Chapter 7: Mariya's Past

Koya: You're still standing? Great. I wanna tear you down even more!

Koya rushes towards her.

Mariya: *Heavy breathing* Damn...

*BAM!* *BAM!*

Koya hit Mariya in the face with a right and left punch.


Mariya was abruptly knocked to the floor.

Koya: Come on! Show me that same strength from earlier!

Mariya: Oh yeah?

Mariya punches Koya but it barely does any damage.


Mariya hits even harder but Koya only slightly moves.

Koya: Heh, the machine must've been weak. You're not even scratching me!

Mariya: Well, you never broke that machine now did you?

Koya: That's true... Ahh, I get it... You're stronger but I'm more durable!

Mariya: Fuck off!


Koya ducks and Mariya misses her right hook.

Koya: Watch out, punk!


Koya kicked Mariya straight through one of the stalls, breaking the door.

Mariya: Hng!

Koya hurled towards Mariya again. Mariya turned around and ran up the wall behind the toilet and swiftly avoided Koya's rush. She landed behind her outside of the stall.

Koya: You think you're safe?


Koya picks up the stall door and chucks it at Mariya. She dodged it but the door obliterated the sink behind her which sprays water everywhere.

Koya: Glass Animals.

Immediately, Koya jumps up towards Mariya. Mariya takes a small step back and steps in a puddle of water.


The water ripples and launches Mariya straight towards the airborne Koya.


Koya violently slams Mariya to the ground, breaking the bathroom floor. Koya lands back on the floor and looks down on Mariya.

Koya: Hehe, I guess it wasn't fair to not explain my ability to you. Basically, if your reflection appears on any object or surface, you or I can damage said surface and it'll reflect back to you. The damage it does depends on how well your reflection actually appears in the object. *Nervous smile* Guess I should've mentioned that... Doesn't matter now. You're done.

She walks away for a moment until smoke comes from Mariya's wounds. The wounds eventually heal themselves and Mariya stands back up.

Mariya: You bitch... I'm not done with you...

Koya: *Turns around* What?

Mariya emits a blood red aura and grows into her beast form.

Mariya: You really thought it was that easy?

Koya: What are you!?

Mariya instantly bolted towards Koya,


Mariya used her claws to slice upwards on her, marking Koya's skin from her ribs to her face.

Koya: Ah! You!

Koya grabs Mariya's arms to try and stop her.


Mariya kicks her up into the air and she lets go.

Mariya: I'll kill you!


Mariya gashed her over and over.


Mariya dug her claws into Koya's stomach and threw her to the wall behind her.

She quickly reverts to her normal form before walking out of the bathroom.

As soon as she opens the door, she sees Jahruno walk by.

Jahruno: Mariya? *Pause* The fuck happened?

Mariya: Take a look.

She moves out of the way to show Jahruno the damages in the bathroom.

Jahruno: Phew! Shit! What'd you do?

Mariya: There was this lady that wanted to fight me and she had some weird ability.

Jahruno: What was it?

Mariya: It was a reflection ability. Depending how well you can see your reflection on a surface or object, if damage was done to the surface, it'd reflect back on me.

Jahruno: So if she broke a mirror, it'd mess you up pretty bad but if your reflection bounced off of a car then you'd only receive a push?

Mariya: Pretty much.

Jahruno: I need to find out more about these abilities.

Mariya: Same here.

Jahruno: Oh yeah, you ready to count all the money we made today?

Mariya: Yeah!

They eventually get inside the car to count all of the money in his hoodie.

Jahruno: 1,160... 1,165... 1,170... 1,171... 1,171 Dollars!

Mariya: Woah! I didn't think we'd make that much!

Jahruno: You know me! They call me The Arcade Finesser!

Mariya: *Giggles* You just made that shit up huh?

Jahruno: Haha, maybe. But what are we gonna do with all this cash?

Mariya: Hmm... Should we spend the rest of the day at the mall?

Jahruno: Absolutely!

Mariya: Great! Let's go!

Shortly after, the couple enter the crowded mall.

Jahruno: So, where we headed to?

Mariya: *Stomach growls* Uhh... I may have skipped breakfast.

Jahruno: *Stomach growls* Yeah, I'm starving.

They walk to a nearby pair of escalators. One going up and the other going down. While they were going up, someone on the other side called out to Jahruno.

???: New fuck buddy huh!? You can't just forget about me, Jahruno!

Jahruno: The hell? Tracy?

Tracy: You can't forget about the whipped cream, you whore!

Mariya: Jahruno, who's that?

Jahruno: Some guy's girlfriend I used to mess with.

Mariya: Okay, but what's the whipped cream about?

Jahruno: Uh...

Tracy: Go ahead and tell her how you think expired cream adds flavor! Nasty boy!

