Remembering 6: Gathering Courage

Have you ever approached a total stranger? How did you go about it? I want to know so that I can help our poor guy here because he needs to approach this guy seated next to him and he doesn't know how to go about it. Ah! Why should things be this hard? Shouldn't some things just come naturally?

As Leo was thinking on how to approach the man seated next to him, the guy was done with his conversation and he rose to leave. Leo felt panicked because he couldn't let this man leave. He wanted to talk to him but didnt know how to go about it.

Oh no!' Leo thought. I can't let him leave without talking to him. He thus rose in a hurry and held the other man's wrist as the man had already taken a step as he left.

"Er.. Excuse me?" Leo said wishing that the earth would just open up and swallow him. How embarrassing! He was so embarrassed and his cheeks were turning red. He then saw the man look at where their hands were connected and Leo felt his body heat up and he let go of the man's hand like it was a hot


"Hey, yes? How may I help you?" The hot guy asked. Leo was surprised that the man didn't snap at him. 'What a good man,' he thought.

"Can we talk? I just overheard your conversation on the phone. Sorry I wasn't eavesdropping. Yes I was... so... sorry. It's just I was looking at you and then...," Shit! 'What did I just say?' Leo thought and smiled awkwardly. 'I'm done for,' he thought as he looked at the man who was towering over him since he was seated and the man was still standing. But instead of the other being angry or even annoyed, he was smiling gently at Leo.

"Sorry for that," Leo said hurriedly as he also stood up. That's when he realised that he was a shoulder shorter than the man. This guy had to be at least 6'4.

"Ahem," the guy pretended to clear his throat so as to get Leo's attention. "You were saying?" Oh, that smile. It made Leo forget himself for a while.

"Oh, sorry. My name is Le... Leo. Can I please talk to you about the conversation you have just had?" He asked nervously as he held out his hand to this handsome stranger. Please don't snub me. Please don't snub me. Please..." That was Leo's prayer as he held out his hand waiting for the other person to shake it.

"Yeah, of course. But not here. I need a cup of coffee. Can we look for somewhere to talk as we take coffee. And my name is Dylan by the way," the stranger said as he shook Leo's hand. Aaah!

"Perfect, I work in a cafe near here and we can go there. I promise our coffee is good. You will like it," Leo said with a smile as he picked up his bags.

"Lemme help you with those," Dylan said as he took four of the four bags Leo was carrying and turned to Leo, "lead the way Le. Leo," he teased with a chuckle and Leo couldn't help but blush.

"You are so cute. You blush easily like a girl," Dylan said.

"Ah, I can't let you carry all the bags. Allow me," Leo said as he went for the bags but Dylan held them tighter.

"No, it's okay. They aren't heavy after all. Let's go," he said and Leo led the way without further protests though he felt embarrassed. He felt like a girl. whose boyfriend had decided to help with her bags.

As they walked towards the cafe they talked a little more but after some time, Leo was out of things to say and so he just blushed some more and he heard a chuckle from Dylan. He was sure that by now his face resembled a ripe organic tomato.

'Gosh, that voice is so sexy!' Thought Leo again and he almost slapped himself when he realised that he was complimenting a man yet again in his mind. This wasn't normal and he needed to stop.

Within no time, they were at the cafe. This time the journey was easier since someone helped in carrying the bags. At least he was grateful for that.

Leo asked Dylan to wait for him on one of the tables as he took the bags in the kitchen. When he got to the kitchen, Pendo was there helping the others. She looked at Leo and shook her head.

"Leo, you walked again didn't you? Look at how red your face is! Be careful not to get sunburns on that handsome face!" She admonished while complaining with a knowing look.

Leo just smiled at her and said, "sorry Pendo but I need the money and you know I don't really mind walking."

"I know but those bags can break your hands. I'm just worried. You should just take a cab next time."

"It's okay. I had someone help me." He then remembered the hunk who was waiting for him and he blushed. He then turned to his boss, "Pendo can I take a thirty minutes break? I need to talk to someone, please," He asked with puppy eyes that would make any human weak and submit to whatever he was saying and monic was not an exception. She fell for it.

"Take all the time you need hun. We are almost done here and we won't be busy until later," she said and he smiled as he went out.

He smiled as he went to meet Mr. Handsomeness. He smiled again at his thoughts.

He inhaled and exhaled deeply as he gathered courage to tell Dylan what he wanted.