We need to talk. Call me as soon as you see this.

Daniel sighed, leaning back a bit on the barstool he was perched on. He was nursing his fifth drink, to get his mind off his impending conversation with Spencer. They'd known each other since they were pups, seen so many things, peed in the same pond, dated girls who were best friends...treated each other like brothers than friends. Their bond was strong, and they never kept secrets from each other. Now, if only Spencer was an omega, Daniel wouldn't think twice about getting married to him.

Keeping his eyes on the phone was torture. The anticipation of Spencer's texts made him anxious and had him ordering more bottles of beer, though he was careful not to get drunk. He didn't know if Victoria had left the bar, and honestly, he didn't care. The music pulsating off the walls bounced back at him and made him feel horny in a funny way. Plus, there were really hot chicks who were killing it on the dance floor tonight.

He sighed, lifting his head to stare at the plump female behind the bar. No doubt, she was an omega. And craved his attention so badly that the top few buttons of her blouse were loose now, contrary to how they were still buttoned a few minutes ago. She kept winking, kept reaching out to touch his hand and smile seductively...it was nauseating. Well, as the Alpha of the largest and most feared wolf pack in Manhattan, Daniel could only dream of his popularity being unknown in such a bar as this. He was practically the one eligible bachelor and marriageable magnet to every available omega or beta that came in contact with him. It made him sick, as he could get anyone he wanted on his bed. They never did give him the chase he wanted, they were never challenging enough. Most times, all he had to do was smile, and the eager women stepped out of their panties and bared their souls to him.

Maybe he should start seeking out male omegas instead.

At the thought of that, those big, blue eyes flashed across his mind, as did the beer he was drinking burned down his throat. He'd never felt anything like how he felt that moment. The raw emotion. His wolf and dick's excitement. All he'd thought about was tearing across and cupping the bewildered omega in his arms, jumping off the balcony, and taking him home with him. And for a while back there, he'd wanted to do just that. But something held him back. It was Victoria. It was fear.

He couldn't recall ever having any atom of attraction for a man. It had never happened and he never thought one day he'd want to mate with one so bad. Not that he had anything against it because of gender, but the reality was a lot for him to take on. Much more than the Pack elders who were expecting a female Luna. There wasn't a time in history when the Bedlam Pack ever had a male as a Luna. It was always females. He wondered how they would accept this new development.

But why was the omega in such a hellhole as this place? Could it be...?

Oh no. he hoped not.

Bad and Boogie was a renowned breeding zone under the guise of a stripper bar. Wolves from all walks of life who still weren't mated but wanted to knot came here for their pleasure and satisfaction. He could recall patronizing a few omegas multiple times in the past with Spencer as an escort. Those were days when his balls were blue and heavy and he couldn't go a week without knotting with a woman. Every omega that stepped in never left the same again. If his mate was here that means he hoped to knot with someone.

God, the thought of that was killing him slowly. He clasped the bottle in his hand tightly, letting out a guttural growl.

The plump seductive bartender recoiled with frightened eyes. "I'm so sorry. Are you...alright?"

He didn't answer her. Jumping off the stool, he turned toward the entrance, deciding it was best he lingered around there. The fresh air outside was a relief. He scanned the cars in the parking lot, happy to note that Victoria's Volvo was gone. Guess she'd been dead serious about making good on her threat. She was normally a very persistent lady on days that weren't like this.

The sluts were on a sugar high tonight. As well as the continuous influx of Alpha males that passed him into the bar. The manager of Bad and Boogie would be making mad sales tonight. As well as other nights. Sex was now a basic necessity and here was the one place they could all get it and be satisfied, with no strings attached. He applauded the brain behind it all for being so smart and money-minded.

Daniel nursed his drinks, hyper-aware of the sexual activities going on in the car shadows. No doubt the rooms were now all occupied and the impatient Alphas couldn't wait to book a hotel or something, so they did it instead in the dark. After all, it was nine PM, and they couldn't be against the law at such an ungodly time of the night.

Thirty minutes later, he was just about to move back inside when something struck him.

It was strong. Familiar. Haunting.

Surely it couldn't be the big, blue eyes. Or maybe that could be part of it?

His nose twitched. Fuck, a scent. A very sweet, delicate scent. It struck him like a thousand kilowatts of electricity.

It was more than a smell. More than a feeling. It stole its way past his nose to his brain where it settled like a swaying leaf landing gently on the ground where it belonged. All at once, his whole world was shifting. The scent resonated deep within his soul where it clicked like a missing piece to a Jigsaw puzzle.

On an instinctual level, Daniel knew that this was exactly what he'd been longing for those years in all the female omegas he'd ever brought to his bed. He'd even thought he felt something similar with Victoria, but that was just his horny pheromones messing with his thinking. This was the real deal. The Jackpot. Something he'd longed for so long, something he'd tried explaining to the Pack elders who understood him perfectly but said otherwise. It was something he didn't know he'd miss until it was shoved right up his face.

Jesus. It couldn't be the amount of alcohol he had taken buzzing with his system, he was sure. He didn't feel drunk at all so he couldn't possibly be making it all up in his head,

It was real. The feeling was real.

