NejiTen Lemon-Mature Content Warning

To take a break from the drama, here is a steamy NejiTen Lemon!

In one of the previous chapters, if you remember, Tenten mentioned meeting Neji at the club and this chapter is what happened that night.

We'll return to your regularly scheduled Prestige drama directly after this chapter!

Enjoy and thank you for reading!


"Tenten, would you do the honors?"

I graciously accepted the over-sized pair of scissors and snipped the ribbon tied up across the entrance of the brand new club: Evolve.

"We're officially open for business!"

If it wasn't obvious by the name or by the fact that I was doing the opening ceremony, Evolve's owned by Evolution Entertainment. Kakashi picked the perfect location for it, too. It's on 5th street, surrounded loosely by various other upscale stores and restaurants, but not so close that the loud music would be a bother.

The crowd cheered and I soon led the way inside the fresh new club.

The massive dance floor was mainly a matte black with an unbelievable amount of glitter, but the small lines between the tiles were lined with led lights of all different colors.

It was truly remarkable on the inside. There were very few lights hanging from the ceiling and a majority of those were at the very large "E" shaped bar. The "E" stands for Evolve, obviously, and was manned by two bartenders instead of one.

The middle section of the "E" cut the bar in two and one bartender handled a half of the letter. The middle section had a fish tank running from the bar all the way to the ceiling, but instead of fish on the inside, there were little electronic jellyfish swimming about that also glowed to the beat of whatever music was playing. I could go on and on about all of the little fancy details of the bar, but that would take forever and I just don't have the time for that.

Since I'm hosting the grand opening, I'm expected to stay until close, which was at two thirty in the morning. Since the ribbon cutting was at nine p.m. sharp, I had a long night ahead of me.

The hours passed slowly. They were filled with mingling and accepting invitations to dance when I really didn't want to, but I didn't really have a choice. Kakashi agreed to give me a substantial bonus for hosting this event so it's my own fault for accepting.

Around eleven or twelve, I finally managed to slip away and took a seat at the furthest end of the bar where I wouldn't be seen by those on the dance floor. The only way I'd be noticed was if they were headed to sit at the same bar.

I enjoy clubbing as much as the next girl, but it's not much fun when I don't know anyone there. No one was able to fit the event into their schedule, which I didn't take offense to because everyone has their own lives and I know that. It doesn't help that it's the middle of the week and not a weekend. I just wish I had at least one familiar person nearby.

A drink slid in front of me and I was pulled from my self-pitying thoughts. I looked at the black marble-topped counter to see a bubbly clear drink. The quiet bartender gestured with his thumb when I gave him a confused look. I scoured the bar for who'd sent the drink, only to be pleasantly surprised to see none other than Neji Hyuuga. I offered him a smile, a wordless invitation to join me. He rose from his seat and came around to sit next to me. I clinked my glass gently against his and we both drank in silence. Despite having been at the bar for a few hours now, I hadn't had many drinks so I barely had a buzz.

My eyes traveled up and down his body as he finished off his glass of what looked like whisky. It surprised me how handsome the businessman looked. When he visited the agency, I obviously noticed he was a looker, but somehow I hadn't realized just how gorgeous he was. Neji was wearing that suit, damn it. If I had to guess, he hadn't changed after leaving his job. The top two buttons of his shirt were undone, his tie was loosened, and his hair was free rather than being tied loosely like it had been last time I saw him.

He looked almost regal with his high cheekbones and full lips, making it hard for me to control the blush that rose to my cheeks when he glanced over and caught me checking him out. The Hyuuga man offered a hint of a smile before motioning to the bartender so his glass would be refilled. I grinned sheepishly before averting my gaze down to my glass.

What the hell's wrong with me? I'm never this nervous around a guy! Maybe it's because he intimidates me. Until now, flirting with men has come easily because I could tell what they were thinking. That's very much not the case with Neji.

I sipped my drink a bit faster, tempted to try and keep up with his pace. Once his glass was refilled and the bartender headed further down the bar to help some other patrons, I finally broke the silence between us, "What brings you here, Neji? No offense, but this place doesn't seem to be your style."

The man took another sip of his drink before turning his body slightly towards me, signaling he was willing to converse, "The CEO wants to try and liven up the Hyuuga image. Apparently, we come off as too serious or something." His voice was sarcastic.

A laugh managed to slip past my lips, "I wonder how they got that idea."

He shook his head, the corner of his lips tugging slightly as he held back a grin, "Yeah, no idea."

