Chapter 27: (His POV 8-12)

(Ch. 8)

Spending my holidays in Barcelona is so boring, my whole family is here, I did go to London for a few days but it's the same, boring. I do not interact with them, why? well, because it's like talking to 1 year olds. They want to be listened and won't listen.

My dad also owns a company in Barcelona so everyday I go there and seat in the main office. After two years i'll have to be the chairman of this corporation.

We own real estate companies in different countries and Spain is one of them-

"Hazen? are you not enjoying it here?" Sam asks.

By the way, we are in a 5 star hotel. "Do I look like i'm enjoying it?"

"Hmm, only a week left then we can go back at the college." His voice almost sounded as if he was teasing me.

"W-what do you mean? do you think i'm desperate to go there?"

Although it would be better than here.

"Well, you kept asking me when we were going back." He shrugs.

"Because I don't want to spend 'family time' it's tiring."

"Tiring you say?" He stops. "So why don't we go somewhere else? like, Maldives?"

"Why? are we a couple?"

"Hey! it's not like only couples can go there…then how about Dubai?"

"No." I instantly refuse.


"We already went to these places and keep going there every other month."

"So, Italy?"


"…should we go and meet Lia?"


"What's wrong? isn't she your friend?"

"No, she's…not."

He squints his eyes in a weird way.

"What!" I put my glass of water down on the table. "These people are already enough to get on my nerves."

"She gets on your nerves…?"

"I didn't say that!"

"Alright alright--" He pauses. "Hazen…did you do something?" He asks, a suspicion on his face.

"What do you mean!?"

"No- uh I mean…did you say something to her? it's just you looked like you were in deep thoughts when I said her name—"

"Deep thoughts?! what- I was just thinking about something else and what did I say to her?! Nothing."

"…or is it because you couldn't say something that's why you're frustrated-"

"Shut u-" I stop and look at him. "W-what something…?" I ask almost concerned that he might know.

"Why do you look scared? as if I found out one of your BIGGEST secrets?" He smiles, proudly.

"Just shut up." I say getting up.

I walk away.


I walk back to him. "Keep your mouth shut AND it's not what you're thinking."

He nods, definitely sarcastically.

I walk away.

A week later (Morning)


Someone hesitantly touches my blanket.

"It's 6AM, you told me to wake you up at—"

"WHAT! LET ME SLEEP." I annoyingly shout at Mikey.

"Uh- Sir but it's the first day of coll—"

I instantly get up.

"Why did you not wake me up earlier?" I say putting on my slippers.

"But I di—"

"Did you get the car?"

"Yes Sir it's the one you wanted."

"Does it look expensive?"

"…?— Oh uh…yes because it is expensive Sir. "

"Some expensive things don't look expensive enough." I walk towards the closet room.

"Sir these were the clothes you bought in London and the shoes are also prepared."

A black shirt with matching trousers are pressed and hung in front of me.

"And we changed everything you said, your car, your phone as well as your wallet…even though they were brand new—"

"Got a problem with that?"

"No Sir, I was just thinking why…uh you were preparing so much."

I give him a look which he instantly understood.

"Sorry. I placed everything else on the table. I'll leave to tell the driver to get ready."

"…'Ready'? he's going to drive not go on a war."

"Haha, well-" He clears his throat.

"You can go." I say.

2 hours later

The driver stops the car in front of the college.

Mikey opens the door, I take a step out getting out from the car.


Where is she?

"Sir, she's there." Mikey points at Lia who's standing in front of the college gate.

"Uhan." My grin drops. I quickly look at him realising.

How did he know?

"What? who told you I was looking for her?"

"No- I just thought you might be looking for your classmates, Sir."

"Whatever. Leave." I clear my throat and start walking towards her.

She's looking here. I knew it she would be impressed-

She turned around looking at the gate…!

Oh…maybe she's blushing.

I stand behind her. "Hey."

No answer.

I see, attitude?

