The Past: Looking for His Man

Dylan clearly remembers the first time he saw him. He and his mother were sitting in the waiting area of the school where he was to start his first year of high school when a young, slim, handsome (or should he say pretty boy walked in the company of two grownups and a young boy who kept talking non stop. What drew his attention to the boy was his ever smiling face. He never got angry at his young chatterbox of his brother. He would always answer with a smile on his face.

That smile melted Dylan's heart. He wanted to know who that was. He wanted to become his friend. He had to befriend him. A fire had kindled in his heart. You could say that Dylan wanted the other boy to himself.

They were both admitted into the school and their families left and they were shown to their dormitories. To his joy, he shared the same cube with the boy he had his eyes on. He decided to keep his eyes on him and see what kind of a person he was before he

made his feelings known.

Dylan noticed that the handsome boy called Leo Makai Adams was a quiet person. He never spoke much and he liked to keep to himself and never wanted to harm anybody. He thus stayed out of bullies ways and Dylan made it his business to protect him. He just loved the quiet innocent boy.

But before he could get to know Leo well so that he could approach him, his father came for him saying that he had to go back home because his mother was very sick. That's how he lost track of his boy: like he called Leo.

Years went by and Dylan never forgot his boy. He always looked forward to the day he would see him again. That fire in his heart kept burning more whenever he would think of that face. He had to see him again. He would have the ugh it a passing infatuation if he had forgotten that face but no. The longer he took without looking for Leo, the stronger the urge became. He knew that his heart would settle when he had Leo in his arms.

By the time he was doing his final year in high school, his business had picked and he was now independent to do anything he wanted without the interference of his parents.

That's when he decided to look for his boy.

The name Elijah Mungo Adams wasn't a new name in Keya and thus finding Leo wasn't going to be hard or so he thought at first. But the report he received from his private investigator broke his heart. After Mr. Adams died, his family was thrown out by his brother and no one had any idea where they went. Dylan couldn't accept that! He thus hired more people to find out what happened to Leo first before finding out what happened that they would be thrown out of their home.

Imagine his shock when reports came that Leo and his family were living in a one roomed house in the slums of City M. Dylan couldn't take that. He couldn't believe that his beloved was living like a pauper while someone was enjoying what was supposed to be his. What was more was that Leo was collecting plastics and old metal objects all around the slum AMD selling them so as to keep his family afloat. This was besides him working as a dishwater in a rundown eatery in the slums where he was getting paid peanuts! No! He couldn't accept that.

He swore to get to the bottom of the issue and make all those responsible suffer. But first thing's first, he had to help his boy. No. Ithad been four years already so he was no longer a boy, his man first. And that's when he contacted his aunt.