
Sam and two other detectives are on an accident scene, where a drunk truck driver ran into a stray dog. Sam being an animal lover decided to follow the two other detectives to the scene, they arrested the drunk truck driver and the medics team applied first aid treatment on the dogs broken leg before it was taken to the vet hospital bit Sam and the other two detectives waited behind to control the traffic which was hold up due to the accident. Sam and one other detective decided to walk back to the station as the last detective drove back to the station. As they were walking along the streets, Detective A asked, "How far have you gone on your case of the missing young lady?", Sam replied, " Hailey ", he sighed and said, " There's a lot of progress though because the prime suspect we have right now is the boyfriend who probably saw her last", Sam updated Detective A on the case and Detective A smirked and said, "He might literally not the one behind it", " Why though?", Sam asked, "My intuition says so buddy", detective A shrugged and Sam laughed out saying, " Your intuition can be wrong", and they both laughed out loud. "Can you hear that?", detective A asked after they walked for a while in silence. " What?", Sam asked in confusion and stopped walking as detective A did. "You can't hear?", detective A asked, " What was that, man?", Sam asked again looking extremely confused. "A dog barking continuously", detective A said and Sam replied, "Let's walk towards the sound", they  walked in the direction of the sound and after several minutes, they lost the sound as the dog stopped barking, "What could have happened?", detective A asked and Sam suggested, " It could be injured or saw something weird though". The dog started barking again and they started walking again, looking for the location of the sound. After searching for about 30 minutes, Sam heard the dog bark from an hallway and called on detective A, they walked through with them high on alert as they don't know if it was a safe place to go. As they walked through, they perceived a bad stench coming from the corner of the hallway, there they found a body of a dead person, a lady for that matter!, the face was kind of deformed already. Even without the face, Sam could bet that it was Hailey's body because she was the only female to be reported in the past three months, the dog ran away immediately. "Call the station ASAP", Sam said to detective A beneath the handkerchief he used in covering his mouth. Detective A nodded and he moved aside to make the call, the team arrived in 21 minutes exactly and they went into the hallway to examine the body, they took the body away and Sam called Hailey's parent immediately to meet him at the station.

The body was confirmed to be Hailey's body as DNA was carried out on the body because her parents couldn't identity her because the face was deformed already. Sam decided to file a murder case against Fred but he decided to face all the suspect once again before doing doing so, the first personal he called upon was Amelia.

"Why did you kill your daughter madam?", Sam asked keeping a straight face. Amelia decided to come clean as she was so sure Stone didn't kill her and as well, she didn't want her daughter dead.

"Accepted that I was jealous of my daughter with her closeness to her father and I always feel bad knowing she dislikes me as a mother, bit seriously I only wanted to teach her a lesson not to kill her", Amelia said as she cleans her tears.

" So what did you do?", Sam asked.

"I sent Stone after her but he really didn't kill her, he wasn't even able to touch her as she ran away from him", Amelia explained.