I take a step and stand in front of her and stare her waiting for an answer.

"Oh. Hey?" She finally answers.

"Were you lost in your thoughts?" I ask.

"Haha! not really…" She keeps looking down.


"Oh the gate!"

Her bat looking like friend cuts me off.

They quickly sprint towards the classroom.

30 mins later

After deciding the seats, as planned, I sit with her.

Clearing my throat I look at her. "How were your holidays?"

"Good." She says nonchalantly.

"Not happy?"

"Happy…?" She tilts her head slightly looking at me all confused.

I look at the blackboard. "Hm…my vacation was alright not the best." I turn my head to her expecting an answer.


"I think you really are in deep thoughts." I chuckle lightly.

She awkwardly smiles.

…She should be happy she's sitting with me, again. That's an honour.

Aaa I get it, she's so nervous that she can't talk.

That must be it. Scoff

A few weeks passed.

Today again, i'm going to the college.

I enter the class and I see an unpleasant sight.

A gorilla sitting on my seat?!

I walk there. "This is my seat." A serious expression on my face.

"Really?" He scoffs.

I place my hand on the table.

"What? i'm not moving from here."

"What's going on here?" Sam enters the class.

"Mr. Sam that seat was actually Hazen's but Alex is sitting on it." Said a random girl.

"Yeah, I told him to sit there, Hazen why don't you sit somewhere else for two three weeks, Alex needs Lia to explain things to him."

"I also need Lia."

"Oh. Uh…so let's do something we will put three tables together so she can help both of you." Sam says.

Why's he acting like a teacher.

I sit down on my seat and he walks to the other one.

I should punch him, a kick would also work.

"Alex, give me your notebook i'll write down the tests we have this week so you'll have an idea." Says Lia.

"Are you that desperate for my attention?" The gorilla says as if he's the last guy on earth.


"I know girls like you die for rich boy's attention."

"Excuse me?"

"Come on accept it, you are after rich boys."

This m—

"Don't talk to her like that." I speak.

"Why? is she your girlfriend?" He comes slightly close and whispers. "Is she dating you because of your money?"

"I can buy you with my money, so let's not talk about that."

Bell Rings

(Ch. 9)

10 mins later

In the field me and the gorilla decided to play football as opponents.

As if he could win me.

After a little while the bell rang again, we didn't get time to finish.

I walk upstairs and I see Lia standing there looking at something.

"Why are you standing here?" I ask, standing behind her.

She turns around, looking somewhat disappointed. "I was just about to walk." She answers.

We reached the class and all the time she looked lost in her thoughts.

I sat down on the chair my eyes never leaving her face.

Why is she smiling so much?

I glance at her hand, her finger wrapped in a bandage, I quickly hold it without thinking. "What happened?"

She slightly flinches and looks at me.

"What happened?" I ask again this time sternly.

"Nothing just a small cut." She quickly pulls her hand away.

That's why she looks distracted. Something definitely happened.

I tried talking to her again, but she paid no mind to me.

Weeks later (in school)

"Hey can you move a little, I can't see." Said that gorilla.

Can't he stay put?

"Maybe you need glasses." Lia says.

He needs a brain too.

"Oh~ you shouldn't so speak so much, you know I can squash you with my pinky right?" Gorilla opens his mouth.

Try touching her, bitch.

"I swear, or the school ends or else I'm gonna end." She sighs.

"Can you stay still?" I look at Alex the gorilla.

"Oh? Why don't you-"

Knock Knock

"Everyone, silence." Sam entered the class. "I have a news, you will have a new class fellow, he's not new in school he just wanted to transfer to this class, so from now on he will be your classmate."

There's no space for more people in this class, is he going sit on the floor?

"Hello everyone, I'm Brian."

Not interested.

Wait, who's he smiling at?

(Ch. 10)

He sits in front of Lia.

"I'm happy that you're my classmate." He says.

"Oh, well I didn't know that you were actually going to transfer in my class." She answers, with a little too much excitement.