Jahruno: Yeah... We should go...

They pick up their pace while Tracy is still going down.

Tracy: Don't run now!

Jahruno: You were just there to get my dick wet, Tracy! That's all in the past and I've found someone I love and care for!

Mariya: Aww, I love you too!

Jahruno and Mariya hug as they walk off the escalator.

Mariya: Expired whip cream though?

Jahruno: Okay, listen...

Mariya: Oh, there's the food court over there!

Jahruno: Perfect!

The two continue walking. Jahruno begins to shift his eyes toward a couple at a nearby table. He notices that he's taking his right shoe off.

Jahruno: Hey, Mariya, you see that table right there? *Points*

Mariya: Yeah, what about it?

Jahruno: That guy is about to propose to his girlfriend.

Mariya: Huh? No he isn't.

Jahruno: Think about it. He's wearing expensive shoes in damn near mint condition. He obviously doesn't wanna put a big crease in his shoe which is why he's taking it off. Plus, look at the size of his pockets. He wants to fit the ring box in his pocket efficiently.

Mariya: Seriously? That's really dumb.

Jahruno: Oh yeah? Watch this.

The man at the table sets his shoe on the table and fixes his sock. He stands up, puts his right knee down and stands up his left foot. After that, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a little box.

Everyone turns their attention towards the couple and begins to cheer. The man opens the box and shows her a shiny ring.

Man: Emma, will you marry me?

Emma: Excuse me? You think your shoes are more important than our love? Fuck you, Robert!

Robert: Wait, babe!

The cheering dies down.

Mariya: Does that usually happen?

Jahruno: Uh... I don't think so...

Emma: I've had to deal with you buying pricey stuff for so long!

Robert: But-

Emma: Hold that thought...

Emma inspects Robert's shoe on the table.

Emma: Wait, this shoe is super rare! There's only 13 in existence! I'm sorry, Robert, let's try again!

Robert: *Laughs* *Sighs* Emma, will you marry me?

Emma: Yes!

The cheering erupts again as Robert puts the ring on Emma's finger.

Mariya: *Laughs* That was awful!

Jahruno: I know, right? That shit sucked!

They continue walking. Eventually, they come to a stop at one particular restaurant.

Mariya: *Looks up* No way...

Jahruno: What's wrong? *Looks up* You can't be serious.

The sign above the restaurant read "Von Gilbert's Chinese Cuisine".

Jahruno: This is getting ridiculous, man.

Mariya: How many places does this guy own?

Jahruno: I gotta see this.

They both walk in at the same time.

Mariya: Woah! Look at all that food! And there's no line!

Jahruno: Unbelievable...

Worker: Good afternoon! What would you like to order?

Jahruno: You can go first.

Mariya: Um... I'll have a large Lo Mein and a water bottle.

Worker: We're out of forks. Do chop sticks work?

Mariya: Yeah, that's fine.

Worker: Great. And what about you, sir?

Jahruno: Fried rice, sweet and sour chicken, and water.

Worker: Will that be all?

Jahruno & Mariya: Yeah.

The worker assembles their orders with the food in front of them and puts the food into separate trays.

Worker: That'll be $12.31.

Jahruno: I think I got a 20 in my pocket. That way we can save all the other money for the rest of the mall.

Mariya: Nice!

Jahruno hands the worker the money and the worker hands Jahruno his change. He pockets the leftover money and the worker hands them their food.

Jahruno: Thank you so much!

Mariya: Thank you!

Worker: You're welcome!

The two find a table to sit at and begin eating aggressively.

Jahruno: I needed this!

Mariya: It's so good!

An unknown person walks up to them.

???: *Chuckles* Jeez, Mariya, you gonna scare this guy off too?

Jahruno: Who the hell are you?

???: Let's just say I used to know that beast you're eating with?

Mariya: What are YOU doing here?

???: I just happened to be walking by. Hey, man. Get out of there while you can.

Jahruno: What's that supposed to mean?

Mariya: Leave us alone!

???: Why do you think she gets happy so easily? She can't even keep a guy around for more than a week. That woman has grown so desperate for love that she'll fall for anyone that gives her a sliver of affection. I'm just trying to help yo-

Jahruno: *HAWKKKK* *PTUH*

Jahruno spits a wad of food in the guy's mouth.

???: *GASP* ACK!

Jahruno: *Smiles* Yeah! Taste the cheese, bitch!

???: *GASP* Y- Y-


Jahruno kicks him into a table.

Jahruno: Man, our past relationships sucked. At this point, I can tell when they're talking about you turning into a beast.

Mariya: It's nothing new...

Jahruno: Don't let it get you down! We still got a fun day ahead of us!

Mariya: *Smiles* Yeah!

