Fifteen minutes later, when Daniel came out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel hanging loosely around his waist, Sawyer was already sprawled on the king-sized bed – stark naked. His arse was raised up in the air invitingly, a white pillow beneath his shoulders as his eyes lit at Daniel's every motion. The Alpha decided to be a cruel tease, cupping his cock through the thin towel fabric and chuckling as the hunger in Sawyer's eyes grew. The omega whimpered now. "Please. I need you in me so bad."

Daniel nodded, moving to the nightstand to put his phone on silent. It was almost midnight and he had a busy day the next morning but he didn't care. Banging Sawyer was his chief priority at the moment and he couldn't afford to condone any disruptions, even from Spencer.

At last, he let his towel loose, stroking his bare cock absently while watching Sawyer squirm in excitement. "You little angel."

Sawyer nodded, bristling with energy. Daniel could feel him vibrating in his skin even as he angled his arse higher towards Daniel. "It's all yours, Sir."

"Sir?" Daniel asked, meeting him in the middle of the bed and placing his hands on either side of Sawyer's hips. "I'd prefer Daddy instead if you don't mind."

He slapped the omega's left arsecheek hard. Sawyer flinched with a hiss from the sharp sting, shuddering when Daniel bent his face down and smothered the reddened skin with a feathery kiss. Sawyer's hole was becoming moister and his heat scent uncontrollable. Daniel twirled a finger around the bright red ring of the tight entrance before dipping a finger in. Sawyer stiffened as Daniel loomed over him, his face behind the omega's ear, his finger beginning to move in short, sharp thrusts. With time Sawyer began to relax, discomfort giving way to moans as Daniel slipped in a second finger. "Damn, you're so wet for me, baby."

There definitely wouldn't be needing any lube. Sawyer was secreting a lot of moisture already and it turned Daniel on to an inestimable degree. "Please," Sawyer whined. "I need you in me. Your fingers are not enough."

"Patience, babe." Daniel delivered another slap, this time to the right butt cheek. Retrieving his fingers, he positioned the head of his dick which was already leaking precum at the puckered muscle. He pushed in slowly, carefully, waiting for Sawyer's body to accept him. Sawyer relaxed back on the shaft which was such a much-welcomed intruder in his body. Daniel drew in a sharp breath as Sawyer's hole began to suck his dick gently as he began thrusting. Flexing his hips, he rocked Sawyer's butt closer and harder, their bodies flush, clicking into place like one big puzzle piece.

Sawyer's moans quickly turned incoherent as his heat completely overwhelmed him, burning wildly, throughout his entire body.

It was the most basic and primal of instincts, for an Alpha to mate and breed with an omega. The omegas were the submissive ones, some male omegas were blessed with female reproductive systems, just like Sawyer's. The pure male omegas had a testosterone influx and couldn't breed or be mated with an Alpha but omegas with the female reproductive systems as well. This caste rule made such omegas with reproductive systems a hot commodity and why they stood a high chance of getting raped during their quarterly heats.

Daniel was a man of utmost control than most airheaded werewolves, but in the face of Sawyer's increased attractiveness, while in heat and the omega's exciting demand to be knotted with, it was hard not to lose focus and fuck Sawyer as he did with the rest. But he quickly remembered that this was the omega's first time knotting with an Alpha, and craved to make it memorable.

If he wasn't careful enough, Sawyer's body would feel the weight of his intensity in the morning in the worst way possible. He couldn't allow that.

Falling forward to brace over Sawyer, both arms locked on either side of the omega, he bucked his hips and picked up a faster thrusting rhythm. Sawyer's knuckles were white, holding the white pillow below his shoulders in a death grip, moaning and begging Daniel to go faster, clawing at the Alpha's thigh aggressively. But Daniel ignored his pleas, delving in with soft, gentle, sweet thrusts.

"For fuck's sake," Sawyer breathed out in exasperation. "Don't hold back. Make me feel every bit of this. It's getting boring."

Daniel pecked his shoulder blade, trapping his earlobe between his teeth, and slammed in once, harder and deep than before, causing Sawyer to cry out in gleeful pleasure. "Like that?"

"Oh my goodness, yes!" Sawyer bucked his hips back to meet Daniel halfway. The Alpha's patience thinned, a heavenly momentum building in the pit of his gut as Sawyer's muscles drew him in each time he pulled out. Alright, then. If Sawyer wanted a pounding that might leave him probably crippled the next morning, then that was what Daniel would give him.

Grabbing Sawyer's wrists, Daniel pinned them above the omega's head. Using his grip on Sawyer as leverage, Daniel managed to pull back effectively each time he thrust. Sawyer was rendered powerless to move since Daniel held him by the wrists and his moans were being stifled by the pillow. Nevertheless, every time their skin made contact, there was this spark, this mutual agreement that took them higher, stripping more and more of Daniel's control hold until he was roaring his orgasm like a battle cry, pumping Sawyer full of his hot seed. His knot swelled and caught in Sawyer's arse as he let loose, his vision graying out in the edges.

Almost immediately, Sawyer cried out too, his cock jumping and shooting, adorning the perfect white sheets with his come.

Daniel loosened his hold on Sawyer's wrists now to tip the omega over and position himself between Sawyer's legs. By instinct, Sawyer's locked his legs together on Daniel's waist, arms around the Alpha's neck. Daniel thrust in more slowly now, exhausted, while Sawyer's body went limp with sleep. Watching Sawyer drift off was the most special moment. His face looked so calm, so relaxed for the first time since they met. It was a beautiful memory that made Daniel's morning. A look he craved to see on Sawyer's face regularly.

But that made the situation a whole lot funnier. Daniel disliked making love to the same omega twice. He felt that they became uninteresting after their first sexual encounters. Yet, here he was, still finding Sawyer attractive after they just had sex.

The mate bond indeed had a way with emotions, Daniel mused. But why did he feel that this was bound to get more complicated?

He didn't know what was coming. And at that moment, he decided not to care.