"I am kind of unpredictable." Blobfish speaks. "By the way are you a topper here?"

"yeah well, you can say that." She says.

"Oh, you have a competition now."

Pfft, who's he trying to flirt with?

"Competition?" She says, confusingly.

"I am also a topper in my class or was now that I am in this class and you're the topper here so me and you have a competition, don't we?"

This mo--

"Oh, we'll see." She answers again, don't know why? "I wa-"

I clear my throat loudly. "We are still in class I don't think you should talk like you are sitting in a café." I say, crossing my arms.

"We are just gett-"

"Ssh." I put a finger on her lips. "No talking in class, you told me that."

She slaps my hand away. "I did but when the teacher is in the classroom and right now there's no teacher around."

"Really? I think you should've said that before, you know I take every word that you say seriously." I say, quite dramatically.

"Even I take you seriously." Said the gorilla.

(Ch. 11)

Next day

"I knew it that- ugh, why didn't she tell me she won't come to school today." She drops her head on the table.

"Have you finally gone crazy?" Gorilla spoke, for no reason.

"When someone talks to someone they are supposed to answer." Alex snapped his fingers at her.

"If she doesn't want to talk maybe you should shut up." I say.

"You will be torn apart if I punch you!" Alex says.

"I don't even want to touch you, god knows if you shower or not." I say.

"Oh so now you want to watch me shower?"

I give him a look filled with disgust.

"I knew it, you've always been weird, what are your intentions man?" He slightly moves back.

"Shut up." I look out the window.

(Ch. 12)

My dad threw a new year party, I wasn't planning to go but he kept asking me to come. I agreed on one condition, the party will be at a place I want.

After talking to my dad I decided to invite some friends.

- Friends? You mean L-

Shut up. Just so they can see how rich I actually am.

- You mean 'she'?



I sit outside on a couch waiting for them to get ready.

- Them? Since when did 'she' become 'them'?

Don't interrupt my thoughts.

- I am your thoughts.

No, you're the interruptions.

A girl comes out from their room.

"Is she ready?" I ask.

"No sir, almost done."

They do take a lot to get ready.

After a while

Finally here she is.

- Wasn't it 'them'?

She's eyeing around as if looking for someone. After scanning the room she looks at me. "What are you doing here?"

A smirk appears on my face. "Let's get going."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Are you always this clueless?" I grab her hand and start walking.

"Wait! wait! I don't want to go with you and where's Marina?!" She freezes.

"She has already left for the party." I say and start walking again with her hand in mine.

"Wait!" She stops walking again.

I sigh and look back at her. "Now what?"

"Did you invite Marin- I mean us in the party?"

"Yes. Done? let's g-"

"No, wait."

I walk towards her. "I want you to meet someone and she's here especially to meet you, so let's not waste time." I start walking again. "You overthink a lot, don't you?" I stand to the other side of the car.

"I was not, I was just thinking- wait you know how to drive?" She says surprised.

"Yeah? isn't that a rare talent?"

She rolls her eyes and silently sits inside the car.

"No!" She shouts out of nowhere.

I quickly turn my head to look at her.

She clearls her throat.

"I don't want to go." She reaches her hand to open the door. "Open this."


"Hazen, open the door."

"Don't wanna."

"I want to go home."


"I can't if you don't open the door."

"Then open it."

"You've locked it."

"Did I?"

"Open it or-"


"Or i'll break it."

I scoff crossing my arms over my chest and stare at her. "Do it."

She looks around. "I can't."

I know.

"Great, so we'll be going." I start the car.

"What do you mean? You can't force me."

"Maybe I can."

"Look if you don't stop I will.." She pauses. "I will…" She pauses again. "I will bite you."

I chuckle lightly. "Go ahead."

What a threat, 'bite'.


After some silence she decides to speak.

"Uh you said somebody is here to meet me, who is it?" She asks.

"You'll see."