Jahruno and Mariya hop from store to store spending all of the money that was kept in her purse.

They bought clothes, shoes, accessories, and they even got tattoos. Jahruno got a small tattoo that said "XXI" horizontally on the right side of his neck underneath his jaw.

Mariya got a tattoo in the same spot that said "III".

Their last stop was a weapon shop. Jahruno picked out a large scythe and Mariya chose a pair of steel claws.

Jahruno: This is perfect!

Mariya: This'll definitely be easier on my hands!

After their trip at the mall they went to see a movie. In the theater, the person in front of them is eating a can of baked beans. A random teen shouts out.

Teen: Guys, look! This motherfucker's eating baked beans!

The entire theater laughs. Two security guards walk up to the man eating beans.

Guard #1: You again? Stop coming back here!

Man: You can't stop our love! *Runs*

Guard #2: Aye! Get back here!

They chase the bean-eating man as everyone in the theater continues to laugh hysterically.

Later that night, Jahruno and Mariya can be seen sitting on the roof of his apartments, looking at the deep blue sky. They talk as the dazzling moon shines down upon them.

Mariya: Wow... the moon is so beautiful.

Jahruno (mockingly): Not as beautiful as you! You are more beautiful than the moon! Ooga booga boo!

Mariya: *Giggles* Stop!

Jahruno: *Laughs* *Sighs*

Mariya: Hey, you remember what that one guy said earlier?

Jahruno: Which guy?

Mariya: My ex.

Jahruno: Oh yeah. What about him?

Mariya: He was right about me being a little desperate for affection. The beast problem has been around ever since I was born and it's affected more than my dating life. It started in kindergarten when a kid ripped my homework up. I cried and got really upset. All that was in my head were violent thoughts and the next moment, I transformed. At that point, I had to be homeschooled up until middle school. Since the first day, I needed to walk around with an assistant. Her name was "Bell" and she was the only person that could comfort me when I got upset. She assisted me up until high school where I could control myself a little more. But for my whole life, people saw me as a monster.

Jahruno: I see... so it's way deeper than just dating. I couldn't even imagine what that would be like.

Mariya: Now, the thing about the beast issue when it comes to dating, I would always bring a guy home and they'd meet my parents. A couple more relationships in and they wouldn't be surprised if we broke up within a week. They'd see me get mad and transform and then they'd run off. So I apologize if I seem too clingy.

Jahruno grabs her shoulder.

Jahruno: Don't apologize. I think you're perfect for me, Mariya. I'm glad we could talk everything out and I think it's great now that I can understand you even more. Not only that, you haven't given up on everything and I'm proud of you.

Mariya: *Cries* You really are the greatest man I've ever met...

They hold each other tight under the shining moon.

Meanwhile, an unknown palace can be seen. Dolche's gang and the Guelfos seem to be walking upstairs.

As for Dolche, he is walking towards a mysterious door. He opens it to Loubouton's suite. Loubouton is currently doing stretches in a pink robe.

Loubouton: What's up, Dolche? Need anything?

Dolche: Yeah, the rest of the guys are going to sleep but I had a question.

Loubouton: Ask away.

Dolche: What inspired you to run the world?

Loubouton: Well it was my first discovery of underground organizations that inspired me.

Dolche: When did you first discover them?

Loubouton: You might wanna sit down 'cause I got a little story for you.

Dolche: Sure thing.

Dolche takes a seat in front of Loubouton's desk.

Loubouton: Alright, it all started when I was 13 years old.

*Flashback starts*

Loubouton (Narrating): My schedule was usually the same every weekday. I wake up, go to school, get out, walk a few blocks, and go back home to see my dad. Unfortunately, my mother died giving birth to me. But anyways, I'd get home, do whatever, maybe go outside, just normal teenager things. One thing that I always wondered was where my dad went every night. He'd always come into my room and tell me he was leaving before I went to sleep.

Loubouton (Past): Hey, dad?

Dad (Past): What's up, Lou?

Loubouton (Past): Where do you always go this late?

Dad (Past): *Chuckles* I gotta go to work.

Loubouton (Past): Well, I know that. But what exactly do you do?

Dad (Past): Hehe, some things are better left unsaid. Anyways, good night.

Loubouton (Past): Okay, good night.

Loubouton (Narrating): I asked him where he would always go but never answered. I didn't think too much so I just went back to sleep. The next day I was doing the usual stuff once again. Something was different, though.

Dolche (Narrating): What happened?

Loubouton (Narrating): I was walking through the neighborhood to get back home from school and I took a quick look at my neighbor's fence door that was cracked open. I saw strange movements through the opening so I walked closer to take a look. I eventually peeked through the crack. I was horrified to see my own father tearing my neighbor limb from limb.

-Chapter 7 End-