I stared at him for a moment, trying to figure him out. We only met briefly when he came to bring Hinata's personal items to the agency and I did little more than argue with him the whole time he was there, but he still sent me a drink. It was pretty difficult to figure him out. His family's business was obviously his main priority in life, but I sensed he wasn't completely sure about the path he was taking. The look on his face when he had to tell Hinata that her father wasn't going to welcome her home because of her contract with Evolution made it obvious.

Pearl-colored eyes suddenly met my gaze, but I didn't look away this time. He didn't either and after a moment, my body acted on instinct before I could convince myself to stop and I leaned in to press a soft kiss into the corner of his lips. His breath hitched as he likely didn't expect me to act so boldly, but he didn't stop me. I pulled back slightly to meet his eye and was pleasantly surprised to see that he didn't seem angry. Instead, he stared back at me with a look of intrigue.

My heart rose in my chest and I grabbed one of his hands as I rose to my feet, "Let me show you how to not be so serious, Mr. Hyuuga." We quickly downed the rest of our drinks before he allowed me to pull him along to the middle of the dance floor. It was so easy to get caught up in the moment as our bodies pressed against one another in the overcrowded club. Large hands firmly gripped my hips and guided my body back against his as we danced. The alcohol mixed with the heat made me feel like I was floating in a sea of hot water. One of my hands raked through his long hair when he buried his face in my neck. Hot breath brushed against my sweaty skin and an intense wave of arousal sank into my loins. My eyes squeezed shut when his lips brushed slightly against the sensitive area. That sealed the deal. I turned in his arms and he naturally met my lips without either of us having to say anything.

How he knew what I wanted was a mystery, but I couldn't possibly think about that while the stunning man was blessing me with such passionate kisses. My hands danced up his torso before I tugged on his tie and wrapped my other hand in his hair so bring his lips more firmly against mine. Large hands moved slowly about my waist and hips.

As quickly as it'd started, I pulled away with a bright red face.

I'm a celebrity! I can't just jump someone's bones in public like this!

My eyes searched the dense crowd before I accepted that no one had noticed my slip up. I met Neji's gaze again. Beautiful pearl eyes stared back at me with a heat that hadn't been there when we were at the bar. Thankfully, he seemed to understand why I pulled away and we seamlessly returned to dancing.

Multiple songs later, we returned to the bar to catch our breath. My hair was sticking to my skin as sweat dusted my body. When I looked over at Neji, another wave of arousal shot through me. His face was slightly flushed as he looked at the large fish tank across the bar. His profile was akin to that of a Greek god or something.

A soft gasp left my mouth before I could stop it and he turned to offer me a smirk when he realized I'd been checking him out yet again. Luckily, the bartender saved the day.

"Is there anything I can get you, Miss Tenten?"

Neji and I didn't look away from one another as I spoke as though in a trance, "Please bring me a bottle of tequila and two shot glasses."

The Hyuuga man's eyebrows rose in surprise, but I just smiled so he'd know that I was challenging him. His eyes narrowed as he undoubtedly picked up on my intentions. The bartender sat a bottle of top shelf tequila in front of us, along with the glasses, a small plate of sliced limes, and a salt shaker.

Over the next hour, we killed half the bottle. Perhaps I was just drunk, but Neji seemed to be holding his liquor much better than me. The only differences I could pick up in my tipsy state was a very slight red about the bridge of his nose, how his calculating eyes seemed to become more attuned to my actions with each shot, and the amount of boldness with which he was flirting. We talked about the agency, his family's company, and the hardships of our careers as the night drew along.

Just before two o'clock, I sat my glass down on the counter. My mind had been made up. If Neji accepts me, I'd be going home with him. I wanted it badly.

My gaze burnt with desire as I turned to face him. He undoubtedly realized what I was thinking because he checked his expensive looking watch before pulling me to my feet by my hand and leading me toward the back exit so we wouldn't be spotted by paparazzi. My eyes stayed trained on his broad shoulders as we left the building. A company car from Hyuugas was waiting slightly down the road and we silently climbed into the backseat.

I was supposed to stay another half hour or so, but I couldn't care less. It's more than likely that no one would even notice my absence. The black barrier separating the front and back seat was up so the driver couldn't see us, but the car started moving so he undoubtedly knew where to go.

