Chapter 13: Party

He parked his car, I look out, my eyes slightly open as I look at the mansion.

"Woah, it's enormous."

I talk to myself, I did get a bit excited seeing the view. I open the car door and step out.

There are two bodyguards standing outside the mansion, everywhere I look there are expensive cars parked.

I gulp feeling nervous, my eyes starting to find Marina. "Where is she?" I say in a low voice.

"Don't worry she'll be around here." Hazen offered his arm, waiting for me to hold it.

I side eye him and furrow lightly taking a step away from him.

He smiled putting his arm down and started walking to the mansion. "You should stick with me, what if you get lost?" He said almost in a mocking tone.

"It's better if I get lost than be with you." I mumble to myself.

He turned his head to me and smiled shaking his head.

As soon as we walk in a group of girls walked towards Hazen as if he was on sale in a mall. They start talking and in a blink of an eye those girls were doubled. I ignore them and start looking around, the hall was decorated nicely, slightly boring, but it looked nice. I search for Marina, finally I found her, she was eating macaroons.

"There you are, why did you leave me alone there?" I complain hitting her on the shoulder softly.

"Hazen told me you were coming with him so I left." She took another bite and smiled at me. I give her a deathly look.

"Alright! i'm sorry, eat this it's really good." Marina changed the topic offering me a macaroon.

"I don't want it." I say angrily pouting.

I turn around and look at the ceiling there was a big white chandelier hanging in the middle of the hall.

"Oh look who's here, I didn't know you were stalking me."

Alex said mockingly as he walked in my direction. I roll me eyes.

"Do you have a crush on me or something?" He said smirking proudly.

I look at him with a slight disgusted look.

"It's alright you can confess, i'll wait." He leaned over a wall.

"Who are you?" I said in a sassy tone wanting him to leave me alone.

"Who am I?" Tilting his head he steps closer.

"Is your brain with you or did you leave it at home?"

I don't answer. He talks too much. I wonder if he ever shuts his mouth.

"Cute~" He pinched my cheek.

"Ow-" I rub my cheek softly, glaring at him.

He definitely wants to annoy me, I won't let him succeed.

"I know we had a bad introduction but we can start new." He raised his eyebrows.

I sigh loudly and look at him. Can't he see that I don't want to talk to him?

"What say Marina? don't you think we should start new?" Alex looked at her.

"Yeah, totally." Marina answered with a smile.

Now i'm the bad one here? He's definitely doing that so he can make fun of us later.

He looked at me and waited for an answer, I force a smile and walk away from there, he was about to give me a headache. I stood in a place alone feeling slightly more nervous and scared.

"Feeling lonely?"


I got startled, I instantly turn back. My heart started beating fast.

"You scared me. My heart almost stopped." I breath slowly trying to calm my racing heart. I look up at Hazen, he chuckles.

"Is it because I scared you or because you saw me?" He smiled from the corner of his lips.

"Same thing you're no different from a ghost."

He grabbed my hand out of nowhere and started walking somewhere.

"I told you to not touch me." I say trying to get my hand out of his hand.

"Then should I tie you with a rope and lead you around?"

"What?!" Did he think I was going to laugh?

"Relax, i'm joking."

He turned around and tilted his head.

"If you want to then-"

"Shut up!"

He holds his laugh.

"Fine fine, let's go."


"A cage. I'm planning to keep you there forever."

I hope he was joking.

"Keep yourself locked in there."

"With you?"

I close my eyes trying to control the urge to smack him.

"Are you imagining it?"


He grins and leads me upstairs, there's someone sitting on the couch drinking tea with four other people. Is someone from them wanted to meet me? Why? and Who?