. Be honest, you think "he" would be proud of you for letting those two leave with their lives? You thought killing the dad would be enough? Don't make me laugh.

Leader: You know what? You're right. We gotta take this more seriously.

???: Excellent... I knew you guys had it in you. Now, I need you all to meet me at the entrance of the cemetery in Stonehenge Heights in 30 minutes. You won't regret it.

Leader: Understood

The figure vanishes.

Guy #1: Who the hell was that?

Leader: I have no clue. But I have a strong feeling we should go.

Guy #2: Yeah, me too.

Leader: Then it's a deal. We should get ready.

Within 30 minutes, the Guelfos and all of Dolche's gang show up at the cemetery entrance.

Leader: Who the hell are you guys?

Dolche: Who are YOU? Some guy told us to meet him here.

Leader: That's funny... A guy told us to meet him here too.

One of Dolche's gangsters spots a piece of paper on the ground with writing on it.

Gangster: Hey, there's a note!

Dolche: Let me see it.

He picks up the note and hands it to Dolche. Everyone surrounds him as he begins to read what's on the paper.

Dolche: "Enter the big mausoleum with the name Jimi Thomas written on it. It's smoke gray and surrounded by tulips."

Leader: That mausoleum back there?

Dolche: Guess so. Alright, let's move.

The Guelfos and gangsters make their way to the mausoleum.

Leader: "Jimi Thomas." Yup, this is it.

They all enter and look around.

Dolche: I don't get it. Where is he?

The door slams shut behind everyone.

Leader: What the fuck?

The floor beneath begins to fall down like a speeding elevator.

Dolche: What's going on!?

After falling deeper into the Earth, they eventually come to a stop and a door opens south of them.

Leader: Well, let's get going.

Guelfo #1: You sure about this, boss?

Leader: There's no other direction we can go.

Everyone starts walking down the dark hall until they find a door at the end.

Leader: Well, guys, here goes nothing.

He opens the door and they discover a huge suite. Near the end of the suite, there's a big desk and a chair with its back facing the door.

Dolche: What is this place?

A voice speaks up from the chair.

???: *Chuckles* I'm glad you guys could make it... I have big plans for you all...

-Chapter 5 End-