I glanced down at my hand, fingers still intertwined with Neji's in between us, before lifting my gaze to his face. He met my eye at the same time. My ability to control my urges finally flew out the window and I was suddenly straddling his waist and kissing him hungrily. His hands held my back firmly so my chest would press against his before dancing down to slowly caress my thighs. Our tongues danced a fast and sensual tango. My hands felt whatever they could reach: shoulders, abs, arms. The air was hot and heavy.

The car ride felt very short and before I knew it, I was no longer on top of Neji, but being pulled along by him into an incredibly tall condo building. We took the elevator to one of the higher floors while I struggled to contain myself. The moment the door to his condo was open, I attacked him like an animal in heat.

He caught me easily and what we'd started in the car was able to resume. I wasted no time unbuttoning his shirt and nearly ripping it off of him, allowing it to fall onto the floor as he led me backwards toward what I assumed was his bedroom.

My hands traveled eagerly over his bare torso, impressed by the toned muscles that it held. He must work out or something because I'd definitely not expected muscles like that to be lying in wait beneath his clothes. He, too, pulled my shirt off over my head, breaking our passionate kissing just momentarily.

The bed hit the back of my legs and I let myself fall back onto it. He expertly unbuttoned my pants and slid them off before descending on top of me and sliding his tongue back into my mouth. My fingers fumbled to unlatch my bra before I tossed it away and swiftly slid my underwear off. He unbuckled his belt and removed the remainder of his clothing at the same time.

Once completely naked, we slowly moved further up the bed until my head hit the pillows. He was stunning. His body was far more impressive than I thought it'd be and that only furthered my need for him.

My hands traveled eagerly around his body to very lightly scratch his back. I could feel his sex rubbing against me and my hips instinctually rolled to grind against him. He removed his lips from mine and they traveled hungrily down to my neck, wrenching a small sound of pleasure from my chest when his lips danced against the sensitive part of my skin.

One of his hands reached down until it was at my nether regions and he expertly found the exact spot to massage with his thumb. A small gasp slipped from my lips and I could feel him smile into my neck before he lightly bit down on it, but not hard enough to leave any marks. He obviously knew what he was doing. It's not like I thought he was a virgin or anything, but I definitely didn't expect him to be experienced enough to make me feel like this.

He trailed kisses down my neck, chest, and then stomach before finally holding apart my legs and burying his face where his fingers had previously been. His tongue flicked roughly over my most sensitive area and a choked moan left my lips.

The room was spinning in a great way. The alcohol was making everything seem even better and I never wanted it to end. He teased me like a professional until I was about to reach my limit. My panting breath was the only sound in the room the whole time. Just before I could reach relief, he pulled away and gave me a devilish grin.

I looked down at him in disbelief, "Oh, come on! Don't stop!"

A small laugh came from him and I huffed in annoyance before tackling him down onto the bed. He had to have allowed me because I wasn't strong enough to actually force him to do anything. Once I was straddling his hips, I gently pressed my forehead against his so I could look down at where our bodies were about to connect. He followed my gaze.

Slowly, I slid down onto his member, giving myself a few moments to adjust to his size. His breath hitched when I slowly started to roll my hips rhythmically atop him. Large hands shot to my hips and a deep moan rumbled from the back of his throat. I pulled back to look at his face and felt kind of proud when I saw that his eyes were squeezed closed and his jaw was clenched tightly in response to my movements.

A smile tugged at my lips and I readjusted so I was crouched above him rather than resting on my knees. His hands fumbled to grasp my wrists and I grinned teasingly at him when he reopened his eyes. Then, I began moving. Always a fan of a good build up, I started off agonizingly slow, but sped up at a steady pace. It didn't take long to find a rhythm that suited us both.

The place where our bodies connected was slick. Most of the time, it's hard for me to get much pleasure from being on top, but something was different this time away. It felt so good. Small moans and gasps dusted the air, most of which came from me, but Neji seemed to thoroughly be enjoying himself as well.

He suddenly pulled me down and my knees hit the bed on either side of his body. His hips moved up to meet my movements at the new angle and I let out a surprised cry almost directly into his ear. My body was on fire. He was amazing. This was easily the best I've ever had and barely five minutes have passed yet.

Previously soft moans became unfiltered and I didn't even try to hold them back. He felt so good. An orgasm started to rise in me and my body naturally began to tighten around him, but Neji stopped what he was doing yet again. It was obviously his intention to tease me.

As quickly as he'd stopped moving, he wrapped an arm around my waist and sat up under me before gently leading me backwards so he was the one on top. My body was ravished with kisses and nibbles as he drastically slowed the pace of his movements. He slid in and out of me at an agonizing pace.

