Good Luck!

"We are here!" Leo's train of thought was broken by Dylan's enthusiastic voice announcing their arrival to where it was they were going. It was The Tyde. One of the biggest five star hotels in the city. Leo looked at it with a look of nostalgia.He remembered when they went for a vacation with his whole family and they stayed in this hotel. That seemed like a whole other world and a long time ago.

They got out of the vehicle and Dylan handed the keys to a valet.

"Come on, let's go in," Dylan said as he pulled Leo towards the entrance.

"What are we doing here?" Leo asked.

"To eat, of course, and maybe enjoy ourselves a tad bit. I didn't want you to tire yourself today and I thought that I would treat you to a nice meal," Dylan said as he smiled at Leo.

Dylan wanted to make tonight special and he thought this hotel: the first ever their father built, was the perfect spot. Their dad told him that this was where he first met their mother and fell in love. Dylan hoped it would work magic like it did for his parents.

When they entered, a waitress was already there waiting for them.

"Welcome to our hotel sirs," she said as she curtsied to them. She looked at them wondering why she has never met such handsome men. Were they really from this world? She forgot that she was supposed to be waiting on them as she stared at them with her mouth slightly open. She couldn't help but drool and that didn't go well with a certain someone who turned green with envy.

"Call me the manager!" Dylan commanded pulling her out of her trance.

"Is anything the matter?" She asked worriedly.

"No, nothing's the matter. I just want to talk to him. Be quick," he commanded as he gave her a frightening look that made her scurry away in a hurry to call the manager.

A short, middle aged man, who had a bald head with the only hair remaining on his head being from one ear round the back of the head to the other ear forming a crescent shape, came towards them hurriedly.

"Dylan my boy, how are you?" He asked joyously as he shook their hands.

"I'm okay uncle. I know you are well since we talked yesterday. How is everything?" He asked.

"All is set. As per your instructions.

"Good. Oh, by the way, this is Leo. My, er... My friend," he blushed as he said that giving the old man a side look. "Leo, this is Uncle Rob, the manager of The Tyde."

"Nice to meet you sir," Leo said to the man.

The man looked at him as he smiled knowingly, "this way, I will take you there," the manager said as he started waking towards the elevators.

Dylan thanked him and they followed him. When they entered, the manager pressed a button and up they went. When the elevator doors opened, they were met by a beautifully decorated terrace and Leo stood rooted to the ground as he took in everything he was seeing.

From the elevator doors to everywhere Leo could see, there were rose petals on the ground blanketing the whole floor.

Around ten feet from where he was standing, there were neatly and beautifully arranged bougainvillea and rose flowers arranged in an arch forming an entrance. Leo started walking as one whose body was being controlled by an alien force. Beyond the entrance was a table at the centre.

On it were beautiful plates, wine glasses and water glasses and other utensils and cutlery beautifully arranged as if the president was coming to dine there. Rose petals covered the whole ground and everything looked beautiful. On the railings of the terrace were more flowers.

"I will be downstairs in my office if you need me. Which I hope you don't because my old bones can't keep up with you young ones," the manager said as he bid Dylan goodbye. "Your waiters are ready. Press the button when you are ready to eat. Good luck!" He smiled at Dylan knowingly and left.

Dylan thanked the manager and walked towards where Leo was standing still taking in the breathtaking scene before him.

All this had been long coming and Dylan had waited and cultivated long enough. He looked at Leo and smiled.