The person in charge didn't know what exactly happened either, "It just started burning all of a sudden. Fortunately, the firemen arrived in no time, and they saved the young man in the room."
The young man was sitting against the wall, and he looked extremely terrified. His life was hanging by a thread just now, it was no wonder that he was frightened.
A policeman came forward to ask him, "You were the last one to come out. What exactly happened?"
The young man shook his head, suddenly shouting loudly, "Someone, someone wants to kill me."
Eudora George's heart sank. "What? What did you see?"
"I saw someone throwing something at the window, and then it started to catch fire!"
Christopher Gellert was shocked. "Are you sure?"
The police immediately sealed the scene and began to look for traces. They began to inquire everyone who was present in detail, asking each of them if they had any grudges or conflicts with anyone.