It still felt amazing, but it wasn't what I needed him to do to push me over the edge like I wanted. A small whine of protest mixed into the once again soft sounds of pleasure he was emitting from me. He straightened his back slightly and smirked knowingly at my undoubtedly flushed face. I pouted as he grinded into me sensually.

His amused smirk grew into a full blown grin and he chuckled, "Alright, fine."

Calloused fingers gripped my hips as he sat back on his knees and pulled my lower body up with ease. My back arched and a loud, shocked, moan erupted from my chest when he started moving more vigorously. When I met his eye and saw that he was watching my face with a look of pride, my brow furrowed.

This asshole was playing games this whole time! He knew exactly what I wanted and was just enjoying seeing me suffer. My annoyance only made me more horny, though, and I rolled my eyes at him before letting myself return to enjoying the magnificent sensations he was sending through my body. He chuckled again, but didn't say anything else.

Pressure built back up within me at a steady pace before Neji finally allowed me to climax. An explosion of heat and electricity came through me and I could feel my insides tighten and quiver around him. My partner continued despite my incapacitation, leaning down to place a chaste kiss between my breasts before slowing down slightly.

Once my euphoria had passed, he pulled out. For a moment, I thought he'd also come and I just hadn't noticed it because I was feeling too good, but I was wrong.

He easily flipped me over onto my hands and knees. My limbs were still a bit weak as I recovered from my orgasm, but my body was quickly rewarming up because of his dominating actions. Neji seemed to have changed his goal from teasing me to ravishing my body thoroughly and wasn't hesitating in the slightest to do just that.

He entered at the new angle and began moving in a specific way that quickly had me ready to continue. Once it was clear I'd collected myself, I slightly thrusted back onto his sex to meet him halfway. A small gasp managed to slip in between my heavy breaths when he moaned. I don't think he expected it because one of his hands roughly gripped my shoulder before he pushed me forcefully down and started pumping into me more recklessly.

Any sounds I made were muffled by the pillows. My chest pressed against the mattress as he put his weight onto me to keep me down while he did what he wanted. My insides were abused so passionately that I was writhing with another orgasm before I could even register it's building. His name rolled off my tongue in a breathy, seductive voice that I didn't know I could make and I'm not sure if he even heard it because of the pillows.

Both of his hands moved to firmly hold my waist and he began pulling me hard against him with each thrust. I could tell he was getting closer to his climax and tried my best to push back against him in an attempt to make him feel the same pleasure I was feeling.

Soon, he pressed inside me and kept it there as he bent over my body. I could feel him twitch slightly within me and knew he'd finally let himself release. A warm sensation then spread in my lower abdomen. His long hair tickled my back as his forehead rested in between my shoulders. Hot breath fell heavily against my damp skin once his climax ended and we were still for a moment before he gently kissed my back.

"Are you alright? I didn't hurt you, did I?"

He pulled out of me and I sat up to turn and face him on my knees, kissing his lips sweetly, "That was amazing."

We were both still very breathless. His lips danced with mine more intimately then, for just a few moments before he spoke gently and I moved to lay slow kisses into his neck, "Would you care to join me for a shower?"

I nodded without ceasing my actions. Now that we'd had our frenzied tryst, I was free to more thoroughly appreciate the details of his gorgeous body. The mood seemed to have shifted naturally to a more calm, but still sensual one. We stumbled from the bed into his en-suite and he started the shower.

I removed my makeup at the sink while the water warmed up, meeting Neji's wandering gaze more than once in the mirror with a small smile. There was no awkwardness and it was refreshing. I turned to approach him, letting his strong arms envelope me as he moved us slowly into the large shower. His pearl-colored eyes seemed warmer than I remember.

"Why bother wearing makeup if this is what you look like without it?"

My face warmed slightly and I gave him a shocked grin, "I didn't take you for the complimenting type."

The hot water quickly filled the walk-in shower with steam so the glass doors were fogged up.

He kissed me softly for a few moments before he spoke against my lips, "And I didn't take you for the type to go home with someone like me, but here we are."

I opened my mouth to argue, but he cut me off by pressing his lips against mine once more. Both of our bodies and hair were soon dripping wet. I eventually pulled away and slowly ran kisses down his neck, to his chest, then his torso, before finally sitting gently on my knees on the tiled floor and taking his member into one of my hands. He seemed surprised by my boldness, but did nothing to stop me so I continued.