And he tried to associate it with a face.

His brows drew together, eyes closed in concentration, blue eyes and black hair becoming more vivid in his mind.

His breathing ceased. The omega he'd seen on the balcony! Of course, it had to be him!

His eyes snapped open, legs buckling. Oh no.

He did remember perceiving a whiff of someone on the verge of their heat, but the omega hadn't crossed his mind despite being obvious enough. That was why he was out alone on the balcony. He must've gotten uncomfortable staying in there, with arsehole alphas making suggestive passes at him.

No wonder he looked so out of place. Like he didn't know how he found himself in such a place as this. He was a first-timer, no doubt.

The hairs at the back of Daniel's neck stood on end as the scent became even more prominent. It was coming from the bar. Andrew, his Alpha wolf was nudging at him now for them to go find him.

Daniel couldn't feel his legs as he half-ran inside now, following his instincts back to the dark corridors where he'd come out from. He stopped, the scent drawing him toward the farthest end of the bar where he saw the omega now, sitting in a booth with a girl. They were talking in low tones and darting anxious glances around with the girl pointing once in a while to the alphas that passed by. For a still moment there, Daniel just stared, the scent overwhelming, blurring his vision.

Suddenly, the omega stood and began walking towards him. Daniel froze, euphoria running through his veins as the slender male approached, brushing past him like a silent tidal wave. Fuck, Daniel inhaled deeply, blood rushing to his cock. He'd never smelled a heat so divine. The omega stepped out of the club now and hung around the parking lot.

Daniel withdrew into the shadows at the entrance, watching him like a predator guarding prey. Andrew nudged at him to go say something, but he persisted. The naïve omega was surely brave enough standing out there with his heat in full force. No doubt, some lousy alphas would be attracted to his scent and may ask him out to knot.

God. The thought of that was...crippling. In an instant, he was beside the omega now, the both of them staring into the darkness. Daniel sighed softly as the sweet jolts of electricity tingled through his fingertips. He'd been right. This was his mate.

"Hey," he blurted. The omega jumped a few meters away, his blue eyes bulging in fright. Daniel suppressed a laugh. "Umm...beautiful view out here, huh?"

The omega straightened now, giving him a withering look. "What do you want?"

Daniel was a bit taken aback. "Pardon?"

"I'd like to be left alone now if you don't mind." The omega said politely before moving further away from him. Daniel blinked, shocked beyond words. Never, in his entire existence had he seen an omega resistant while in heat! If anything, they were even easier to manipulate.

He was intrigued. Yet afraid.

It was already too dangerous for an omega to be out here in the dark in such a place as this with a heat this strong. Now, up close, Daniel even found it hard to keep his hands to himself. The omega was in no doubt at the peak of his heat which would last for the next three days, except he found an alpha to knot with.

"It's not safe out here," Daniel reiterated, making up his mind to keep him company. "You could get raped."

"I don't need your help now, Mr.," the omega retorted sharply. "Just go away. Leave me alone."

Fuck, didn't he feel anything too? Why was he so stubborn?

"Can I buy you a drink inside at least?" Daniel knew it was a stupid offer, but he really did want to be with the omega just a little bit longer.

The omega stared at him as though he was mad. "What now?"

"You never even told me your name."

The omega scoffed. "How many times do I have to spell it out that I am not interested. Leave me alone. Go find someone else."

"Well, you wouldn't be out here if you weren't looking for an alpha to knot with in the first place." A smug smile crept up Daniel's face. Finally, a real challenge.

"Is that what you think?"

"It's exactly what it appears to be."

The omega sighed. "You're so boring."

What? Boring? Daniel's curiosity, as well as his competitiveness, flared. The omega was ticking off all his boxes. It was admirable and endearing, even though it was the opposite effect the omega was going for.

He decided to back off. "Alright. But I'll only leave when you tell me your name."

The omega's jaw tightened. "Ugh. Please...fuck off."

"Then you're not ready to get rid of me."

They both stayed like that for what felt like hours; Daniel smiling like a goof while the omega scowled. It was...fulfilling.

"Okay, fine!" The omega huffed in annoyance. "I'm Sawyer Rivers, and I'm not pleased to make your acquaintance. Now, skedaddle."

Daniel nodded, walking off towards the club. Try all he could, disappointment waved its ugly head all over his face. Sawyer. God, the things that name did to him. He wouldn't have minded trading all his business corporations to know what would make Sawyer loosen up around him a little.

He contemplated going home, but he couldn't make it through the night without someone to knot with. It'd been so long since he last had sex. Even from Victoria. Now, as he lingered once more at the entrance, he regretted turning down her offer earlier.

He decided to watch Sawyer a little while longer. The omega was still standing, determined as ever. No one moved about in the vicinity. He wasn't safe and didn't want to listen.

Suddenly, he caught three figures making their way over to Sawyer in the still of the night. They didn't look civil in their approach, and he could sense Sawyer's fear from where he stood.

Shit. Here comes trouble.