
Both Evie and Tera stared at each other. 

He really killed a Heirlock?

There was obviously a deep meaning behind that statement.

Currently, they seem to be transversing deep into the dark labyrinth of the cave which screamed of abyssal wraiths and eerie shadows. 

They were on guard against two things, the vile creatures which dwells deep within this labyrinthine and two... for the fact that, Blake, would be trapped here, within it's confines his entire life, unless the Underworld Groove is being breached which isn't possible. 

The obvious thing to happen is... 

witches might try to open the gate, through sorcery of magic or sorcery of runes, either which way would be useless because, nothing had ever tried to breach the underworld groove and was successful with.

It was only witches to be specific, white witches who could get in and get out without being trapped in. 

The reason is because, witches were soft creatures with magic powers from the Goddess of light so anything from the light is considered blessed. 

There's also the birth of the rogue witches who's dark magic comes directly from the god of darkness. 

The rogue witches are already specified by serene dark magic which separated them from the whites, so this means that they would be able to go into the underworld groove but they would never go out.

The rogue witches are always into hiding behind the thick bushes of Scarlet Hill and this land is known to breed in it's non-existent state.

Darkness hovers above like a vortex of death, clouding the land, making attacks from outsiders to the people almost impossible. 

Tera stared at the wall which illuminated brightely. 

She had drive a spell that left candle lights lit and kept in lines on either side of the Carvarn stretching as far as they transversed deeper.

The carvarn looked eerie and lonesome with the sound of their footsteps echoing off the marble floor. 

The next minute, Blake unsheathed the Night Tide balancing himself into a battle stand.

Even Evie and Tera paused, feeling a terrible sense of foreboding. They Immediately ran behind Blake. 

The atmosphere was charged slightly with tension, indicating the presence of a harrowing creature... so powerful and dreadful, surreal and undefeatable. 

But Blake stood boldly.


With what he learnt from Jotham, he understood that fear was weakness.

Showing fear was like reducing what amount of will spirit you posses making it possible for the enemies to challenge such weakness and deal a harrowing damage.

The air was becoming heavier and somber, an eerie aura brimming with prominent bloodlust.

 Then, at the end of the cave, a lone figure emerged. It was dark from afar, a blistering creature, it's revolting appearance aghast.

The trio moved backwards while the creature slowly came forwards. 

"Is it a demon affliant?" Tera asked only to recieve a glare from both Evie and Blake.

Demon affliants were considered powerful entity who's reign was born from hell itself.

"What can you say about a Demon Affliant?" 

Blake was the one to ask as his focus was focussed on the creature.. 

who knows when it might attack.

"Well, they are powerful. They come directly from hell and... it looks dark like this one." Tera said, 

"Demon Affliants are from hell yes, but not of the underworld groove. They haven't breached the gates of hell or have they?" 

Another topic that seeped fear into their hearts about the gates of hell being breached. 

If hell was suddenly breached, it would plunge all of humanity into chaos. 

"I pray not! So let's keep our fingers crossed or rather still teleport out of here so that we don't get killed by that thing." Blake said oblivious to the fact that he was trapped within the underworld groove for all eternity.

Fear consumed Tera and Evie's heart. 

Blake was not a witch, so definetely, he's trapped here the rest of his life. The duel here in the Underworld Groove was that when you see a creature, kill it...

Any slight mistake would cripple one's chances of survival. 

You will fight for life in the underworld, destroying what your power could handle untill something bigger and more powerful than you kills you,

 and Blake wasn't yet aware of what condition his life is in right now. It was truely messed up!


Evie and Tera stared at themselves knowing as they would have to tell him somehow, but right now, the creature was coming at them.

"But Blake, if we teleport out of this place, we might run into the heirlocks once again and we need enough energy to work our magic and if that doesn't work then how are we going escape. I had to combine energies with Tera's because looking at her exhausted state, her powers wouldn't have been able to contain the three of us." 

Evie said leaving the part of him being trapped for life as she stared at the lingering creature. 

Behind them, they were slowly getting to the sealed entrance of the Carvarn. 

And looking ahead again, the candle lights were beginning to illuminate the creature's face. The creature had one eye thick black and the other, light red which kept fluctuating from red to black only to maintain the red for a long while. 

The mouth of the creature was drooling out with blood to show that it had somebody for lunch. And in the Underworld Groove, it is hard to find any human execpt a few who were brought by mistake which Blake was one now. 

These creatures were vampires and they needed human blood to function and where there is lack of humans spelt doom for them especially the newly created.

"A deranged vampire?" Blake asked not sure of what to call it.

"These ones are slow. But super hyped when they see their lunch."

"Which means, it hadn't seen us yet... If only we knew, we would have made a run for it."

"These Vampires are the newly created ones and they need excess blood to turn normal like other adult vampires. Being born a vampire is different from being created using Euphorium so I think his blood drinking mission is yet to be complete." 

Evie said and Tera grinned.

 "What to do now? Fight that thing?" 

Tera asked and Blakes shoulders sagged, 

"of course we fight. Should we allow it to kill us?" Blake stared grudgingly at them and then turned at the creature. 

Blake noticed the red in it's eyes churn with bloodlust, it stirred and swirled like mist as though it's killing job was still ajar. 