I ran my tongue slowly over the tip of his sex, beginning to pump it with my hand. We held eye contact as I slowly removed my hand and enveloped almost the entire length of his cock into my mouth. I had to raise my soft palate so I wouldn't gag at the sheer size of it, but that was one of the perks of being a singer. You learn not to gag.

His head fell back in pleasure and a moan escaped him. I slowly pulled my head away from his body, letting him slide slowly out of my mouth before accepting it back in at the same agonizing tempo. One of his hands came down to hold the back of my head. I followed his lead as he started to thrust gently in and out of my mouth. It was hard not to blush, but I somehow managed.

Soon he picked up the pace and his fingers wrapped into my hair. He obviously tried to keep himself from going too fast and hurting me. Alcohol was to thank for my uncharacteristic bravery as I held his gaze. Normally, I'd be too embarrassed to look him in the eye while doing something like this. Hell, it was rare for me to do this type of thing outside of the bedroom at all.

We continued what we were doing for what felt like a long time, but it really couldn't have been more than a few minutes. I wondered why he stopped as he pulled me to my feet. Neji had to be at least close to getting off because I could feel his member twitch in my mouth before he pulled it out.

Suddenly, his arms were under my knees and my back was against the shower wall. This time, I'm sure my face turned red because there was no hiding from him in this position. He slid into me slowly before starting the process of making me lose my mind again.

The hot water fell onto us as he pumped into me as though his life depended on it. His eyes were locked onto mine with a passion in them that brought a blush to my cheeks. This wasn't the same sex that we had in the bedroom. No, this was a bit more personal and it both excited and scared me because we don't actually know each other that well. He made me look him in the eye as he pleasured me, his lips parted slightly as he began to re-work up a sweat.

Soon, he pulled out of me and sat me down. I could tell he was hesitating as he pumped his cock in his hand to keep from losing any of the progress towards his climax he'd created. I got down on my knees again and nodded for him to continue. He seemed unsure but still let me take his cock back into my mouth, this time letting me take control of the pace.

I went much quicker than before, wanting to help him orgasm. He seemed taken back by this and leaned forward to rest his hand against the wall above me. It only took a few more moments before he pulled out of my mouth again and looked as though he didn't know what to do. I opened my mouth and motioned for him to continue and he did, watching in wonder as he shot his load over my mouth and breasts. I swallowed what had landed in my mouth before giving his penis one last lick and rising to my feet.

Then we showered in a comfortable silence before returning to the bedroom to finally get some rest. We didn't cuddle much, but I kind of got that that wasn't really his thing so I didn't mind. I was dead tired anyway and fell asleep almost instantly.

It was as though I blinked and then my alarm was ringing to wake me up. My eyes crept open and I mentally prepared myself for the hangover to hit, but felt nothing. When I reached over to shut my alarm off, I caught a glimpse of the time and realized I was going to be late for Hinata's vocal lesson. I shot out of bed and quickly searched for my clothes.

When I reached the living room, I was in the process of clasping my bra closed behind my back as my eyes landed on my abandoned shirt. A slight blush rose to my face when I recalled how recklessly it'd been thrown off me.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when Neji suddenly spoke in his original more serious voice, "Good morning."

I clutched my shirt to my chest, trying to hide my half-dressed-ness, only to realize it was just him and relax slightly. He was sitting on the couch with his cellphone in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.

The recollection of what I'd done to him last night before came and my blushed heightened significantly, "Good morning, Neji. I'm really sorry, but I gotta run. Last night was incredible."

The man nodded in agreement, the smallest hint of a smirk on his lips before he covered them up with his coffee mug. Part of me was thankful I hadn't been black out drunk and could remember what happened, but another part of me wished for the opposite.

Normally, I don't do some of the stuff I did to him or let him do to me last night. That doesn't mean I regret it, of course. It really was an amazing night. My only concern was that he thinks I'm a total slut now.

After completely dressing and freshening up as much as possible, I gathered my things and headed for the door. I left my number on the notepad atop his nightstand just in case I hadn't scared him off.

"Wait a moment."

I turned back to face him, my hand on the doorknob and my cheeks burning with humiliation, "Yeah?"

He was standing an arm's length away with a small paper folded up in his palm, "Let me take you on a date."

I accepted the paper, which likely held his contact information. My lips couldn't form any words, but I did manage to nod before bashfully exiting his home and heading back to Evolution. My eyes widened once I was in the elevator at the agency.

What if Hinata gets mad at me for sleeping with her cousin?!