"Uh oh, I think it had seen us."


Immediately, the creature leaped at them with a terrifying speed. 

This concurrent speed and agility that activates whenever it sees food. It is always super active than any normal vampires. Blake knew he wouldn't be able to keep up.


Blake had dodged upon the vampires sudden arrival and immediately, a Legal Stale, in the form of a boot weaved itself into sparks in Blake's feet as he glared at the vampire. 

Tera and Evie had teleported without him and Blake had to grit his teeth in anger, 

"I saved them, and they abandoned me. Damned witches!"


The Legal Stale was a boot enhanced to make its wielder a little bit faster than normal and now, at least Blake was able to keep up with the Vampires quick advances and attacks realizing that the speed was unlike any other.

He had even recieved two scratches on his shoulder which opened the wounds earlier making them bleed even more. 

Seeing the blood, the vampire became more aggressive as his speed doubled, tripled and quadrupled due to its unending hunger to drink more blood. 

Blake was now having a hard time to keep up.

With the Legal stale, Blake dodged an incoming slash from the vampires long fingers and then used the Night Tide to chop the fingers only that, the creature did not loose it's fingers it only rendered a deep cut deep within its flesh.

Blake watched the vampires red eyes fluctuate from red to black and then the red color dimmed, leaving a permanent black eyes. 

For now at least. 

The reason for that was because he wanted blood to have its vampiric traits. But his blood drinking ordeal was being delayed and his body which seriously needed blood was changing drastically... it is like needing air to breath but cannot breath it in, meanwhile it's just right in front of them.

The vampire lunged at him with a force of twenty men and a terrifying shockwave spread instantly knocking Blake to the ground and the next minute, this vampire was in on him. 

Seems like it's desperation for blood pushed out his strength and that caught Blake off guard. Now its blackless eyes stared into Blake's blue ones, his fangs peeking out... 

and then trying to take a bite but Blake was quick to use his hand as wedge over the Vampire away from his already visible neck.

 The vampire's modified eyes were already seeing the soft tissues and blood flowing through his veins and seeing it alone made this vampire want to drink! 

But Blake held its head from moving down further. 

"You mother fucker, you cannot eat from me!" 

Blake snarled as he unbrandished the Azure blade only to stab inside the Vampire's soft body from behind which penetrated almost immediately and piercing his own skin. 

Blood seeped out even more from him making the vampire to become more deadly and fierce because the strong smell of the blood waft it's nostrills. 

Blake's hand holding onto the vampire began to groan and there the vampires strength increased almost suppressing Blake, its head bending towards Blakes neck, his hand not able to hold for much longer. Blake pulled out the Azure blade from the vampires soft body only to stab again making the vampires head to pull up from the pain. 

Before Blake could even blink, the vampires fangs grazed his neck ready to puncture it and Blake had to pull him up again making the vampire to growl in anger for not succeeding to collect blood since he was almost at his victory. 

All of its prey wasn't as hard as this or was it?


Immediately, positioning himself, the Night tide and Azure blade were hooked to the ground which helped pull him up throwing tne vampire against the wall close to the burning candles and it flinched. 

Blake saw the vampire getting up to it's feet only for it to recieve a fierce kick on the chest landing him back on the floor right on its back. 

And then with the Azure blade and the Night tide, he stabbed the right and left chest of the vampire only to pull out and stab again. 

The vampire shrieked loudly it's shrill voice resonating the dark labyrinth of the cave. 

The Azure blade leaving its chest only to pierce it eyes which burst open spewing black blood untill the vampire convulsed and then turning still indicating that it was dead.


As soon as Blake pulled his blades out of the Vampires body, the carvan suddenly turned sullen. 

Winds began blowing within making Blake to shudder. He immediately swinged his both blades ready to attack whatsoever that was causing the wind.


All of a sudden, minimalistic radiance gathered the cave and an orthodox crane appeared to view.


[Blake Listerio, you have been given a chance to become an immortal.]


The voice spoke out of tbe orthodox crane. The orthodox crane was the powers of the Underworld Groove 

...which goes to any mundane humans taken into the Underworld Groove out of sheer mistake. Sometimes the orthodox crane never bless the unlucky few but only few are lucky that including Blake.

The next minute, balls of energy with their different colors glimmered out of it with their hidden potentials, some good some bad. 

If you choose wrong you live wrong and what ever step you choose on these energies represents what you would be in the real world. 

After this selection, the Underworld powers will allow the human to roam the underworld, battle... untill the true nature of the energy he or she choosed is good to be taken with back to earth and if it is not, the unlucky one would remain trapped forever in the underworld with no way out. 

Was he supposed to choose one or what?

 Blake wondered as he glared at the energies which exudes excess power. 

They were four of them hovering. 

When Blake opened his hands to the energy glimmering with the color gold,

 it started to lower towards him only for Blake to close his palm as he watched the energy take back its position. 

The energies all looked enticing but really, which one would make him. He might end up with a dangerous power and would end up being trapped in the Underworld Groove for life so what would he do, they were enemies and battles which were laying all in wait just, battle battle battle.

 When would they all come to an end? Oh right, when he dies from his biggest threat, so ridiculous. 

Blake stared at the energies once more before trying to make his choice.